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Fizzlebop Smith

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Everything posted by Fizzlebop Smith

  1. Do you use CKAN or Manually install? Were these mods you played with before and they Vanished from once play to the next? Was this the first time you ever tried playing with them? Did you try to reinstall them? Usually a baseline of information will help people help you. I am not very good at this kind of stuff. Generally the really smart people one here are not going to hop on here and ask you a ton of questions to get to the bottom of it. This is an example of Hey folks I need some help with my modded install. I recently Downloaded some Mods onto a fresh install of KSP I use Ckan and it is showing several mods as "installed" but the do not appear in the folder "C:[filepath]/GameData Since it is showing up as already being installed in a predicament This was of course an example and not your situation.. a baseline of info is required so insert your scenario
  2. I saw the Thread for Game Cliches that have lived long beyond the expiration date and decided to search for an appropriately similar thread for movies. I did not find it, or it was far enough down that it was missed. There is one primary cliche in movies that drives me absolutely INSANE. It also raises its ugly head across a wide variety of genres whenever the building of tension is required and those responsible for its creation lack the requisite set of narrative / literary devices to achieve the proper timber of suspense. THE COUNTDOWN I want to look away whenever I see a countdown. It is like a car wreck or those indie skateboarder videos from the 90s where you look on in dread hoping to see / not see a compound fracture. What happened to appropriately timed segue with a well done track or score? Each and every time I see a bomb (on screen) with a timer ticking away to that fateful moment, I begin taking bets in my head on when the timer will finally stop. Based on the tone of the movie / show up to that point, the perceived subtlety of those writing and the quality of the music to try and anticipate where the time will stop. Will it be 00:00:01 when the day is saved? Well, 99% of the time this is the case... but on the rare Occasion the bomb will stops somewhere between 1 and 9 seconds. Some of those will start the count down a second time. Oh yeah, added suspense, right? Does anyone remember the old movie "Blown Away" ... best bomb scene ever. Remember what it stopped on? BOOOOM All that suspense and mounting tension resolved in a way I did not see coming (at the time i was like 9) I sincerely wish bomb scenes / countdowns in general would get a facelift
  3. As increasing uncertainty looms all around.. these are the types of postings which exemplify the quality of this community (overall). I peruse the unread threads and was happy when this one popped up.. a humble reminder for everyone to treat one another with decency.
  4. Hahaha... this made me cackle with laughter. There were tears left when the laughter faded Damnit.. this tune will be I'm my head for a couple days..
  5. That could be as simple as "i want to tell my side of this dumpster fire" Let us see what kind of pretty pictures we get next month.
  6. At least my OG hobby doesn't have that ashy taste as a result. About to go pretend to touch grass & play D&D for next six hours. Thinking about it directly after a KSP mention makes me realize the quirky Stupdily Courageous Kerbals captured my imagination. Every mission I fly comes with a plethora of inner dialogue like middle school version of a Tarantino flick. I make up competitive agencies that are competing with one another. The inherent silliness certai ly helps achieve that.
  7. Are you enjoying Juno then? Do you see yourself becoming invested in the long term. I finished Orbiting Droo, put a relay around Luna but essentially end up finishing each play with a rocket RC car for excrementss & giggles. About an hour in I can seem to stay focused.. having same issue with KSP1 lately. I LOVED kerbals soo much and it was their Quirk that got me. That balanced with the sophistication of the game. I still can't seem to find a game that grabs me. Even games like Kenshi & Rimworld don't much draw me in. (Both I Enjoyed until recently) KSP2 broke my heart & I am having a hard time right now finding small doses of joy. Feels kinda pathetic, but definitely not the first time I've overreacted to something I should never have even been emotionally invested in. First marriage comes to mind.
