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Everything posted by Vortygont

  1. I landed on distinctive impact crater on Mun. There was inaccurate surface grid and on screenshot you see that lander floated above surface (spoiler) But it also began to slide down an inclined surface apparently at a rate of 0.1 m/s. I think this made the game think that the machine was flying and it counted the orbit. That's why the nodes behaved like the one in the gif: You see all signs that craft landed, I could do timewarp as stationary landed spacecraft, but there were still ap and pe
  2. Yes, eye icon on engine plate fairings toggle transparency, unlike ordinary fairings
  3. I think this is designed with the expectation that the parts will not behave correctly if they cross each other, so if you clip the parts, you may have a problem. But I think you should allow the parts to be clipped by the fairing, but a warning about this is necessary I'm sure that fairings aren't programmed completely and can't decouple rightly. They were programmed after decoupling to freely pass through parts to avoid bugs for now. It will be well to get rid of this problem soon I loose this feature very much, and don't want to use tube instead fairings. Tubes must be tubes and you must be able to attach something to their walls, which you can't do yet If memory serves me right, in KSP 2 you can do something like that with fairings, but the attachment point must be strictly the bottom of the tank and not the side of the tank, check that In the end, I believe that in any case, the current fairing implementation would not be final, but you need to understand how and what needs to be fixed
  4. I had a bug, where my solar panels are blocked by nothing. You see in video and in screenshot that panels are in open space, by all visual indications they should open and close freely, but game thinks that they are blocked. And I can't catch reason of this bug
  5. There is no transparency, it just open one half of fairing in 2x case, and it doesn't become transparent. In other cases, the view is better because most of the fairing is ajar
  6. I came up with this idea when I wanted to edit my spacecraft under x2 fairing. Problem that I didn't see craft because fairing blocked my view. Fairing opening depends on camera and cursor positions, and this system doesn't work well. For example half of x2 fairing still blocks view, while other half jerks sharply and blocks view if you zoom very much. If fairings were transparent, these problems would be solved easily and craft editing would become much comfortable
  7. It will be very pleasable, if all launch clamps would be deleted after craft launch. There is no reason to leave them after launch, because you its single purpose to hold your craft before liftoff. The current situation annoys me when they are just trash taking up space that makes me waste my time sometimes
  8. I had these bugs, when wings and stabilizers detach from craft for no reason. Try to remove active surfaces from stabilazers and look what happends. I have a theory that this bug is connected with active surfaces, but I don't have proofs
  9. The docking ports are embedded inside the craft, which causes subsequent bugs, undocking problems, and RUDs. Docking ports are much more wobbly than other parts, under different influences they behave like springs. After speeding up time and loading saves, they almost always end up located inside parts. Below you can see an example of this bug, where the ports are embedded in the craft (under spoiler) And here is video, where you can see typical behaviour of docking ports
  10. Add bottom connection node for inflatable heat shield, because this option was in KSP1. In KSP2 inflatable heatshield doesn't have this node, and it's so uncomfortable to use it like regular heat shield and make crafts with it. So it is so difficult to build suitable craft with inflatable heatshield on its bottom, because you can't connect lower stage to shield. I can't imagine how to make concept of reusable engine compartment of ULA Vulcan rocket
  11. It's highly likely that docking ports are still under development and can be improved in the future, but now it feels uncomfortable for me Firstly, you can choose needed accuracy for docking in settings, so if you have a long distance set in the settings, you do not need to touch your docking port to the target. Your craft will automatically fit in place of the docking port-target. With this mechanic you can control docking fully, because you don't exactly now when and where your craft will be docked. Sometimes in my cases it spawned kraken for vehicles with many parts. I understand that it was made for beginners who doesn't yet know how to dock accurately, but this will not solve the problem of their inexperience. I think that will be better to make the docking ports attracted to each other like in KSP1, and in settings you will choose attraction distance. In this case you always know, that docking ended if port touched target, and it won't look confusing for all players Secondly, docking port parts feel wobblier than other parts and docked big crafts often twitch really hard. Also had bugs when docking ports overlaps each others and were destroyed after undocking. Maybe this problem will be solved with solving of wobbly problems with rocket
  12. What challenge for this week, ha? (Okay, this challenge logicaly and obviously will be the most probable)
  13. Yes, I want this feature too. But for rendering many distant objects in some cases I think Impostor unity system is better, because I saw several its reliable realizations https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/amplify-impostors-119877 You see in video realisation with trees (left part) and I believe it is very effective. But I don't know how it'll be done in KSP2 case, will they use Impostors or LOD realization, I'm not graphic engineer
  14. Primary: Launch Starship to the orbit Stretch: Launch Starship to the orbit and successfully land Superheavy and Starship near KSC Jeb Level: Land Superheavy without RUD, make flyby around the Mun by Starship and return to KSC as one part Val Level: Transport as many kerbals as you can by Starship to Duna! Take them out of the landed vehicle and take a picture together with the Starship. And don't forget about Superheavy!
  15. 1) While interplanetary flight kerbal portarits are hollow It doesn't disappear after reloading save or swithcing to map view and back, but after entering if planet sphere of influence 2) After docking 2 crafts, portraits of kerbals, who was on active (controlled) vessel, became gray and these kerbals didn't be on their seats in right top corner kerbal window. So you could see a seat, but not kerbal with gray portrait, who must be there This problem disappeared after reloading save after docking
  16. https://discovery.researcher.life/article/a-fusion-propelled-transportation-system-to-produce-terrestrial-power-using-helium-3-from-uranus/334a70a954043a67a5b3c6f89a39c86d According to the article еhe lunar regolith contains up to 15.1 parts per billion He3, while Uranus' atmosphere has 15,000 parts per billion He3. It is proposed to process atmospheric gases in a flying factory, obtaining Helium-3 from them. The cargoes will be lifted into space by a direct-flow shuttle, the construction of which I don't really understand. I know that flying colonies are not in priority until maybe 1.0 release, but it is very interesting and extraordinary way to use gas giants, as Jool and others in different star systems
  17. Vortygont

