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Fizzlebop Smith

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Everything posted by Fizzlebop Smith

  1. Aye F*ing men.. Regarding my own posts.. not commentary on your own protracted battle with fat fingers and autocorrect.
  2. Remember seeing some streamers demo out parts from this. I discovered KSP after this had already faded away. This added a great deal of functionality to aircraft carriers specifically. These are the two that have largely graced my youtube feeds, but my own search yielded another The Naval period of KSPs glory was before my time. I have not played any of these but have entertained curating an older build so I could install the maritime pack.
  3. I once had a situation where the lawyer had called to inform me that my retainer was used and that more funded were needed... this was before I had returned home from delivering more funds. (Had to sign some things as well) I lost my excrements... it was a mistake where someone had transposed a number on the billables & everybody was *terribly* sorry. It made me view future interactions in a different light & made me question validity of accounts. My perceptions may have been in err.. but I kept picturing this scene. I used a different firm for future civil matters --- Unintended Merge Magic --- It would all boil down to internal communications. Whether they planned to shelve the studio BEFORE pushing to release into EA. That would be a case for fraud. Unless a whistleblower provides those documents .. there will be no case. Little people cannot afford to battle it out while this stretched interminably.. Big people would not want to risk possible retaliatory defamation counter suits. Should a judgement fund in favor of Take Two. they could point to stock fluctuations as being casual to the "meritless" case. I could care less about TT getting sued... but would LOVE to see any of those documents. Merely so I could know if my biases opinion of Nate is warranted. I'm usually a decent judge of people character and would just like to KNOW If I'm on point or just a dick.
  4. That sounds interesting. I liked some of Kerbalism, but found it a bit more comprehensive than I was looking for. Even the most simple configs added a lot. I settled on Life Support for previous games. I tried to use Kerbal Health but had conflicts with CLS. Some of that seems to be ironed out and will be trying to add Kerbal Health to my Life Support on the next career. Let us (me) know how the "science only" works out. I think it would be cool.
  5. I am currently trying to curate a modnlist for my first interstellar playthrough. In the past I have played with Extraplanetary Launchpads and loved it. It took ALOT of hours in game time (with predesigned ships from other saves) to install much of the resource converters & drilling outposts needed to fully conquer the Kerbol SOI. I am feeling a little bit daunted at the prospect of having to repeat much of the more tedius aspects. I was hoping to use Simple Construction for my next career save to simplify some of the resource chains. Is this mod compatible with SCON? Would there be a customer patch required to gain functionality? I am largely unskilled in the finer nuances of the magic you call code. I skimmed a good bit of the thread, but there is a lot here and I was hoping some of those with more hours clocked on mod might help.
  6. Found a series of Podcasts called "Qcode". They are presented in a graphic audio production.. old school radio play. What makes these unique is a lack of narrator. Everything is POV with stream of consciousness replacing narrator omniscience. Bad Ass. https://qcodemedia.com/
  7. Set up a refueling depot on minmus with an optimal launch window to the munmus transfer station. Realized I Forgot the Converters... Tortuga II os sitting right next to Torgtuga One. ... ..... Which is Missing Ore Tanks.. I added the notepad from CKAN.
  8. Ever since scrolling through here the other day this song has played a verse or two every couple hours or so. Oh.. who am I kidding.. like always, it's just the chorus on repeat. Oh and since I've started micro dosing to help with.y depression.. this gets alot of play time.
  9. I just learned of prison architect recently.. is PA2 not coming in sept?.. or was it subject to delays? I really liked enshrouded... much better than valheim. I'm very much a story junkie. I'm looking forward to more news on Kenshi 2
  10. Considering that most updates get an announcement this would seem to be more of a patch. Albeit it, one that addresses some much-needed issues. Let us join together in a moment of comraderie and pretend that this is indeed a much-anticipated update. Carry it a bit further and pretend you are the one responsible for informing the community of the release, and / or generating some buzz around it. If you want to take it up a whole 'nother notch and deliver this communique as if you were one of our most beloved space frogz.
  11. Faith is predicated on belief, belief is not predicated on faith. Essentially a difference in substance. Logic does not need to factor into belief.. but CAN. Faith requires an absent of supporting proof / logic.
  12. I have a cowoker who crafter a great email. It showed communications from Dakota promising KERB reports & highlighted sections of the Q&A filled out during EA launch. Communication about planned communication was misrepresented time & again. A couple weeks before lay off notice etc.. he had about 28 hours of time and got the refund by using the report feature that put him in touch with a live person... though he said he spent several hours total curating the email.
  13. A good indication that the game is dead. Game gets an update patch and it's just us in these hallowed halls.
  14. Oh my gawd yes!! I want to know if active deceit and misdirection were not merely intentional.. but directed from on high. That one of my greatest hopes.. that some disgruntled developer will write a little niche memoir that tells all. I know it will more likely take the form of a reddit rant.. but I wanna know for sure if EA launch was all about preemptive revenue recovery before closure. THAT might actually produce a tiny bit of backlash and / or reform.
