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Dunas Only Moon

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Everything posted by Dunas Only Moon

  1. 1. resolved by resetting, and... 2. why would i terminate this (sorry im late i forgot about this
  2. Oh, add some RCS thrusters too, it would be very hard to dock without it
  3. Actually since the colonies are being added in the years to come, i would really like those as it can give us some colonies before 1.0.0 releases
  4. I want some of the old dlc parts please, not much to ask but it seems really cool especially for Ksp 2
  5. Im one of those players! That is my setup! and as a console player i cant get used to this
  6. console docking is hard as no mods to help m but also got to planets in year intervals,
  7. Yep! (I added the fuel lines) , put the docking port on top and side parachutes. use any launcher as the launcher has too much delta v (12K, so you will be using the 2nd stage when docking lol) and it should probaly make it as it has extra fuel tanks
  8. Winter owl. Btw: it is just a mk 1 with fl 400(?) and 2 side fl200(? (now i play ksp 2)) with a nose cone on the fl 400(?) with 2 terriers and some batteries/panels (Console is ksp 1.11 so use the 1x6) with docking ports and parachutes
  9. Fyi: it does work for docking and it is multiple launch AND it has a optional lander instead 1. you can export photos But... 2. it only does platforms like twitter and facebook (i do not have and do not want an account)
  10. Um, hate to break it to you but i am a console ksp player (PS4) but it is a launcher (the base can be put in lko but you need to remove the mining module and the gear) and the base is meant to be either a station or a base
  11. It is called the MLO(Mun lander one) and im using it to make base (Rocket's name is the Ratat 1) I can make a partnership with you (i use Owl agency flag)
  12. So im a console player (stock obviously) and around early march i got ksp 2. I would love tips for docking and the new Mun. I have played since 0.90 and then got to all the planets in 1.9 but never learned docking (i never even tried quicksaving as i though it was cheating)
  13. Finaly found it! I would like a Easy mode (sorry for so low its because i play console)
  14. I dont wanna be stupid but is it true the stock ksp 1 parts are compatible with ksp 2? (other than removed items)
  15. 1. i can also do ksp 1 challenges, and 2. ksp 2 is not legendary as people say, its like ksp 1 but with graphics and more bugs.
  16. I think its a bug too, it might be a placeholder for an ocean. but would you like to do the challenge?
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