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Dunas Only Moon

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Everything posted by Dunas Only Moon

  1. Rest in peace to kerbal space program 1, you will be missed dearly.
  2. Hello, @Kerbalsaurus Kerman, we are currently working on a station for low Mun orbit that will open the chance for private landings and bases alike! But we dont have too much support for this, we can send you our blueprints once they are done if you agree to this From your parnter, @Dunas Only MoonKerman.
  3. So it crashed before i could get a picture but the game teleports me to -599 kilometers every time i pause with timewarp on. i cant fix it no matter what i do. Also they get a ton of g forces and get sick Please help me, this is gamebreaking Edit: i was able to get back and recover them... they pulled a couple trillion g's
  4. the only purpose of the updates is to make sure that the game is playable, so @Nate Simpson does need some praise for giving us so many bug fixes. by the way the bugs are getting removed. and fast, so lets be happy for these quick, big updates
  5. I tried resetting my game, but it didnt work. the only way i could fix it is by making a new save. you need to delete that save. also, try winging it with the node , works for me!
  6. Oh so you are russian? You might need to change the language to english, as it is the language that the game is meant for
  7. Self-explanatory, i can't really do much as my fps is dropping below 1... i had to close the game so i could not get any screenshots.
  8. Yes, i had it before the patch (when it stayed for a minute and then changed), try restarting the game. if that does not work, just restart your new pc. can i have the specs too? it might also be a computer issue
  9. @Nate Simpson , please, i beg of you, remove the timewarp sliding up instead of snapping to the timewarp setting i want, i have missed 12 encounters, 4 transfer windows, and a maneuver node because of the smooth sliding. also my rtx 3060 hates the feature and drops to 2 fps.
  10. Guys, i got patch 2 early O_O i dont know if it is just me, but patch 2 updated my steam. oh well, its cool
  11. RESOLVED: Just made a new save, did not lose much (just a flag )
  12. We want all the stuff you promised, @Nate Simpson! this is just better looking ksp 0.9! please at least give us re entry effects or a placeholder planet!
  13. Hooray!- oh wait, no nuclear engines, much easier though! May the patch 2 gods Ike me! (Ya get it? well if you dont then **** you- Mark Watney, The martian)
  14. I think it should work, as i have a 3060 (colorful edition), i dont know about the cpu as i am also not that good with pcs, but you have my setup! (i only have 50 gigs of storage , oh well, it works fine)
  15. So i am trying a minmus landing and it has become a mission failure because i cannot use the maneveur node, when i move it prograde, retrograde, normal, anti- you get the point, i dont see anything, it shows i need to use delta v but its not showing that i will move my orbit, due to this my mission is broken and i have even tried restarting the game, and when i add a maneuver node it removes the acending and decending nodes. i have tried moving it around but it does nothing. Help Edit: cannot show picture due to it not showing anything when i take a screenshot and post it here... not gonna try anymore (
  16. Oops, so i accidently pasted the wrong challenge, i hope nobody saw my embarrasing mistake O_O
  17. Uh, no, what i was saying is that when i placed it down and left, the description stayed in the top corner and was very, very annoying, and it also made it's way to the main menu
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