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Dunas Only Moon

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Everything posted by Dunas Only Moon

  1. you are all wrong. the uppie/downie method is when you point prograde at launch, as it is the only one that points up on the navball
  2. Welcome to the fourm, i have had this before but it has reduced to 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 fps and i just restarted my pc and it worked. try restarting.
  3. Ok, this might be your staging and other things like the way of your fuel. try checking if your staging changed
  4. Hi, a former linux user (switched to windows for mods and the sort), i think this would help all linux users with ksp 2.
  5. Honestly, this has gone too far, if we dont get mods, at least keep us up to date on updates! Either add all the new stuff but on console, or add a mod section if not... RIOT WE SHALL RIOT
  6. Everything below this line is starting page 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Nice update, but now for ours: We have created a space station for low munar orbit... and it is now even being tested for duna, and it will be ready in around 2-3 weeks! (4-10 days)
  8. oh, i am winter owl , but i am on console so i cant post kerbal x stuff, but i can tell him the craft details
  9. oh, im a vanilla player so i dont know (at all) how to mod, so i dont know much about the mods on anything other than curseforge, sorry if i offended anyone under the age of ten
  10. Welcome to the forum, @Little 908! Yes there are only 62 mods, they are not too good but im hoping for some re-entry heating in one of them (ok that was a joke, you are not new, we all know you are more popular than me)
  11. yes! i lost so many encounters due to this feature! @Nate Simpson, remove this please
  12. Late, Very late to the party but here is mine: I was a console player back in '18 and i didnt know about 3 things. staging, how to open up part menus, and what was a "size", so i tried building a rocket. i first put on a mk 1-3(?) on top of a fl-200 tank, needless to say i hated it so i got a new rocket and tried adding the same command pod but to a plane fuel tank, and added some radial engines. oh i added a science thing (i think a telescope). i crashed it so many times. and then i tried the mun launcher. took years to get to the mun, i saw it as a big rock that was catching me and smashing into me, now i see it as a place to throw bases whenever i have more than one minute of free time
  13. N 8 B) just feel like chaos today! Edit: HELP ME @tajwo!!!!! ------------------------------------- It's been 5 minutes B) N 7 bwahahahahah!!!!! Edit: oop, it bugged so it merged with my first one!
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