  8. When assign blame you have to look at those in key roles.. that why certain individuals have a tendency to shoulder a disproportionate amount of the burden for failure. Nate was the face of this product, for better or worse. I believe he genuinely thought this game would succeed bc the community would be impressed with his awesome vision, so much so that we would be willing to excuse ... certain deficiencies for extended periods of time. When everyone wanted something substantive be the foundation of all those "oooo... purdy!" It kind of fell apart a little. I understand the need for visual aide and demonstrative presentations, but you must find balance. When you hear people say things that are not accurate... they absolutely are going to get some blame for their misinformed position. If they say innacurate things without any clarification to those inconsistencies.. it seems willful. Regardless if that's the case.. the perception starts to shift to one of being intentionally misled. "Fully Funded" - massive lay off "Playable at Launch" "Actual Play Footage" These are what started to turn me off of Nate. Enthusiasm without Substance. I try not to watch any videos with him in it because of this bias. Regardless of what's really going on.. I can see some deceptive marketing material as anything but disingenuous now & view him a smarmy Narcissist. I can't help it.. I wanna be a better person with less judgement in my heart. But loading a bunch of visual content on a liquid poor foundation of code while the community that built the franchise was highly intelligent professional and gifted youths.. I had a step dad who was shaddy as he'll. He was a handyman that took jobs and never completed them.. boy he could talk a great game. I dispised his behavior growing up.. ans seem to now see him when I look at Nate. Sorry can't help it... Community Managers however were not to blame. A thankless job that was impossible to do, bc the proper tools (info) was not provided or allowed to be released.
  9. Did you forget about all the Sprint Planning? /s
  10. Well how in the hell would MP address something like the physics aspects... would each machine be crunching the whole system. If the game cannot split calcs efficiently between cores how would MP even work without unleashing the Kraken. The more I see people break down certain things the more I am convinced that a lack of technical reports to the community is a direct result of nothing to show.
  11. What meant by completely Async play.. is a sandbox style of game. There would be no life support or supply lines and that's the only way o see it realistically being viable. As a game mode thag uses save share to load up into a sandbox playstyle. It would add the appearance of instantaneous travel for onlookers. I thought it sounded ideal for KSP when a player suggestion for crew style play. You launch a single ship with multiple landers / craft and deploy when in system. Player time warps would be negligible amounts and basically there is no world timer.. just mission timersfrom when craft was launched That was the only way I could picture it working In my mind.. but I never really wanted it
  12. Couldn't agree more. I can see an Async mode or something but I largely do not see the NEED. This is not a crafter like minecraft though that element exists... it's management game built around single player ideas. Trying to make that a staple feature of KSP2 (in my personal opinion) does not align with most player expectations. The only people I have largely screaming for multiple player are some old skool BD players & people mostly new to the franchise. I may be mistaken, but too many code Gurus have expounded on the topic for me to believe it was ever a good idea to combine with a full scale open world / timewarping
  13. Because you are a nexus of Hopium my friend. Hold onto that hope... many think hope is lethal but that is only for those who eventually lose it. Go KSP2 2036
  14. (I believe) It is when an individual / or group from a *relationship* with someone that is unknown. Anonymous, or entity comprised of many... The relationship is a two-way street of communication. Built on a perception of trust. Most relationships require trust as a two-way street. In a para-social relationship that trust is largely one-side.
  15. I never understood why KSP2 took the direction it did. I am largely illiterate in the nuances of code. Outside editing the singular .ini or .json I am lost. But I loved the technical dev blogs that were released for various phases of KSP1. I love the tech blogs for other games.. and the subsequent commenting from smart people has been what helped me understand a great deal more than before. This is the kind of stuff that gets me invested in a game. Not only do I feel the developer considers me *valuable* but my time reading these things is time "invested" .. and strengthens that community connection. KSP2 lack of fundamental technical discussions should have been a red flag. I should have listened to those with coding experience talking about this being doomed to be problematic. I am now onto the stage of grief where I blame myself for getting too excited.
  16. That's a very one-sided perspective. The KSP community was extremely patient over a handful of phiascos due to timely and authentic communication. Thay trust continues well until the launch of an EA product where sales start allowing people to see what we got & it is discovered we were being snowed? So we still buckle up for a ride & put our blinders on. Listening to a few spiels to string us up to the FS drop. Which barely addressed any of the stuff we thought it would. Repeated removal of bugs from lists without Amy reason Overwhelming customer feedback regarding feature limitation Time Warp / Maneuver Node issues were silenced by white knight defenders & official statements were sidestepping the issue or pushing considerstions further back. Streamers & Those promoting the game were disingenuous. The creative director abandoned a series of features foundational to the experience we were led to believe would be included. The community didn't do its part to ensure this game was a success. Please... try scrolling through the dozens and dozens of threads with very intelligent, highly detailed & articulate dissertation on various limitations/ ways they were f*ING up. This is IMHO one of the biggest reasons we get so much garbage pushed out in EA. So many naive and innocent people genuinely place blind faith or simply suffer endless excuses before being fed up.
