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Everything posted by TwoCalories

  1. An early variation of a CS-38 Talon (made for @Kerbalsaurus's excellent mission report Beyond) takes of from the Kerbal Space Center. It is designed to train new Kerbonauts and conduct atmospheric science. It is very maneuverable and capable of doing an impressive range of stunts. It can also just barely reach Mach 1. The underwing mounted science pod. It comes attached to a decoupler in case the pilot needs to do an emergency jettison. It also features a novel system, which we at CalSpace call EJECT (Emergency Jettison of Cockpit Trigger) System. Get it now on KerbalX! *** Alright, we all know what's going to happen next, and I'm not going to delay it any further. MORE F/A-18 SUPER HORNET SCREENIES! Firing Mavericks! For training, an F/A-18 conducts a low-altitude bombing run on the old Island Airstrip. On approach back to the air station. A pair of F/A-18Es patrol the skies over a [REDACTED] airbase. Tighten formation! The above three photos are indeed from, you guessed it, my mission report. An improved F/A-18 takes off from the Kola NAS. Probably my best shot of the Super Hornet I've ever taken. Firing our two Maverick laser guided missiles. Deploying flares! Ditching the drop tanks to gain back some maneuverability, an important feature for close air-to-air engagements. Firing an AIM-120 AMRAAM. For a fighter of its size, an F/A-18 can carry an impressive amount of armament.
  2. Granted. Overjoyed, you attempt to test your PC's limits and launch a 1000 part vessel. Your PC then unceremoniously combusts. I wish for a real life ALT + F12 menu.
  3. Oh, I should have phrased that better. Yes means to change the city names, and no means to keep them the same.
  4. This is unrelated to the mission report, but there's this old mission report/comic that has a Dilsby Kerman as a main character. The series, called the Kerbfleet mission reports, are some of the most repped reports of all time. I just noticed that coincidence.
  5. Absolutely stunning! What visual mods are those?
  6. "Did you hear that? They've shut down our main reaction wheels! We're doomed!"
  7. I've done a couple of the weekly challenges, and I've noticed some people put badges in their signature of that challenge. I kind of want to do that, but there aren't any badges in the threads. Where can I get one?
  8. Accusing others of cheating is cheating.
  9. Whenever I enter a track into a KAL-1000, save it, and then launch the vessel it's on, it forgets everything I put into it. When I close and reopen the KAL window in the Build Editor, it still has it, but when I launch the vessel, it forgets everything. Does anyone else have this issue? Modlist here:
  10. Like what @Kerbalsaurus, if they're really on a Kerbolar escape path, they are pretty much doomed. However, if they're just going to escape into a high Kerbolar orbit, it can be possible to rescue them with a ship packed with dV, like @Vanamonde said. You just need to be able to do a rendezvous, which can be tricky if the orbit is highly inclined or eccentric.
  11. Excellent suits! Are these in one of your mods? I'd love for my space program admins to be dressed up in a suit and tie rather than a pressure suit.
  12. Guys, I'm kind of split about this. I had an idea to retcon the whole "Kerbal countries" thing, as in, instead of having Earth countries, I make up my own Kerbal countries with their own flags. Retconning this this late into the story will have some cons, like continuity issues, and all the old screenshots having vessels with "United States" and American flags on them. However, there are several pros to this change, including: Makes more sense: How can the Kerbals, who have had a pretty different history on a completely different planet, have the same nations with the same names as Earth's? More original and fun: From a story perspective, having original country names and flags is a bit more fun, and less unoriginal. This next one is a bit difficult to explain as a bullet point but is equally important to note as a pro to this option. I don't want to offend anyone by portraying certain countries or groups badly. I've tried to avoid this, especially with the space race, but it's been kind of hard, given how much politics and nationalism are involved in the space race, here and IRL. Having fictional countries give me a little more freedom as an author, as countries don't have to follow or act like their real-life counterparts. I probably didn't phrase that well, but I hope you understand what I mean. I'll be putting a poll up shortly after posting this. Make sure to put your opinion in there, as this is a pretty significant change!
  13. *Just putting it here so it doesn't get buried* *** Rock-paper-scissors shoot, anything you want to do!
  14. Granted. But the potato who previously owned the PC is angry and starts chasing you. I wish for a French fry PC.
  15. DCS. I still don't know how to do it; I only have basic knowledge of keeping a plane in the air. I'd say I'm pretty screwed.
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