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Everything posted by Icegrx

  1. Unfortunately from my reading on here, Commnet is enabled on KSP2, it just works differently than KSP1. Un manned vessels do require comms or they become uncontrollable. Relays and transmitters are currently the same thing, you nailed it. there is no “line of sight” anymore sadly. Planetary bodies no longer block signals like in KSP1, and from my reading they do not intend to add it. Really bums me out actually.
  2. What issues are you having exactly? I had some sas wobble, but was able to fix it in the VAB
  3. I hit a bug the other day, probe had complete control, yet was unable to transmit science. Was also the Jool system. if I’m able to have vessel control, I should have transmission connection for science. I then used cheat menu to teleport the probe back to Kerbin, where it still could not transmit science. unsure what caused the bug, or how to fix. Quick save/load did not.
  4. There’s a big learning curve from the Minmus missions to the first Duna mission. Y’all are pushing hard in KSP2 for players to leave Kerbin SOI, that’s fine! you really need a tutorial for: 1. Building and staging an interplanetary craft. 2. Planetary SOI ejection angle.
  5. The devs will be adding more systems rather than making the Kerbin system bigger there will be mods tho
  6. 99% of the fun in this game for me is designing my own craft and then perfecting them as you mentioned. There’s no “right way” to play this game, true.. however copy pasting a build to use for a mission is like robbing yourself of 99% fun. Also as you mentioned, most copy paste builds are from sandbox, and make no attempts to use tiered parts.
  7. Please also make procedural fairings heat issue a top priority. I’ve got to be honest, reducing heat effects is really a bandaid for fairings not stoping heat. even with the heat changes, things are being destroyed inside fairings that should not. It’s not working properly.
  8. Here's some shots of my Station mission that was inspired by yours. The goal: Build Station, Get OSL-25 "Starlab" module into orbit, Crew the Station, Get the science home safe. Notes: The build & Docking of the station itself, I have no pictures of. I didn't think to record my progress as I wasn't sure the station would be a success at all. Docking went really well, better than expected actually. I only had one failed rendezvous, this was due to lack of planning. I didn't time my launches, and if I had I would have saved a boat load of Delta-V. I did build all my rockets and tugs with way more Delta-V than needed however so no real issues here. I launched my Monoprop tanks at a particularly bad time, so rendezvous was going to take way too much time and Delta-V for meetup, so I opted to de-orbit it and try again. The rockets themselves were designed to be as "realistic" as possible. I know the payload mass is way heavier than anything in real life, but I think I split up the load in a real enough way. I absolutely despise one launch SSTO style stations. The tanker launch was a bit silly though, and I should have launched them empty and forced myself to refuel them. I may dump the fuel later and fuel them up manually for the "roleplay" of it. You’ll also notice I “cheated” by attaching a large tug as the second stage to each rocket. I probably could have gotten them up without it, and did a proper handoff, but this gave me more control and allowed me to be lazier with launch timing. The bad... Three times while docking, right before the craft docked my ship would fling itself in a random direction at 500+Ms. Quick saving/loading was the fix for this. Other than that, my PC itself became the main issue. Once the station was complete my frames took a dive. I planned on extending the solar arrays out with another set of trusses on either side, but may not do that now. There were to be two medium tugs attached to either side of the solar arrays, however I parked the single medium tug back on the cupola after securing the solar trusses. My pc does not need another vehicle up there.. I may de orbit the medium tug anyways, as the large tug is more than enough for station keeping. I may even de orbit the large tug and replace it with one that has less lights. A little more than 200 to get into the atmosphere from the station, the rest I spent in a desperate attempt to get me closer to KSC after I had already entered. I think I just need to plan the atmospheric entry closer to KSC itself maybe. This is likely true! The build and breakdown in VAB Station Built & Orbiting Crewing up! The Approach The Drive Home This was a super fun project inspired by yours for the need to get every bit of science in my game for unlocking more parts. I hope you didn't mind me sharing on your post. Now I will go plan a crew mission to the Jool System.
