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Fizzlebop Smith

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Everything posted by Fizzlebop Smith

  1. I would contribute to crowd sourced attempts at getting it set up and maintained, though I lack technical skills to assist.
  2. Nate Simpson is an incompetent Manager who has run every game he touches into the ground is libelous. I feel Nate Simspon Is an extreme Narcissist and my personal opinion paints him as completely incompetent.. is not That isn't to say somebody couldn't CLAIM the latter is as well. It would involve a lengthy process involving a chain of causality with my "stated opinion" proven to have impacted bottom line, reputation in some meaningful way. However since inam a nobody without significant period in the industry establishing my opinion as something of merit. So really is as much about who is doing the "saying" as "what" is being said.
  3. Run a few system audits when you close the program. I am not very tech savvy but my GPU software and AMD settings manager i use both have a feature to log all hardware & processes.
  4. Defamation and liable are not concerns when you begin by prefacing everything as a subjective interpretation.
  5. Steam? Verify Integrity of files. If you removed some of your mods by mistake... you'll have to figure out which ones and reinstall
  6. Did you hear the joke about a broken pencil? Oh well, it didn't have a point.
  7. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317570653_An_Empirical_Study_of_Early_Access_Games_on_the_Steam_Platform/link/5943f5ae0f7e9b6910ee26af/download 34-50% depending on the year. Though the evaluations are not mined to determine percent leaving EA.. plus the time various titles utilize the program may vary.. it does touch on it.. ( I could have misunderstood this kind of analysis isn't my forte) I also have had a way better success rate than that prediction would suggest.
  8. Have you be following recent news? The development studio in charge of KSP2 is getting shut down & the parent company Take Two is attempting to sell the publisher Private Division. In light of recent events, some statements from the Q&A phase of EA launch do not really hold water. I am sorry but your statements are not likely tp be true anymore
  9. Ennue ... (on-wee) I have a love of words. I am not bilingual, so this only extends to my native tongue.. but love things like Connotation. Cheap <--> Inexpensive Escorts <--> Hookers Both sets of words are synonyms to respective pair, but one is clearly negative, right? I was thinking of root words and prefixes.. the inert. Liker inert gas.. not active. So WTH is an Ert gas?
  10. No meaningful exchanges with the community, got it.
  11. Do you fail to see how having a constant visual reminder could reinforce the lesson? No one principle was established.. No from this point forward i will always keep excrementsty games as a testament It wasn't stated the title was being kept on principle. Were you purposefully being obtuse? I am keeping the title as well.. as a reminder of how a AAA company can wreck excrements. A reminder tp look for developer communication chains before leaping into EA. I cannot even tell you the last 5 games I refunded and uninstalled.. "out of sight out of mind" is an idom wher I am from. This alone would be enough to explain the situation to the library children i read to. I would probably refrain from trying to articulate to them, intangible element like emotional attatchment. I sensed Scarecrow was engaging with the community and seeking to commiserate an experience. Still wondering what engagement you are seeking.
  12. They will keep two people to answer emails & "support" things so they don't have to change the website to say "I" and can just keep everything the exact same.. even the roadmap.
  13. Optimistic? I could buy pushing a penchant for cynism.. or even realism. Spotting any optimism in your posts is like trying to spot the Lunar Lander with an old Nikkon at noon. Oh.. and perhaps I should have included and "S" on angel. But I meant "any entity or group of entities that arise to salvage the IP" I have some popcorn if you want to continue prove how smart you are by further expounding on the literal definitions of my specific language.
  14. So Maybe there is hope some angel investor or savior will emerge to salvage the IP. I can dream.
  15. I remember buying these Balsa Wood kits for 2 bucks. 2 pcs.. Wings locked to fuselage. There was a rubber band anchored to an eyebolt.