  17. I recently purchased factorio but haven't had a chance to start playing. Been hooked on Manor Lords /Space Trash Scavenger. I absolutely loved Mindustry and found myself quite hooked. The automation/ base building/ tower defense is an incredibly fun blend.
  18. Clouds of fiery debri had been raining down all week. It wasn't Karen Kermans fault, she was just an unpaid intern for the nation's largest competitor to famed energy giant Tech-Moar industries. She didn't follow half of what the scientists were talking about, but knew deep down that 0.000137 percent chance of a *critical failure* did NOT sound promising. As Karen hid beneath her workstation & clutched her stubby legs to her chest she thought back to when Dr. Gerry K. was about to turn on the cyclotron. If she only would have had the courage to stop them from turning the damn thing on.. But she didn't and now Karen sits in darkness.. Meanwhile
  19. I have a load out that will fall under an extended Easy challenge. I am only a few hours in. This will likely take me 18 months or so to accomplish or so...
  20. You return from a bathroom break and stare at the blank Television momentarily before you realize it was book you were reading and you imagination had gotten carried away.
  21. Do you know where your logs are? Did you try to use a BACKUP save yet? There is a folder in the save directory with above title. Find the most recent time stamp and rename it to .sfs extension. Copy & Paste into Save directory & try to load it. If that doesn't work it will require a bit if troubleshooting (and still might not work) to determine which mod is conflicting. Thay require looking for errors in the log. Then you find the appropriate subforum and request help There. Have you installed any new mods recently? Updated any? You can go into Ckan and reload past versions of recently updated mods to see of that may have been at play. Familiar with file sharing like Google drive or Drop Box? Share the file player.log and I bet somebody with more know how than me will take interest. It generally a good idea to share the file with a request bc it gets the tech wizards interested. And is required to diagnose any serious issues.
  22. I couldn't agree more. Everyone, still employed, that had management positions would look bad. Why didn't we fund it enough? What do you mean they did it with 20 people? There should be enough of a revenue stream in peripheral sales to fund the server & a customer support "specialist" That kind of thing would (in my mind) only happen if it remained an active drain on revenue streams even after being shuttered.
  23. Damn why does the 16th seem so far away? I don't think I would even want to be gobbled up by a parent you watched cannibalize their child. I have thought it was a misallocation / lack of funds for a bit. It certainly felt like the focus was one the face-lift & marketing highlights were all checked to set early access as a way of bolstering declining internal support. There wasn't anything under the hood bc they were too focused on landed the pre-order sales. As far as PD speaking out. I would almost be willing to bet that some form of statement gets made.. but it isn't a genuine statement to the "community" That I think is where the true line should be drawn for an EA title on steam. Is the loyalty peopke making the calls.. to the integrity of the game & to the community or to a group of shareholders. If the answer is the latter.. they should sell beta keys on some other platform.
  24. I think certain activities should come with a degree of risk. I don't suggest we pull out the pitch forks over every perceived slight. This is largely referring to the massive breach in trust that occasionally occurs between and Early Access title and the community. There may be a few outlier cases / where disproportionate community outrage resulted.. but I feel when things get to the point where the whole house burns down, somebody was likely playing with matches. Since I started reading a few articles about EA specifically and indie developers doing interviews.. it's never going to get better one it's own. The sheer number of titles dropping into EA on any given day (i think) encourages more people to seek sensational articles, or disingenuous statement to stir attention.. they have to get their title onto feeds. Especially if they are really small.. it is more important to maintain attention and relevance. This is just a feeling due to some sentiments conveyed in articles.. and no metrics to support. But I wonder how many potential Manor Lords exist.. but weren't able to get the right attention at the right time. Or how many "false promises" started as hopeful ideas that never were implemented. Post Thought This is why it most important to communicate. That two way ensure that trust remains when features are cut.. you explain why. People are much more forgiving when trust remains intact.
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