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Everything posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. MINMIN 1: YEAR 1, DAY 203 Where no ice cream has gone before! After several weeks of work, Beyond is ready to launch the first spacecraft to Minmus. After a failed public outreach attempt to get a name for our Minmus probe, our engineers have decided to call it the Minmin program, similar to Munmun. Minmin 1 isn't very extravagant, it's just an orbiter. The rocket that will be used will be the Kitten II rocket, as it's the only rocket powerful enough to lift a payload to a low Minmus orbit. Even so, there's still an engine on the probe itself (though that's also for various maneuvers too). The reason we don't want to send a lander just yet is because Kerbin's very best and brightest believe that Minmus is made out of ice cream, and that a spacecraft would just sink into the surface. However, we thought the Mun was made of cheese, and that was disproven. So maybe Minmus is made out of Mint rocks. Oh, but we want the ice cream! Point is, probe, send it, get science. Les go. Minmin 1, sitting on the pad. LKO confirmed. After Minmin 1 enters it's parking orbit, Mission control decides what to do next. Should they de-orbit, or should they go to Minmus? Minmin 1 is given the go for it's mission to Minmus. However, it will have to do certain maneuvers before hand. It'll have to do an inclination change to get onto Minmus's plain, making the Trans-Minmus Injection (TMI) burn much more efficient. Inclination change. After another orbit, Minmin 1 is go for TMI. Minmus approach. We've done it! We now have something in orbit of Minmus! Radio transmissions are coming back... it appears Minmus is very cold, backing up the ice cream hypothesis. Though it also appears to have a thin "atmosphere" of sorts. Dust, wait no, water vapor appears to be rising from it's surface. Wait, water? Water on Minmus? This may require further investigation. Until then though, mission control can sit back, relax, and celebrate the farthest thing from Kerbin at this point in time. Well, at least until the next Mun mission.
  2. Some pictures aren’t showing up for me. What image hosting sight are you using? Nevermind.
  3. MUNAR 3: YEAR 1, DAY 200 Mysterious as the dark side of the mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon! Crew: Debo, Danfal, Albert Beyond has decided to do one the riskiest landing possible: a landing on the munar far side. With no communications back to Kerbin, Mission control will have no idea what the crew are doing. If something goes wrong, they won't be able to know at all. This will leave all of Kerbin on the edge on their seats, as well as the crew on board. The mission will otherwsie be the same as all the others, an equatorial landing, but on the far side. If all goes well, the crew of this flight will be the first Kerbals to land on the far side of the Mun. This could be important for interplanetary travel, when comms blackouts will become a regular with the rotation of planets. After Munar 3 enters LKO, the crew and mission control talk amongst themselves as to what the best course of action for the flight should be, and where they should land. It's decided that they will land in a giant crater on the Mun's far side. The farside crater, as it's called. We know it's there, as pictures of it have been taken of it from Munmun 3. The crew will prform normal EVA activities on the surface, and to tell if there was possibly an accident on the surface, the crew must regain contact around a designated time. With evrything decided, a course for the Mun is plotted out, and the crew sit back for all that awaits them. As the crew descend to the Mun's surface, contact with the KSC is lost. Mission control can now do nothing but hope for the best. Meanwhile, the crew a seeing a sight more alien than seeing Kerbin from the Mun: not seeing Kerbin at all. Descent goes smoothly, and before the crew know it, their vessel is standing on the surface of the Mun. Wow, the narrator isn't kidding! Debo standing on the Mun's farside surface. She says after the flight that it's eerily silent without constant blabbering from mission control. Danfal is now also on the Mun's surface. All of the crew posing for the flag shot. And yes, Albert is a woman. Maybe she's trans? Standard surface practices. Liftoff from the munar surface. Munar orbital insertion burn. As connection is re-established with the KSC, mission control bursts into cheers. Beyond has proven that thet can put something on the Mun's farside, without the need for relay. Will we do it again? Probably not, but also we're running out of room to place flags on the Mun's surface. With the mission over, the crew prepare to head home, where a fairly nice gift basket is waiting for them. Re-entry into Kerbin's atmosphere. Parachutes deployed. Splashdown! Munar 3 has returned home! The crew say that the Mun's farside is nothing to write home about. There's no alien civilizations, no magical forests of unicorns, and no giant supermarket filled to the brim with snacks (we wanted the snacks one). No, it's just the same gray surface. Still, the feeling of being out of contact on the surface of another world is exhilarating, and several other crews want to go there as well. Beyond is talking about maybe having Munar 6 be another farside, as that would be a good way to end the Munar Program with a bang (hopefully not literally), but we still have yet to talk about that. For now, the crew of Munar 3 will hold the glory of being the only Kerbals on the Mun's farside.
