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Dunas Only Moon

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Everything posted by Dunas Only Moon

  1. Hi.. stolen from @kspnerd122, dont get mad though please! READ THE RULES BEFORE ASKING So here are the difficulties Easy mode will give: Mun, Minmus (single launch) Normal mode: Duna, Ike, Sun orbit, Eve rover ,(multiple launches for all) Hard mode: Jool, Jool moons, Eve return, Piolet mode: All planets, Jool land and return (for ksp 1, enter atmosphere then return) , entering Sun atmosphere and returning ,1 launch bases,(Some are multiple, some are single launch) Nasa mode: Insanely hard missions like making a single launch I.S.S Gtx 480 mode: If you have a low end pc, use this mode and whatever mode you want (much harder) Rules: 1. F12 for everything other than piolet and nasa mode 2. No using downloaded creations 3. No infinite anything, crash damage on (joints unbreakable is fine) Victors: None?
  2. Boys! I have an idea: we take a ton of methalox and put that in the train, then we will get a time machine, if you ever wanna go back then just add some hydrogen
  3. Ok.. I dare you to make a single launch eeloo mission. This should be easy too.
  4. Launched an small station into LKO and then proceded to not use it ever again (i suck at docking)
  5. @kspnerd122 Hit me! Ksp 2 , getting used to pc so i will use easy mode. Mods: None. Plain stock ksp 2. Edit: No new moons/planets. just ksp 1 with graphics/buggier Edit 2: I realy suck at docking so... it might be a challenge
  6. Mission accomplished: Ksp has released? (very childish in my opinion but good) Edit: Oh. KSP released on the 24th so yall were talking 2 years before release
  7. Re install? maybe try restarting too? something up with software. happened to me too, so i turned off my new pc, and deleted ksp 2. re loaded it and it worked fine (as in, happened to me too, it just crashed when i loaded a campain). oh and try storage. maybe you are at the maximum storage so the game cannot get past that.
  8. Try making ssto's to places like the mun, minmus and my favorite, duna. but make them small, not big like that first one. im kinda late to this so my apoligies.
  9. Yes if you are able to get enough speed (jet engine), or enough engines/lower mass (ion engines). another thing is the ion engines are ineficient especialy in ksp 2, so you will need a very small battery, seat,xenon fuel tank and a engine (obviously) and maybe a ramjet plane to get high up. so get that ramjet high up and deploy the 2 maybe 3 if you feel rowdy engined ion plane. make sure you are high and fast, and get that thing to orbit. never tried it but im hoping it works
  10. Have you ever played ksp 1? it seems you changed the audience from everyone (kids to adults) to young children only. but why did you change the audience?
  11. Fairing will expand and bug around if i turn on fairing expansion. please fix that @Nate Simpson
  12. Should i use controllers? I play Ksp 1 on the PS4 and im wondering. should i get a new controller, stick with the old one, or just use mouse and keyboard?
  13. OK i have to say this... More wings, more blades, and last but not least... less drag. try using a shroud as a nose
  14. Interstellar, i would love to see if there is a "deep space" where you are nowhere and in a random area or if just you point towards that sun and it is like a divided area between them where you can go between them in seconds. and especialy the science i would love to see that!
  15. Ok... 1. I know R.A.P.I.E.R's dont work on eve and they are for takeoffs only. 2. Yes... i know about you wanting to test propellors but they will not and cannot fly on their own. 3. if you want atmospheric flight, use nuclear engines and MAYBE propellors. Dont use propellors for takeoff on eve as they will barely fly you upwards.
  16. Wait for it to load. it is a weird issue. if it does not work then you might need to refund it
  17. Hi again. So technicaly there are many problems. 1. Bad wings: There are many wings you can use, also, dont refrain from using the move/rotate tool. 2. Weak engines: You have too weak engines and if i were you i would add some rapiers using a radial attachment point or a bi-coupler, also try making it smaller and adding nuclear engines/mining posts to increase range. 3. Lose some weight: Use cargo bays and try using more efficient engines with maybe, just maybe, some mining equipment, try adding radiators. FYI: I dont speak spanish, and i am on the PS4 too, i hope this helped!
  18. Actualy if you get your burn right, you can get an encounter with duna while in the SOI of kerbin. So you dont orbit the sun, rather you are on a sub orbital trajectory
  19. Uhm... it seems that it is not on google play. what is its name if it is something else?
  20. So... As i am on the ps4 i am having trouble playing after coming from eeloo. a "prodobodyne experiment control station" from my storage is still there... so how am i supposed to fix this? even in the main menu. please help! Also... this was when eeloo and jool were close so i could see jool as a small dot. please help
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