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  1. Google Translate is very good for these things This translates to
  2. It's pretty simple to build it. Everything snaps together via nodes.
  3. For me, its every other time lmao.
  4. @JonnyOThan sorry to bother you, but I wanted to ask you two things: 1. Would it be possible to add the BDB LM Iva to the LM taxi ascent stage? 2. I was wondering if you would be able to make a ksa iva for the new x-15 that cobaltwolf is making for BDB?
  5. Sorry that this isn't in the right thread, but how is kats coming along? I have some ideas that involve the Saturn parts and shuttle III
  6. Ok thanks, I tried deleting anything after the parachute module in the ventral fin cfg, and that allowed me to load the game yesterday.
  7. What should i delete in the config? Mine stops loading when it starts up and it gets stuck on the ventral fin
  8. Nice... would an optional ksa iva be possible for this?
  9. rogerwang did recently add a c-5 galaxy aircraft mod to his github page... but the aircraft has no iva, and it becomes uncontrollable when you switch to the PCR iva and back.
  10. I'm still trying to find a way to side-decouple superheavy boosters like the falcon heavy. Surface attach won't cooperate tho
  11. Here is my log(sofiebrink already informed me on discord that I have 241 thousand exceptions in my log. Not sure why tho ) KSP.zip
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