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Dunas Only Moon

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Everything posted by Dunas Only Moon

  1. currently doing a mini 1 launch station, just got to get my ps4 back and running oh forgot to say that we are working on a better tourist craft that should be done by [NEXT INGAME YEAR], and is currently making it more cheaper and comfortable, we are now working on making our crafts for the "rich people" with only 2 trillion dollars Edit: when does the poll end?
  2. Hi, so i play console ksp, and i bought a pc for ksp 2, and now im 3 trophy away from beating it 100 percent (actualy 4 because i need the master trophy only to get it) and im currently only left with docking, landing at the pad, and getting back from space (im confused, as i have gone to all planets and recovered) . oh and you read that right, docking. i have gone to eeloo, gone past moho (moho was easy for some reason) but i have never, in my whole career have i had those throphies, any tips? also im doing the landing at the pad.
  3. Cool, looks good, maybe it could be used for a mun mission or even more, maybe try adding bigger solar panels. 9,5/10 (you forgot the nosecone on the bottom but thats fine)
  4. oh, my mistake, i misread the post, apparently, it would fling anything in the field into deep deep space, as gravity is what holds things down, and because the earth, the sun, and the milky way are all moving, you would be flung into the unknown. so unless you find the perfect amount of this unobtainium to fling you perfectly into space (maybe a microgram [or is that too much ]) to get you low enough to be in earths gravity well, and high enough to get yourself out of the atmosphere, so it might cost just as much as being teleported high up without any speed. Edit: every atom would vaporize and also be teleported far out
  5. Ok, gravity is what holds things together, without it, we would die. End of thread
  6. Cool picture, but why is there a green and a teal(?) dot in the image? is that a background planet mod?
  7. Is cursing allowed? if not, can we curse in other languages?
  8. Hi again, we have an idea with this "moho" probe, try taking a insertion stage below the final stage, and use that to insert into moho (make sure it has a lot of dV), and use the probe as a "maybe, maybe not" lander, if the insertion stage does not work, try the final "maybe" lander
  9. Went back to nostalgic ksp 1 for a bit, launched a kerbal x, re entered the atmosphere at 200 times escape velocity and survived
  10. Not a unity user but i think if you change the homeworld to 0 and dont let anything be a homeworld, the game will reset the values
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