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Everything posted by Geblag.Xelvari

  1. why is it not recommended for me to download with ckan?
  2. is it possible to customize the warp look/color because i would think thats cool
  3. Can you make a compatibility mod for restock or would that be really hard?
  4. It would be interesting if you made it so that Kerbin was a dying world so there would be a story saying that the Kerbals polluted their planet. But that's unlikely.
  5. Hey I recently found a mod for kerbin side but it is out of date for me and I don't know if it is for you. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/203096-v100-kerbin-side-remastered-the-life-aquatic/
  6. I recently checked the date and it says it's four days after. But I understand if working on projects like this take a long time, so take your time!
  7. Yes there is, it's called MOIST! Underwater Technologies. Though it isn't a mod for things underwater, it does provide research.
  8. Hey is there any information on when the mod will be released again? It doesn't have to be an exact date though.
  9. Someone needs to make an extrasolar system thing but a gas giant has oxygen in its atmosphere. Because that would be cool.
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