  9. Fantastic work, I love seeing it all come together. Once the station is fully fueled up. I’m excited to see how you use all that hydrogen. I haven’t come up with any good builds for hydrogen/nuke engines yet. In my exploration game, I just made a small station so that I could run the medium sized crewed orbital science module thing. I ended up over building it for its job, yet it’s still much smaller than yours. I’m impressed your PC can handle all the parts up there in orbit. Mine with graphics set to low, is at its knees while docking everything. I built a medium and a large tug similar to yours for station keeping and hooking up modules. I ended up building a small glider similar to your emergency escape one as well! so that I could shuttle crew to my station, and bring home the science samples from the orbital science module. Its maiden voyage completed its mission fine. Took two kerbals to the station, got a quick refuel, loaded the kerbals back up with the science and got them home safe… However, my glider ended up in the ocean rather then KSC runway. It entered the atmosphere beautifully, very stable. It was even stable in the atmosphere. It just dropped way faster than expected with no real “glide” I’m thinking I need bigger wings for more lift. I took screenshots of the whole bit, but they look terrible with the low graphics, and I’m unsure how to get them in the post other than just a link.
  10. I wish they would put the game back on sale. $50 is not okay for the current state. $35 is a fair ask
  11. I’m down to wait as long as they want, as long as I can get some confirmation that Comnet will be FULLY functional at some point. also, if we are skipping over the basics in order to tackle ambitious goals, then well.. indeed I will be waiting.
  12. You know, I give them credit for a lot of things, but this is just an excuse. They did it in KSP1 just fine. this is everything to do with making the game more approachable, and little to do with their ability to do so.
  13. Alright Val, I hear you and I am up for the challenge... The Build, & Launch! Orbit & First Missions! To the Mun We Go... Aiming for Something Special... Touchdown!!! Final Missions & Unlocking Now, I can't seem to get my screenshots to actually embed in the post, rather than links. this bothers me! (Please if someone could help) The challenge didn't say anything about returning! However, I completely unlocked Tier 1 in a single launch. I didn't even have to transmit any science to pull it off. I was honestly both shocked and proud of myself for being able to reach the Mun Arch in a single launch without any quick saves. When the arch crested the horizon I about jumped out of my seat! now to go rescue my kerbal..
  14. Do you actually fly the parts to space, or are you just spawning them in space already
  15. I just wanted to state this. since ForScience update, I have been enjoying KSP on integrated graphics. yes I said it. I am playing on a Lenovo L15 with 32GB of ram with a Ryzen Pro 5675U CPU, on its integrated graphics. some things to note, game is 100% playable, I’ve gotten a probe to every planetary body, and landed successfully on a few main planets. I’ve built a small - medium space station and successfully docked and undocked. it’s not perfect, my graphics are set to as low as can be, and larger rockets & stations give the system a lot of slowness. However in 100% of my gameplay it’s been managable. Don’t be afraid to try KSP2
  16. “A lot of us like all the detailed line of sight/relay features in Commnet and it's definitely a thing we want to revisit, but as always we're having to balance multiple priorities.“ Simply give us a 3rd option: enable comnet disable comnet *enable comnet interference* this keeps it easy for new players, yet allows what most of us want from KSP1 no brainer
  17. Developers must reconsider this “feature” planetary bodies need to interfere with comnet. The game is much too easy in its current state. if you are worried about new players, you can easily solve this. Currently we have the option to turn comnet on and off. What we need is a 3rd option to enable interfearsnce. This is the only option to make everyone happy, and it would be a solid option.
  18. This bug is easily bypassed by manually calculating Delta V
  19. Okay, I had to make an account on the forums just so I could post on this thread. “See you next time, hopefully for the last time x)” Man, you better continue this mission or hopefully start a new thread! I started reading your posts a few days back and just now finally caught up to the current post. I’ve been tuning in here as I play KSP2 for the first time after many hours of KSP1. These posts offer a ton of inspiration, guidance and just great amusement. I cant really stomach watching “let’s play” videos anymore however the style of these posts have been fantastic! I haven’t really copied any of your vehicle or station builds, as I like to build things from the ground up and test on my own, quite like you are doing! I have copied many of your philosophies though. In KSP1 I would build these single vehicles that had many uses. They would end up large, and a lot of the times plain ugly or inefficient at certain tasks. I have taken to your “many vehicles with specific tasks” approach now. Color coding everything and trying to make launchers and stages as modular as I can. Trying to be as much like a “real space program” as I can be. I’m having a fantastic time learning KSP2 and following along with your journey as I do it. keep it coming!
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