  4. I tried the challenge myself, and made it to orbit with the rocket. I couldn't get the rocket to land at the KSC though. No matter how many times I tried, the rocket burned up on re-entry. Kerbin was encased by the Fuzzy Ooze. But I did create a replica of the battle. Using the glory of mods and the K-12 EVA Construction Welder, I was able to make it look like Splatoon 3's final boss! And it didn't require losing hours of my life! Mods Used: Attachable Rat: https://spacedock.info/mod/3061/Attachable Rat# Conformal Decals: Benjee10's Historical Kerbal Suits: Spoilers for Splatoon 3. Read at your own risk.
  5. Who knows when the next Nintendo Console will come out though. Typically their consoles come out every 10 or so years. I had the WiiU, which came out in (*frantically looks it up*) 2012, and the switch came out in 2017. Okay, so every 5 or so years, but I think Nintendo's gonna grind out the switch for as long as they can, especially since Splatoon 3 immediately got a TON of traction with the public. KSP 2 could be done development by the time the next console comes out, if not close too. So, sadly, KSP 2 releasing on the Switch or any future Nintendo console is nothing but a pipe dream .
  6. MUNAR 2: YEAR 1, DAY 178 There and back again... again. Crew: Lebro, Virsen, Bill Beyond once again prepares for another Mun landing. The mission profile is the same, go there, land, and return, but the launch vehicle has been updated... barely. All we did was just add preparations where there weren't any. The crew is comprised of our engineer, Bill Kerman, who is veteran kerbonaut, Virsen, who is also a veteran, and Lebro, who's a rookie kerbonaut, eagerly awaiting to get her boots covered in Mun dust. Stage 2 separation and ignition. Orbital insertion burn. Coasting period after TMI. High-space EVA. Munar braking burn. So long, stage 2. Munar 2's landing portion is now free to go down to the surface. while doing it's 1 orbit of the Mun, a landing site is picked out. It's on the western hemisphere, far from any crater. It fires its engines on the morning part of the Mun. De-orbit burn. Touchdown of Munar 2. Lebro Kerman has set foot on the Mun. Ceremonial flag planting, and one of my favorite screenshots. Historic Space golf! This time it's actually for science. CREW VERBAL LOG LEBRO KERMAN: All right, Bill. You get the lights, and deploy them about the landing. I want the flag and ship illuminated. Virsen, I want you to go find find Mun rocks we can pick up. Everyone understand? BILL KERMAN: Wait where do want them? VIRSEN KERMAN: She said she wants them at the flag and the ship. BILL KERMAN: Well that's not a nice word to say. LEBRO KERMAN: Flag and the SHIP you idiot! VIRSEN KERMAN: I vote we leave Bill on the Mun. Does anyone second? LEBRRO KERMAN: ME! GENE KERMAN: As tempting as it is to give that the green light, I'm afraid I can't let you do that. It's against protocol. Mun stone found. As Virsen goes off to find a mun rock to collect, Bill puts up lights around the landing site. Once he's done, he too decides to go out and explore the Munar surface. While not a big one, the crew did land by a crater, and he decides to go explore it. Flying into the crater. Surface shenanigans. After another 30 minute excursion, the crew get back on board Munar 2, activate the engine, and prepare for liftoff from the Munar surface. I forgot to get screenshots of the actual process of leaving the Mun, but really that part's not all that important to begin with. Munar 2 headed in on re-entry. Parachutes deployed. Recovery crews a very quickly sent out to pick up Munar 2. The crew report that from what they saw, the Mun's far side is not a lava covered, mountainous hellscape that everyone thought it was. It's decided that Munar 3 will be a farside landing mission.
  7. There's this weird glitch where a hexagonal prism appears when ever there's crew on a flight, and it multiplies with crew transfers. The hexagons even follow the Kerbals on EVA, and multiply when a Kerbal enters the Hatch. Not to mention, it's impossible to get by the hatches, especially in the Mk1 Command Pod.
  8. I’ve always wondered, how many space agencies are there in the world? We all know Russia has one, the EU has one, China has one (they’ve advanced a lot for 20 years) and I think America has one I’m not sure… but there has to be more. There’s so much junk in orbit that 4 agencies can’t possibly do all that.
