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Dunas Only Moon

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Everything posted by Dunas Only Moon

  1. oh, i guess i kinda dumb. i mean its a bit childish with the voices but im dead wrong, i just dont know anymore
  2. No thats mean, dont eat them they did nothing
  3. i got one, just dont make it so that it moves me to a megathread pls just look at the style and voiceovers that sounds not nice. :(
  4. was trying to reply to a thread about planets, its because i was planning to get to duna, and ike. ike in ksp 1's achivement list for playstation is dunas only natural moon, but i remembered badly
  5. mispell the username? ok! da usurname
  6. cmon lets get 2 pages, please, i want to be pro NINTENDO SWITCH IS THE BEST SWITCH SWATCH (trying to help start it just in case)
  7. banned for being alive ahhhh. the joys of banning!
  8. gonna take me a while, got to find the computer space i have no space i guess i must delete... the game oh and turns out that was my playstation game, not the pc :O oops yea this is gonna take me a while... help me
  9. hooray good game other person who im too lazy to go up posts to see name, also i remember when this was 3 pages, not six, nice job man oh and i am the kerman
  10. because the tutorials have cartoony feelings and... just look at them yourself also dont remove my thread and post it onto a chain, it ruins the chance of me finding it Edit: that was for mod
  11. Coming soon... a dumb thread about my faliures and my successes... Coming after i find out how to get my images without imgur. should be ready after the end of the month but i tend to procastinate, a lot. also this is a dumb comedy too, and i should be doing this realisticly, without any mods. no mods at all not even mods that can help me. thanks for your support that i dont know will happen or not happen credits: comedy part: @Dunas Only Moon (me) based on: @Kerbalsaurus's space thing thread by: @Dunas Only Moon the spoiler ruins 1 thing and an aspect of comedy
  12. i cant get the achivement, how do i? ive gone to every planet please help
  13. i think that they made it too childish by removing stuff that might be deemed not so good for kids, but i think they took it too far with the tutorials, its much more made for little kids, i ask that they remove the childish parts, please @Nate Simpson why is your game made for kids? sorry for ping
  15. nice! currently starting the space station, codename "X launch station" Edit: forgot to say that we are also making it so we can be the first craft with a kerbal in deep space (possibly only 2-8 days in deep space but... we shall see) Edit 2: we are designing a new craft to be side by side "X launch station" we call, "Deep Space X" (both names are tbd, and so is release date)
  16. just change the text in quotes, no nsfw or rule breaking stuff, im not getting this thread shut or getting banned. mods dont take down plssss i have now started the trend aggain, no take down pls good to know my friend (above was example) Rules: 1. no adult 2. be nice, no using quotes to say "i hate this server" 3. have fun, not having fun will result in sad face 4. all replies must have quotes, and must be changed, ie: "i like dwayne the rock johnson" could be turned into "me like rock dude" 5. if break rule 1 or 2 i will be banned or this will be shut down also NO SPAM YOU MUST NOT SPAM OR TRY GET ME BANNED, YOU COULD GET PEOPLE BANNED FOR THEIR QUOTES IF THEY ARE FAR ENOUGH AHEAD BE NIIIIICE
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