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Dunas Only Moon

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Everything posted by Dunas Only Moon

  1. mondays are rough my friend

  2. i started my ksp journey on a ps4, but now when i log on to my pc to play ksp 2, i just feel worsened to play it, as the game is just too annoying (i get the controls) but its too stressful to have to plan out exactly when to timewarp to 1x, but it always slowly goes down, so if im going for the periapsis of a planet, i go farther as the games smoothes me out of my timewarp, and the timewarp smoothing takes too long, so maybe when it smoothes out, you could make it so it instantly does that but the numbers clicking down happens too, so if any devs could fix this, i might play ksp 2 and give it another chance (i have a 3060 and i lag for bigger rockets), please anyone! join me!
  3. Z 66 no NO WE ARE KEEPING THIS ALIVE! all neutral and negative members! unite!
  4. 997 what did the janitor say when he jumped out the closet? supplies! forgor the joke or did i not get it?
  5. floor 5383: its a room based in the 60s and is a cafe... on the bottom floor... you cant get out of the door, all you can do is walk inside. its if this room was time traveled in
  6. if i say 1000, next person would say: "999" and to make it fun! say your full name and house number you say a dumb joke! i go first! 1000 why did the chicken cross the road?
  7. because they saw your graphics card and dont like to be on a planet where a 0080 ti is why isnt @Kerbalsaurusgoing to scream "REEEEEEEEEEE"? at my door?
  8. w with that spelling and grammar, im suprised why we even know how to breathe (better clean quote morphing (by me))
  9. i have been to every planet, how do i do this? please help
  10. ..? this says ksp 2... idk if its a mod or what
  11. the worlds fattest person why is @Kerbalsaurusnot gonna reply?
  12. floor 3581: the top of the building i am terror
  13. new rule: no calvin and hobbes also this rule applies for 2 pages >:)
  14. talk wike you are thwee ill go first: mommy said i cant eat the wrapper! waaa
  15. How the planet kerbin will decide to eat a cat, www.notascam.com
  16. i have 10K dunas (its a mod, and its stolen from reddit, i know) i smash them together >:) XD
  17. Granted: but he forgor to come so a random dude off the street said it i wish that nobody gives me a trash wish because i want to be happy
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