    ladder bug

    I had this bug on game version
  18. Ver [] I also metioned this. Also I had cases when after docking two crafts in kerbal manager some portraits were gray and these kerbals were not displayed in right up corner
  19. In KSP1 manuver planner were + and - orbit buttons. You could choose time of manuver by selection of certain passes, so you could delay manuver for certain time. It is very useful for planning ahead optimal hohmann transfers and vehicle interception
  20. Add shrouds for solid boosters in KSP2, because this capability was in KSP1. Now you are unable to make solid rocket upper stages, but I in KSP1 made several rockets with 3-4 serial solid stages as some vehicles in real life. I don't want to miss some creative solutions for early stages of campaign and in general As proof I found rocket with serial solid stages, because I don't want to reinstall KSP1 https://kerbalx.com/LaytonVu226/solid-science
  21. My interplanetary craft after time warp began to rotate, even its center of mass was on thrust line, even also engine had gimbal and craft had gyrodine. But when I set 1x timewarp, game didn't let me to turn off engine and said that timewarp is more than 1x UPD: I changed trusses to cargo bays, and it started fly normaly without unexpected rotation and another bug
  22. I had similar bug in version and I probably realised what casues it. In VAB try to set assembly anchor on upper stages or capsule, this bug can disappear. When I set anchor on first stage of my rocket, camera drifted away after staging, but when I changed it to control probe, camera didn't follow decoupled stage
  23. According graphics EA dev post, they plan to bring the game up to Unity’s modern renderer, HDRP. Except for the features stated here, which probably suits for KSP2 graphics, like immersive lighting and enriched worldbuilding, I think one of the most notable could be a spectacular atmosphere. Just look at those These clouds can suit for Kerbin or Laythe, it would be interesting to see how it could be implemented for Jool, other future gas giants and Eve Do you think the introduction of HDPR (in common meaning, not only clouds for example) will happen in the medium term, parallel to the CBT, or a little earlier/later? Even if we pretend that the most important bugs were fixed
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