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Everything posted by Alpha_star

  1. Full hype towards patch 0.1.5 which will give us a brand new game engine, some fantastic visual effects about heating and (hopefully) new parts! HYPE!
  2. Hi newbie! I play KSP2 somewhat often on three computers. 1. A custom computer with a Zotac RTX 3080, a Ryzen 9 5900X and two 16g RAM sticks. It runs KSP2 fairly well, 60+ FPS all the way with max graphics except some occations. However, the rig costs more than 1500 dollars (13000RMB at the time of my purchase but changed due to currency and the price drop for GPU). It is sure expensive, but if you can save enough money, then you’ll get a good experience. 2. An Intel NUC 8th gen, which runs KSP2 at around 10 FPS when flying a plane and 20 in space. It is a lot less expensive, but since the framerate I experience is not great, this spec is not recommended. 3. An Intel NUC 11th gen. 24 FPS in the main menu and above 32 FPS in space. This is still not that great, but it is pretty cheap and thus can be used to play KSP2 with fairly low cost. I believe all you need is a computer that has roughly the sane specs. The optimization might not be as bad as you thought or people might tell you.
  3. Have you tried the *new* patch 4 and the hotfix? I have tried it out twice and I have to say together they just make the game much better. Take the orbital decay issue for example, which happens only when you slow down from timewarp and does not happen without changing the speed of time. And the performance is also better for me, from around 55 FPS to mostly 60+. However, I do feel you that they need to add reentry fast. FAST! We want features!
  4. That's sure a huge boy! I can feel that you have put a lot of effort into making and flying this. However, I do have two questions to ask. 1. What's your framerate during launch and assembly? 2. What are the radial spherical monopropellent tanks for your interstellar mission? To keep the craft stable perhaps?
  5. Yes and this issue has been annoying me visually both in KSP2 and in Parallax since it basically uses a similar enviromental scattering system. They could, perhaps, make the render distance adjustable so that people with more beefy machines can enjoy better scenes on the surface and people playing on weaker ones can turn it down a bit so they can have better performance. One thing I would like to mention here, however, is that Parallax bundles multiple rocks into one object so the prop scattering system treats them as one single object, making performance better without downgrading the visual effects too much. I hope the same gets added to the base game of KSP2, too. As mentioned before, it would be better if it gets toggleable! (The first suggestion also applies to Parallax.)
  6. 同志们吼啊! 最近重新开始玩KSP1,在Spacedock上找到了由Benjee10制作的一系列高质量模组,看介绍图片感觉还不错,于是决定下载下来试玩一下。整体体验还不错,各个部件都很漂亮,小绿人服装也算拟真。但我发现没有中文汉化,翻遍文件也没有找到,组件的介绍甚至没有用兼容本地化的格式来写,对于我这种老中文玩家来说有些许不便。请问现在有没有人手里有Planetside和Artemis Construction Pack的汉化文件,有的话能否通知一下我或者Benjee本人? 谢谢大家! Hello everyone. I have returned to playing KSP1 recently and found the Benjee-suite of mods on Spacedock. Their qualities were pretty high so I decided to give it a shot. The experience was good in general, but I found the lack of Chinese localization a little annoying for me. What's more, when I look into the source files of the mod, I discovered that the descriptions of the parts were not written in the form which enables multi-language localizations and no Chinese files were found. Does anyone have a Chinese localization file for Planetside Exploration Technologies and/or Artemis Construction pack? If you do, then please contact me or Benjee10 himself. Thanks.
  7. Great! I have just seen a video about this and I have to say it looks amazing. However, I believe that this mod could be improved by intergrating with other galaxy packs, thus creating a realistic white dwarf star along with the awesome nebulae effect provided by this mod. Edit: Just noticed I have started the second page.
  8. Hello……Wait, you are not new? Anyways, can you post more creations and mission reports? Always a joy to see more of those.
  9. Just played KSP2 and done a Mun mission with a simple rocket based on the PT Mun explorer in KSP1. No bugs, not even the orbital decay and the terrain collider gone bug, ZERO issues during my gameplay. The framerate was also stable during the entire mission, 60 FPS all the way except when staging and touching down. Seems like the game has gone better. (Not defending it, but I am sure having fun in this game despite what some would claim.)
  10. Yeah and that's why I am not planning to create a Reddit account. It's not even the toxicness that stops me……just the downvoting bots themselves can make Reddit a pretty scary place. If they have the time and money to make bots and hate, why not do some constrictive feedback so they can make the game better themselves?
  11. Yeah, but to me endlessly arguing on this is not going to help the development of KSP2 anyways, just creating more keyboard conflicts. Just my answer here: 15-50 developers currently working on the game and we do not know anything specific about the "work-in-progress game".
  12. Are these creations all from the IG/KSP Discord server or are some of the pictures coming from Reddit? No matter where it comes from, the creations are always truly amazing. P.S. Does anyone know how the blimp made by dianagearhead flies? Someone please tell me!!!
