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Everything posted by Vortygont

  1. I'm looking forward to it a lot, sick of the engines going through the interstages and the fairings not interacting with the rocket in any way at weak separation
  2. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7 9750H | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 | RAM: 16 GB I have my clouds set low which makes them look flat. As soon as I get to a certain altitude the clouds in some close radius are no longer visible and only appear when I go above them. Also after this they're getting worse visibility. You can see this effect in the attached video approximately at 9-10 second. In the right part of video you can see clouds are still vivsible in long distance when you can't see them in short distance You can try to reproduce this launching simple craft as in video with low clouds Included Attachments: Coudsmissing.mp4
  3. 1.875 m parts Persistent rotation during timewarp Asteroids, comets with tails, physical asteroids and rocks in planet rings Hydrolox engines, not only hydrogen nuclear Better rendering of enviromental props in high dictances Distant giant objects like OAB, space stations, colonies are visually rendered at long distances. Sattelites and planets can be seen as flares [Distant Object Enhancement ksp1 mod] Relativistic effects during interstellar flights The eighth planet in Kerbol system which is so far away in orbit and has weird inclination that it's pointless to fly to it using Hohman transfer Aerostats and balloons for atmospheric research e.g. for Jool Direct dependence of colony welfare on infrastructure in orbit: communication satellites, imaging satellites, telescopes, etc.
  4. I had the same assumption and also noticed that my fps was significantly improved when I set clouds to low
  5. @Scarecrow71 Did you try to drop clouds setting, if you have low fps in atmosphere than maybe clouds could take resources
  6. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7 9750H | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 | RAM: 16 GB MERGE THIS REPORT PLEASE I dropped plane in the pond near KSC and noticed that jet engine J-404 "Panther" still worked. In the video you can see some nuances. Sound of engine plays even if engine is in water but only when camera is out of the water. Expected that even if engine would work in the water it wouldn't have any sounds regardless of camera position Included Attachments: Jetinthewater.mp4 .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  7. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7 9750H | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 | RAM: 16 GB When I tried to change the length of the attached TOOB part through the part manager, instead of staying in place part shifted not only vertically but also horizontally. I have attached a video with bug Reproduction: Attach TOOB part to any other part Through part manager change its length and see result Included Attachments: TOOBbug.mp4 .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  8. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7 9750H | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 | RAM: 16 GB I also had this bug several times. I attached video, explanatory picture and craft file where I reproduced it. You can see in video that some pairs of RCS don't work with any directions of rotation. In the picture I painted certain RCS which doesn't work. To reproduce this youu can launch attached craft to LKO, turn on RCS and watch what RCS don't work Included Attachments: SomeRCSsetsdontwork.mp4 ManyRCS.json
  9. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7 9750H | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 | RAM: 16 GB I connected monofuel tank to my craft with methalox KS-25 main engines and I was surprised, because dV increased. I connected monofuel and hydrogen tanks and in all cases dV increased like if I connected methalox tanks. Obviously the dV must decrease because the KS-25 engines don't use mono and hydrogen fuels and these fuels remain as cargo. The game doesn't seem to distinguish between fuels when calculating dV You can see process in attched video, where after attaching tanks dV in right part of screen increasing. For any cases I also attached craft Included Attachments: IncorrectdVcalculatorbehaviour.mp4 Spaceplane-1mk1.json
  10. I encountered this bug when I launched craft not from VAB but from menu with all buildings. So to reproduce it you can try to launch vehicle by selecting launch table right after loading campaign from main menu
  11. I had this bug when my rover under fairing descended on Duna. But drag reappeared not after loading/saving but after I staged the fairing
  12. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7 9750H | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 | RAM: 16 GB Inflatable heat shield "HS-I Deluxe" doesn't have bottom no | RAM: 16 GB I noticed that one of my front control surfaces (left) doesn't work, but another works as it should. I tried to change settings of this control surface, but it didn't work. After this I loaded this save again and it didn't work again. Same I can say about RCS engines which is placed on top of spaceplanes near back metalox engines. They didn't work. I attached save file, craft file and video, you can try to load save and see if these begin work Included Attachments: Bugwithcontrolsurface.mp4 Spaceplane-1.json Savewithcontrolsurfacebug.json .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  13. Really I didn't see what caused it. This looks very strange and very unpleasantly
  14. I also noticed rescaled incorrectly icons and wanted to do report about this, but here it is
  15. I thought about another application. You can use impostor system also for rocks in planet rings!
  16. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7 9750H | GPU: GeForce GTX 1650 | RAM: 16 GB Inflatable heat shield "HS-I Deluxe" doesn't have bottom node. For this reason it's very hard to use it like heay shield. This shield had bottom node in KSP1, but there is no node in KSP2. I don't see any reason to delete this and believe that devs wouldn't remove bottom node for any particular purposes and just forgot to add this. Attached picture for better understanding Included Attachments: Link to report for
  17. I saw this issue so much times. This also happens with wings and decoupler interstages which is procedural
  18. It is good that you said about driving and flight sims. In impostors' description in the link was said, that this system doesn't work well as expected with these types of game because of fast-paced camera movement. System will regenerate impostors for new angle of view every time it changes significantly. But I believe that for KSP2 is nuance. I suggest to generate impostors for far distant props. You need to drive over planet surface of a significant distance to change angle of view to regenerate impostors, with flight above surface impostors' regeneration will happen more but not significantly. The same can be said for an overhead view of the scenery, such as landing. So I think that it isn't big problem if you use impostor for distant objects
  19. While playing KSP2 I noticed more than once the prop loading that really takes the immersion out of it. Often while landing on a planet I see a circular area of props with quite clear boundaries expanding below me in real time. And after landing, you can see this picture Because of the far distance to the horizon, the beauty of the scenery is compromised, because the prop generation area is smaller than this distance. Ideally, the player expects to see rocks to the horizon. But this is not physically feasible due to performance limitations. That's why the Unity impostors comes to the rescue https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/impostors-runtime-optimization-188562 In simple words instead of generating 3d meshes, the impostor system generates a 2d sprite of your object, which requires less resources. The sprite of the object is practically indistinguishable from itself at a far distance. So you can increase the drawing distance and the number of objects on the scene with minimal impact on performance. Stones on the scene do not have exotic complex geometry and their sprites can be generated without problems and be indistinguishable even at some smaller drawing distance than now Now during landing props will be rendered earlier and smoothly increase in detail as they approach the surface so that the moment of abrupt transition of the prop to the drawing radius will not be noticeable. Landscapes on planets will become more picturesque, because with greater rendering range will increase the number of small details in the picture and increase realism of scene
  20. What do you mean by multi-strut? Is this spring physics or something else It is the same feature as autostrut but with additional resource and mass penalties. I think that body physics must be clear without additional menu
  21. In KERB [9/14] were bugs "Massive framerate drop when looking at planet in low orbit" and "Surface Rendering Fragment Shaders Are Inefficient" and they were merged. But in KERB [10/4] there is only "Inconsistent Framerate During Launch " bug. Its status said: These bugs in status description relate to bug "Surface Rendering Fragment Shaders Are Inefficient" or it is for other bugs or it is other bugs + surface rendering. Because I don't understand why "Surface Rendering Fragment Shaders Are Inefficient" disappeared from this KERB and there is no its status
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