  9. I apologize for the long hold on this thread, I just haven't been in much of a Kerbal mood recently. I'll try my best to keep to a daily update schedule.
  10. Simply the delivery of the first Minmus probe: Minmin 1. I won't show the whole mission, as that will be shown in my mission report. You know, when I get to it... Probe in Minmus orbit.
  11. I think the crater is leftover from the formation of Minmus or random asteroid impact. Not at all some Kerbal-killer. It definitely killed SOMETHING in Kerbin's past, and could explain why there is so little life there. It looks like the asteroid impact is only a few million years old, so the ancestors of Kerbals saw it happen. Maybe life is very scarce on Kerbin's surface, and also gets scared of Kerbals when they're nearby, which is why we don't see it. They'd be especially afraid if they Kerbals coming in on re-entry. If I saw a giant mechanical object fall from the sky near me, I'd run.
  12. 2) I played the new Kerbal Magic Program so you wouldn’t have to…
  13. I'm trying to compile a list of things I want for EXTREME KSP visual mods and KSP 2, with EXTREME revamps to planets surfaces. I already know I will want a RAM upgrade to 16GB, but I struggle with figuring out a processor and graphics card. I don't know if I want a Core i5 or i7, and I can't find a good graphics card because my knowledge of computers is very amateur. My computer is an HP Laptop model 15-dw3033dx, and I'm trying to find a graphics card that won't fry it, and a good enough processor.
  14. Oh, uhh... I don't know. That set of mods would completely destroy my computer. We're talking a mini Tungaska event.
  15. No, I don't. I play on the version from the Private Division Store. *gasp* Point is, if there is a way, I don't know it. I think your best bet is to download the mod from the forum, read the readme file, and then things should be straightforward. Also, you said clouds didn't appear, did you install Environmental Visual Enhancements? You need that to make clouds.
  16. Perhaps you have an older version of CKAN, or you're running KSP 1.12.4. Other than that, I can definitively say CKAN just crapped out, and all you have to do try to re-install it. Though, if you download it from the forum thread and look in the files, there's a handy-dandy little readme file that tells you how to install it and it's dependencies.
  17. MUNAR 1: YEAR 1, DAY 159 Munshot This mission will be two parts, because I got a teeny tiny bit carried away with the screenshots. As such this will be two parts. This part is the actual transfer to the Mun, and the second part is the landing and return to Kerbin. This is the second part. Crew: Jebediah, Bob, Valentina The crew report that they can now quite clearly see the Mun now. As they approach, Bob does another EVA to collect more science experiments, which really excites the scientists back home. The crew say that, while it is a bring gray rock, it's one of the most beautiful boring gray rocks they've ever seen. The view of Kerbin reminds them of how fragile their planet is, so they tell the people of Kerbin, "Stop draining Kerbin's resources! There's a perfectly fine body right here to drain!". Munar braking burn. Orbit achieved. EVA in munar low space. De-orbit burn to the Mun's surface. Final engine puffs. Successful touch down! Munar 1 is now standing upright on the munar surface! Mission control bursts into cheers, as Kerbals are now sitting on the surface of another world. From their window they report they can barely see Kerbin, as most of is shrouded in darkness. However, they see a very alien sight. A crescent Kerbin. Valentina states "I can see everyone from here, but I can't see what they're doing? What a bust." Jebediah, Valentina, and Bob all prepare for EVA, or the Munwalk. They put on their helmets and turn on their oxygen tanks, depressurize the capsule, and open the hatch. Jebediah taking it all in as he steps down the ladder. Jebediah has become the first Kerbal to walk on the surface of the Mun! Valentina stepping down the ladder, from Jebediah's point of view. After Bob steps off the ladder, all of the crew talk about what they should do. If they should return, or continue surface excursions. They pick the latter. The crew pose in front of the flag. Well, Bob does anyways. What would you even call that? Riveting words on the plaque. Bob, disguising it as a science experiment, shows off his golfing skills to Jebediah and Valentina. CREW VERBAL LOG GENE KERMAN: How's it going up there? JEBEDIAH KERMAN: Very finely. The Munwalk has gone to plan so far, besides Bob showing us his golf skills. GENE KERMAN: How were they? VALENTINA KERMAN: Oh, they sucked balls. Golf balls, to be precise. He miss swung 3 times before Jeb actually showed him how to do it. GENE KERMAN: Bob, how was this a science experiment? BOB KERMAN: It showed the ball arching in the low gravity. It was basically a little test on velocity in a different force of gravity, and see