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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Definitely one of the top land-a-giant-ship-called-Intrepid-on-Minmus-and-do-mining moments of all time! Also loved the 'kerb on a stick' desert launch, and dialogue between the mining engineer and the 'pilot'
  2. Hey Wildcat, I like your location (CV-6) very much We may yet see KV-6 again in the comic, so keep reading! Joolcomm Express is on the way! No cheats used, no windows planned--we are 'kicking down the door' with 16,000 m/s delta V on the pad. Basically I got it in Kerbin orbit and burned prograde/radial until its trajectory lined up where I wanted it--that burn alone was over 5 km/s. So, when will the Joolcomm arrive? And what about Intrepid... and Despair? We'll find out! Next update (or maybe the one after), the Intrepid enters Jool SOI!
  3. So much great stuff! But I have to admit, I liked the scaffolding at the pyramid the best
  4. Ah, but why would he think of that? Gene has no idea that Kenlie and Lisa know anything at all about the Kerbulans. Nor do Val and Dislby know they know! Likewise, Kenlie and Lisa don't know what Val and Dilsby know, or what Gene and Wernher know. Such a Shakespearean web of incomplete information and potentially tragic misunderstanding!
  5. Here are the symptoms: I'm running 1.1.2, and using multiple backup savefiles which I transfer between computers, for ReasonsTM. Savefile A is at a Universal Time (UT) of year 1, day 1 and Savefile B is at year 7 day 45. Both of these dates show up in the savefile selection menu. Now, suppose I start in Savefile A and then load Savefile B, everything in B is as it should be except that the UT clock is at Y1D1, matching Savefile A. Examining the FLIGHTSTATE section of the .sfs I find that Savefile B does indeed have a UT of 56180909.2327814 corresponding to the correct date. But when I play from B the UT clock shows Y1 D1, and the planets etc. are all in positions corresponding to that date. So: from where else could the game possibly be getting time value other than in the FLIGHTSTATE section? I am running several mods including Kopernicus, EVE, KER and a couple of others but this seems like more of a stock issue. Thanks!
  6. While we wait for the next update I thought the following chart might be useful: WHO (in Kerbfleet) KNOWS WHAT ABOUT THE KERBULANS: Kerbulus exists! ...and it's Inhabited! ...by murdery murderers... ...who are mirrors of Our Heroes... ...and are on the way to Jool to destroy Intrepid! Gene and Wernher X X X X Val and Dilsby X X Kenlie and Lisa X X X X Everyone Else X
  7. Well, I don't have the text in front of me, but both @0111narwhalz and @Deddly got the sense of it pretty much exactly. And yes, @RocketSquid that sounds as a reasonable as anything!
  8. Even I don't know, but is the idea of "comic characters speaking visually" any kind of trope? If not, I claim inventorship! Fun game while you wait for the next update: what was the original text of Gene's kmail? (I did write out the whole thing before garbling it.) Closest guess wins... the honor of having the closest guess!
  9. Aren't those convenient? Any time I don't know how to end a scene I just have Val go to action stations. Problem solved!
  10. Taking another long weekend in the woods, including a 10 mile (~16km) road race in not-insignificant heat on Sunday. So this is all you'll get I'm afraid until next week sometime--assuming I survive *waves hands*
  11. I believe references to all of them are in posts in the main comic thread. Adding that to the canon page is I think a level of detail I'm not going to go to Some of the stories those Jebs are in may have been discontinued, though.
  12. I hope I don't disappoint! Boy, are you sharp-eyed! Yeah, you're right, the most recent screen should have looked more like the one your referenced. We'll just call that an error; I will likely not take the time for a re-shoot to correct it. Do Kerbulans have cheese? I don't know. If not, it could explain why they're so darn EVIL!
  13. Correct! Yes, he is a Command pilot in Kerbfleet, but I needed another Kerbulan fighter pilot and it didn't feel right to use Tedus. After all, if an entire book was about rescuing Tedus and Bob Kerman after Tedus very nearly died, (and finding Kerbfleet's true soul along the way!) one would expect that in the quasi-parallel storyline Tedus Kermulan is dead or stranded. In fact, it was probably Centurion Bob who killed him! There may be a reason you haven't seen any Imperial Command pilots other than Val. I'd imagine that that profession has a very short life expectancy given the usual Kerbulan path to promotion. Honestly, I still haven't decided whether Dilsby Kermulan is alive or not, that's why you haven't seen the front half of the Despair's bridge yet It was not long ago, I saw a note from KasperVld somewhere. I was disappointed when I found out it was just acronyms, I was kind of hoping there would be an automatic link here whenever someone said 'Kerbfleet'. You think they'd do a demystification of KSMC?
  14. It's only been a couple of weeks, hopefully Parkaboy is just playing the game and having fun
  15. Um... there are actually three screens: one for Bill's "tantalus device" persistence editor, one for Bob's navigation/intelligence seat, and one main viewer which we haven't seen yet. But your reps are blameless--likely the Kerbulans captured the screens from a legitimate buyer such as Kerbodynos or Rockomaximus. As to the reactors, no reason to build any H-bombs quite yet. That is, so long as Wernher and any reactors he built (which to date are just USI-LS fission, not fusion) stay out of Kerbulan hands, and Leader Gene continues to stare at that "E=mc3"
  16. Yeah... the real WvB's life and especially his politics aren't a topic for discussion on the Forum. What I can say is that I was quite intentional in making our Wernher remorseful for his actions on Kerbulus. I'm very happy that you picked up on that
  17. Yes they are! Texture Replacer (with a small tweak to its config file) is what let's the helmets come off. Basically, I tell TR that every body in the Kerbol system has breathable atmosphere down to a pressure of 0 kPa. i've actually orbited helmetless kerbals around Minmus before to use it as a greenscreen
  18. One wonders how Kurt and Melgee Kermulan became mad...perhaps they were stuck in an 'abandoned' Numar listening post spying on Rockomaximus for a few years? No matter... And now you've seen the Kerbulan flotilla headed for Jool. Not two but four fighters--and the analysis is correct, the Despair does indeed have plenty of LFO to refuel those fighters. Kerbulans don't carry mining equipment, of course; they take what they want, and every ship has a docking claw for that purpose. We've identified the four pilots in the fighters; might take a bit of looking through back issues but Newdun and Wehrford Kerman do indeed both exist in Kerbfleet. You've also seen most but not all of the Despair's crew. Note a subtlety of the Kerbulan ship's bridge (which, as some may have guessed, is built into that Mk3 cargo bay): while the engineering and science stations as well as the turbolift are all abaft the Intrepid captin's chair, a Kerbulan commander has the privilege of sitting with her back to the bulkhead. You still haven't seen the Ghost... but then again very few have, and fewer still have lived to talk about it.
  19. Really enjoying seeing all the re-starts within the story
  20. I got it up legit Four Mammoths are the expendable boost stage--launch is pretty much vertical up to 40km, turn and burn. Ugly, but effective--very Kerbulan I think there's an earlier panel where you can see it lifting off, actually. On my phone now so not convenient to rummage for it sorry...
  21. Texture Replacer allows you to change suits and heads. The designs are my own, based on a ST:TOS design made by Gregroxmun.
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