  13. Hello newbie! Feel free to post your KSP creations here and have fun!
  14. Maybe somewhat too optimistic. First of all, as pointed out, what we have in the game is less than what has been made in total. Even if we just count additions to the game, it would still be 696 bug fixes in 6 months, 5 days from the start of Early Access to the release of patch, which is around 110 fixes per month. If we say each developer works something like 20 days per month, then the total amount avrages out to 5-6 fixes per day for the team dedicated to squashing bugs. And if we assume each developer takes a day to fix a non-critical bug (might be wrong in either ways) and larger ones caused by multiple causes such as orbital decay, then we can assume that there are 6-8 developers in the bugfixing squad. Moving on, based on the public progress of feature and parts, I can say with somewhat confidence that at least one or tow developer(s) is/are working on adding new stuff to the game that will come out along with patches. Adding the number on top of my previous result gives us something around 10 developers. There are also some other people we can confirm working on the game. such as Chris Adderley (Nertea), Alexander Martin and Paul Zimmer. Even if the two groups I mentioned are overlapped, I don't think my opinion has changed too much. Last but not least, data miners have found the addition of new code along with patches, which I believe can add another bunch of people to the group. At least 12-15 is my answer. As a conclusion, my pointless assumption is anywhere from 15 to 40 developers. Since we do not have access to all the progress, anything related to this topic remains a guess.
  15. From the results apparently the most disliked Kerbals are Tim C and Bill Kerman! The first one being a Kerbal counterpart of a former developer for KSP2 and the second one as a *rebranded* engineer! I don’t understand whoever is voting Jeb
  16. OK, but isn't your icon photo a vostok/voskhod spacecraft? It looks like something from that mod. Anyways, welcome back!
  17. Well, from the showing of the models in the videos we can say with somewhat confidence that they have already made the models and has already made some of the features. Otherwise, if they haven't even modeled the parts, how can they show them in a video/screenshot? I do partially agree with you that some of the shows might be lies without further proofs. However, not in the game by default is not exactly equal to zero progress and lying, as data miners have found some code for future feature updates and models for some of the parts that is not avalible in the game by default. All just in the game files. This is a proof that what we can see is less than what has been made. If we apply your logic to all gameplay videos, then all of them before KSP2's public release are just fake ones and lies, since the game was not avalible to the buyers back then. If we push it further, that means an update does not exist until the moment it's released, and all the progress shown before are just lies, which means that everything is done at the moment of release. Not in the current game does not mean it won't come with future updates. To push this post back to where it is, if someone doesn't trust the developers and publishers, they have the right not to support them, so I am not against the move of refunding. But for me? I probably won't refund the game just because some people think it will not be finished. (Please finish reading before you want to attack me for my opinion. If you still decide to do so, they feel free to do it.)
  18. Good to know. Would you post this craft in something like KerbalX for all of us to enjoy? And which mods does it use? My guess is B9 aerospace and Procedural Parts.
  19. Me too. 60+ FPS all the way except for maybe 10% of the time with my 3080 and 5900X. Maybe he is talking about complexed crafts or an earlier version of the game? Anyways, I think the visuals won't be too hard to add since KSP2 already has some neat particle effects. However, a shockwave would likely be harder to make with KSP2's thermal effects system than in KSP2, but someone will eventually mod this. They have also stated that they want the performance to be good, so probably wait for a while (2 or more months) until those neat visual uplifts get implemented.
  20. Welcome back! I have seen your screenshots in the Tantares thread, if I recall correctly?
  21. Cool Boi Is it based on the NA F-86 Sabre fighter? They look kinda simillar.
  22. OK, I feel you as someone who wants to get the money back for purchasing an unplayable game. However, I do believe that the points you make do not apply for anyone. Below are my own ones: You are fearing that KSP2 won't get to the point where multiplayer comes in. This a reasonable worry given slow feature updates, and many have also expressed the same. However, I seemingly can't agree with you with the "no bugfix" point since we already have 4 patches and 3 hotfixes down to this point, containing 698 bugfixes/optimizations and 8 new parts. If we do the math, it seems like the quantity of the bugfixes and optimizations are not that low compared to other games, despite the low frequency of updates. Maybe you want there to be even more patches, so yeah, I am not going to further disagree with you on this point. And you are also talking about KSP2 being unplayable to you, which might be due to the varied definition of "playable" between people. I have played KSP2 the day before yesterday with the latest version and it seems playable to me. I will not judge you on this since "playable" is a subjective definition rather than an objective one. (Not disagreeing with you. Players should have the right to refund if the game does not match their expectations.)
  23. Guess I’ll be playing human space program 2 soon. (This would actually be great if used along with KSP2: Odyssey which is a counterpart of the RSS in KSP1. Maybe Kerbal games are realistic with mods, even for the young KSP2)
  24. Great work! Which real spacecraft is the part based upon? Edit: Sorry and it was the Rosetta comet mission. Can you make this part function like the grapple in KSP1 once comets are added?
  25. Let's keep this post alive! P.S. Someone has imprisoned Jeb and Bill on the Mun. He has also sent Bill into the depths of Jool. Maybe he just hates Bill Kerman.
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