how gravity effects it. VALENTINA KERMAN: You can't get much valuable data if you can't hit the ball, can you? BOB KERMAN: Hey! VALENTINA KERMAN: You can't get mad at me for simply saying the truth. As Valentina puts up lights around the landing site, specifically at the flag and lander, Bob goes off and explores the Munar surface to try and find a rock to get samples of. No rocks worthy of study, but he did find a pretty big rock. Jeb had a tiny bit less luck finding a rock, as he accidentally hit one in the process. It was a glorious 30 minutes on the Mun's surface, but all good things must come to an end. Jebediah, Bob, and Valentina board the Munar 1 lander. Liftoff from the munar surface. Orbital insertion burn. Burn back to Kerbin. Munar 1 flew into the atmosphere at a speed near 3,000 m/s. A huge fireball appeared around the whole capsule. Parachutes deployed. Splashdown! The crew have successfully returned from the munar surface, bringing back a ton of science and surface samples. The dust got all over their suits, and they have no idea how to get it out. They decide the best thing to do is to simply bear the crap out of suits, thereby beating the dust out. The only issue is, we don't know if the dust if toxic or not. So we don't know if beating the suits is a good idea. The kerbonauts will also be put into quarantine, in case they brought back a Mun disease. We don't want the corny movies to be real. The crew themselves are expecting several boxes of chocolates, and R&D has agreed to give each crew member ONE Mun rock. If you lose it, you don't get another. Already though, the space center gets ready to launch the next Mun mission, Munar 2, in 20 days. Obviously, we move in predictable patterns, but we run on a very tight schedule here.
  18. MUNAR 1: YEAR 1, DAY 159 Munshot This mission will be two parts, because I got a teeny tiny bit carried away with the screenshots. As such this will be two parts. This part is the actual transfer to the Mun, and the second part is the landing and return to Kerbin. This is, quite obviously, the first part. Crew: Jebediah, Bob, Valentina All of Kerbin sits in front of their television sets with anticipation, as Kerbalkind is about to launch their way to the Mun. Jebediah has been picked to take the famous first step on the surface, followed b Valentina and last but not least, Bob. They'll be launched atop a Tendagurensis Rocket, the most powerful rocket ever built. Powered by a mighty Mammoth Engine and 8 Kickback Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs), it literally blows up it's launch on launch. The landing craft itself is a direct ascent. Docking technology was proposed, but that would require many more missions, and end up with a Mun landing a longer time away then what we want. The rocket is rolled out to launchpad in mid morning, as the crew anxiously waits atop the rocket. Munar 1 on the launch pad. T- 10, 9, 8, 7 ,6 ignition sequence start... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, liftoff! Liftoff on Munar 1! Starting roll sequence. Booster separation. Stage 1 separation. Orbital insertion burn into a 100x100 km orbit. Orbit confirmed. FLIGHT VERBAL LOG JEBEDIAH KERMAN: It's been a long time since we've been up here mission control. The view never gets old though. GENE KERMAN: Glad to here, Munar 1. Valentina, do you report any difficulties that could halt the flight at all? VALENTINA KERMAN: No CAPCOM, I report nothing. Systems look good. What's our trajectory going to look like for TMI? GENE KERMAN: I don't know, ask Bob. He's the numbers guy. BOB KERMAN: Really? You're calling on me? Ugh, fine. What we want to do is predict when the Mun is just over the horizon, and start burning there, with a few little adjustments to fine tune it. Mission control can take hand of that. GENE KERMAN: Yeah, were uh... 100% up to date on what we need to do. BOB KERMAN: Then why did you ask me how to- wait, you don't know how to do this?! Our lives are in your hands and you don't know how to this operation?! When I come back I'm going to rip out yo- pei- and- The transmission appears to have just mysteriously cut out for non-censorship reasons. Oh well, I'm sure audiences will understand that they were simply trash talking. I think. Uhh... TMI burn. Stage 2 separation. Bob does a little EVA about half to the Mun, preforming various science experiments. As he's floating in aptly named "space chair", he states "This not a typical lawn chair view, I think". Wise words. Munar 1 makes it's way to the Mun over the course of one day. They snack, play board games they brought along, and sleep in perhaps the most uncomfortable sleeping conditions ever. The capsule is very tiny, and three Kerbals is a lot Kerbals to be stuffed into a tiny capsule. They do have a lot of room to move about inside though. I guess floating around up there, they have their... ups and downs. Get it? Not funny? Okay, I'll stop.
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