  15. I am happy that this release focused on addressing some of the issues that remained in the game. Instead of attempted to dump a bunch of assets / couple features at the very end of development. We do not know if there will be a dedicated support crew for realz. This could be the trouble title they are trying to wash their hands of and I do not trust anything that is being said at this point. I am extremely thankful that these final days were spent trying to fix the broken parts...even a little, instead of given us more toys that invariably wreck excrements further.
  16. I know it does really matter but i have send a Customer Support Email complaining about the Road Map and pretense that everything is business as normal. It addressed a couple other titles that remain in EA despite not dropping an update in years. The guidelines that are advertised around the EA program are more like loose suggestions for a developer to follow. Some of the links people have shared around here have turned me onto some aggregate sites and news sites that i probably wouldn't have stumbled on otherwise. I was surprised to find a few articles recently talking about the bloat of EA program. Larger developers that use the EA program, or have had great success in the past have access to actual budgets for marketing. This generates more buzz and popularity and ends up pushing many of the smaller more obscure titles completely off the lists. The nice slider was their answer. I love the niche slider but do wish there was a little more oversight around the whole thing. Im convinced its because Im old and my sensibilities and interests no longer align with the average individual.
  17. @BechMeister You are absolutely correct. As the state of the forum fell into the current state of ennui my desire to play KSP died. Whether 1 or 2 made no difference. I would fire one of them up and force quite before the intro scene could appear... Them as life began tp return to KSP1 modding threads.. I felt my desire begin to stir. It was as if I were in highschool getting ready for prom.. The conversations of people trouble shooting mod conflicts .. or advidly exchanging suggestions between mod developer & community.. I would feel an itch begin.. playing the game seems tp scratch that for now. Albeit it.. a heavily modded KSP1 install, but I hadn't touched the game in 6 months & I find myself hooked again.
  18. Starting a project from scratch, while repeating the same mistakes as the original developers & failing to consult any single individual related to the first... Not anything that can be realistically viewed as trying to "fix" something already in existence. It's almost as if they attempted to make a different game.
  19. The goal post was moved because the very existence of some mods, proves definitively certain aspects are absolutely fix"able". The point you made about the mods being a bandaid is valid. If allowed to integrate these mods into the base game, and given time to squash bugs... would result in a game with many of the biggest issues summarily "fixed" I understand the need to move the goal post. Back when I took debate classes we learned it's an instinctual response to losing an argument. Some people have a difficult time processing emotion and admitting to others they were wrong.
  20. Restock has some developers return and it looks better than ever!!! I just wanted to let anyone coming back to KSP and leaning on the abundance of mods to create a more personalized experience know to check Curseforge for the most recent versions. You will not be disappointed. Also learned a few things after a forum dive.. Alot of people use ExtraPlanetary LaunchPads to help create that off world colony experience. Well, there is a significant learning curve that applies to learning the various resources and the manufacturing chains requires to make "rocket parts' The much needed resource required to fabricate VAB designs with ExtraPlanetary LaunchPads. Simple Construction has long been heralded as the solution. Trimming it down to a simplified resource chain with addition Module Manager patches to add it into RO play throughs. I always thought that this mod was incompatible with the most revent KSP1 release. Some Developers do not use CKAN so be sure to keep an eye out on CursedForge / Spacedock
  21. I like the procedure wings without full procedural load out like Juno. Felt it was a nice balance & glad the wings were brought up.
  22. Oh so now the goal post is now which part of the game is already fixed... not whether it's fixable. So you concede your earlier stance & instead are trying to say one of the most popular games in the genre is not what? Playable, enjoyable, genre defining, award winning? What do you mean by "fixed" Atealst you admit you can hear even though you have failed to make any relevant support for your claim.. while a handful of others have successfully supported their own. I admit my own ignorance to navigating various forum features. I have heard mention of a block feature but seem unable to find the location on mobile. Does anyone know right off where this is located?
  23. You went above and beyond making a point that TT doesn't deserve your money. You stated you would play the game .. but TT won't get your money. Like you some sly or more slick than the rest of us, by they aren't going to fool you. If the GAME is worth it.. you buy it. If not you don't loveing play it. Those sale contribute to the accolades and success of all those names attributed to it. That's like saying Budweiser ain't 'merican owned no more so I get to drink for free... oooo wee boys. I truly think the exact same logic applies when you adopt the same moral stance with some large physical object that you enjoy as a product . Just not the sweat shops in china. Walmart is scum.. Need a few new TVs by Sony? Kill 2-birds with one stone.
  24. There are quite a few mods that prove various fixes are not only possible.. bit already in existence. Incorporating these mods into the base code with some rigorous product testing would alleviate many of the claimed "unfixable" bugs. Injecting them in situ / on the front end is what contributes to some of the buggies mod installs. However, there is already loads of evidence supporting the idea that some well orchestrated surgery can allow KSP1 to thrive. ... aww.. some of use use logic & support out POV with articulated posts with a semblance of substance. Unlike the "neener. It's sucks bc I said so!"
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