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Everything posted by kspbutitscursed

  1. help i need backup
  2. same i have a link to my low quality version in my signature lol
  3. still its getting exciting also i have an issue with the main falcon 9 tank when its a really weird green colour? any ideas wit what could cause this issue
  4. ah well average day for me using my pother laptop playing starbase simulator lol
  5. Would it run on a 1050 and 8 gigs of ram with an i7 at an good rate?
  6. Yes flight club.io right yeah great for trajectory of launches
  7. 14005ksfo tower 10ShortMiles Cleared for takoff RWY27 heading 21 A2996. TUBM understands this SIN TWR QF35 RQ CLR TKOF RWY20C QF35
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