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Everything posted by kspbutitscursed

  1. Thanks Kari cannot wait to finally do the IFT-3 recreation. your mods are amazing. ATS33
  2. schools been busy ill try to update tonight after i do my YT stream
  3. thats why the mod Community resource pack is a dependency or if your using RO theres RO configs link
  4. thank you all for everything you do for this community, you are truely some amazing modders that makes the game what it is today thank you ATS33.
  5. https://github.com/SAMCG14/StarshipLaunchExpansion/tree/Dev this is the link to the dev branch click the green code button and then the download zip button.
  6. change the graphics settings reflection refresh rate medium and render quality 512
  7. SN6 3rd of September 2020. On the 3rd of September 2020 Starship prototype Serial number 6 sat poised and ready on Suborbital Pad A ahead of its 150m test flight with a single raptor 1 engine. The singular raptor engine ignites and the vehicle lifts off of the pad. SN6 then climbs to a altitude of 150m. SN6 then throttles the engine down ahead of landing. SN6 then attempts its soft landing on the landing pad. SN6 then lands on the landing pad. SN6 has done it the second ever successful Starship landing after its hop test. link to the full album: https://imgur.com/a/WlsBwRR Next up SN8
  8. follow the instructions in the Readme file on github https://github.com/acr8133/kOS-Scripts
  9. does anyone have a good KOS script for falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy booster landings and launches?
  10. Hi Damon How are you?

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