  16. This is very true, but has seemed to somewhat soften the blow in the past. When you get some kind of closing statement or farewell .. closure or situation allowing me to empathize. I have seen a couple other EA go out where you could tell the developers were gutted... I don't know.. just feels better than choking silence. As to whatbis "owed"... I feel that is derived from the expectation established at the time of EA launch. Where the developers places an official statement on their store page with regard to how they will be treating Early Access. I don't feel I am owed anything, but feel there is definitely an expectation they should strive to own
  17. Sim City franchise is one of my all time favorite citybuilder... would you be willing do messages the title? I too was a bit put off from Early Access from KSP and one other recent title, but then I remember other developers who put together wonderful tech blogs.. or another who really getting into community feedback / communication. I have just decided to start ignoring steams recommendations feed & instead look to the webz at large for recommendations.
  18. @Poodmund thank you for devoting time to this project. This returning to life has renewed my love of the title for a fresh playthrough
  19. I purchased the title bc I wanted to contribute to something I thought would be similiar to KSP1. I wanted to be part of that community feedback aspect. It could have taken 10 more years and I'd have been happy to pay if there were honest exchanges with community
  20. You should check out KSP2 EA store page.. the read more section where each developers tells potential consumers more specifically what can be expected during EA. Things like dedication to communication where they look forward to interacting with community and exploring feedback? Some people are more upset about the misrepresentation and damage to commun trust than a failed launch. Lies are bad mmmkay
  21. That is precisely what is daunting. I was a heavy gamer since the days of DOS. I lost a decade of continuity due to poor life choices and a nasty dragon riding my back. Since returning I have enjoyed some games like mindustry. I was so friggin foolish to think I had any experience "modding a game" writing batch files back in the day or modifying single text files / folder of jpegs is nothing. Understand some very basic stuff and thought that would prepare me for my first steps .. oh I was so wrong, I can't even crawl.
  22. I have only been this disappointed in Early Access one other time.. was also recently where a staggering number of the community... At the time around less than 1000 sales and hundreds of people were complaining about a certain mechanic & balance. Long well worded breakdowns, with tons of flair given and the developer came out and said their vision was unchanging and intentional.. perhaps we would have been better off purchasing a different game. I was blown away. Going the route PDWolf recommends got me a refund after 6 hours of play and almost a month I'm library. I had screenshot prepared from developer statement & essentially used the argument the developer supported my desire to refund. I was denied by the automated / review system. Sometimes the human element actually works. I am going to wait until the end of June as well hoping a couple of the bugs I most frequently encounter are fixed. If that's the case I'll keep ot even without colonies hoping someone makes a mod for random missions. I have started my unity / c++ / IDE tutorials but still at the overwhelmed stage
  23. @Lisias Thank you for taking the time for honestly engaging with me. I was genuinely wondering as to what THAT deciding factor might be.. in regard to the originally posed "but, why?" I do apologize for the abrasive tone. I should have not let unrelated elements of life in general harm my ability to genuinely engage with long standing members of the community. But I am sorry for coming across as an ass. I think Trust is really the greatest contributing factor to those games I've been fortunate enough to play. I only returned to gaming in the last 2 years. So my old school and newer gaming experience all center around titles that have wonderful, healthy and robust modding communities. Not all may be alive and current but even the Simcity 4k circles I follow are mostly really cool people wanting to make a game they absolutely love.. just a little better... AND they have established trust with those in (or were in) a development position. That these individuals would protect the community interest against other entities etc. Trust seems to have been the resource most lacking on KSP2 developement.. well maybe next to qualified engineers. I am greatful to have grown up in the golden era of gaming. No doubt advancements in hardware, software and even wetware will produce some mind melting products in the future.. but that creative gestalt that motivated a generation seems to be a dwindling commodity these days. Like many other novelties.. another victim of a world largely motivated by self interest and profit. I do agree that there is a paradigm shift and Nintendo is one I think of most frequently. Those motivations and deciding factors may lead to a future with less modded content (or better software agreements for community) but I still thing what that motivation is will remain the same.. It's Trust. It should have been obvious. Hopefully changes, Non Compete laws will set the stage for a Renaissance.. quality and community engagement are hallmarks of the small teams I've followed. Have a good day and thanks
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