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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Whoopsie! So, wonder what's up with KAC? And did you happen to verify any of its results with the classic maneuver node dragging test?
  2. Chapter 10 comes after the Zwischenspiel. Don't ask me when that will be though. Nope. It is not Admiral Shirley's ship.
  3. Sort of... there was no CV-65, but there was a CVN-65. This one is closer in layout and capability to CV-6. I might end up changing the decal to reflect that
  4. Speaking of feeding 'misinformation', here's a teaser. Just a little something I've been working on...
  5. Yup, I hadn't forgotten. I like to wait a few days sometimes so that readers don't go right to the imgur link and miss all the excellent comments.
  6. Well, regarding a Jool aerobrake for Intrepid, that's a big NOPE! There's plenty in the tanks, so there's no way Val would risk 12 lives and the mission like that. Now, firing a Jooldipper from standoff distance...well, it's supposed to die in Jool's atmosphere, and there's a spare. It might just be the scientifically responsible thing to to!
  7. It won't be, don't worry Just as soon as Parkaboy returns it goes right to the top of Mission Reports again, where it belongs.
  8. Well, I've got one -- Kerbfleet's K.S.S. Intrepid, presently bound for the Jool system. Crewed ship's craft (all carried internally) include an SSTO floatplane, a large mining boat, two small RCS-powered orbiters/low grav landers (not pictured) and a rover. Non-crewed craft include two atmospheric probes, four scansats and a "tugbot" towing arm equipped with grappling claw (not pictured). Carries full USI-LS life support for 12, ISRU, and, well, just about everything else I could think of. 85% stock.
  9. Kerbfleet's K.S.S. Intrepid presently has its two largest craft multi-port docked; I put them aboard before I made the jump to 1.1, and I'm pretty much afraid to launch them now. Watching this page with great interest
  10. I should begin my answer by disclosing that Dr. Strange is my favorite comic character of all time But no, I don't see Kenlie as a Strange analogue; for one thing, he's not nearly arrogant enough! Did you maybe mean Bill? Or should I say it like, "By the molten mountains of Moho! By the many moons of Jool! It's...BILL KERMAN! ENGINEER SUPREME!!" Good, I used the right font then, that's how you're supposed to hear it
  11. Yep--especially since Bill knows better than anyone that Bob's theory was absolutely correct! It's just that the rules of the universe have changed in the last ten minutes. For a best friend, he can be quite a [WHOOPS!] [HEY-O!] sometimes.
  12. I'll likely tweak the encounter off-camera to get the Intrepid where I want her: smart thing to do might be to aim for a braking assist at Tylo and visit one of the outer moons first to top off fuel tanks. You never know when you might have to leave in a hurry, n'est-ce pas? Next up will be a very special Zwischenspiel starring everyone's favorite rocket scientist, Wernher von Kerman. I have a few custom builds and textures to make before I can start on it, but I assure you all it will be worth the wait
  13. *waves hands* It's all part of Bob's theory of relatedness! Bill was too quick to dismiss it! Also, quantum superposition! And cheese!
  14. Absolutely! I do a proper interplanetary Hohmann about half the time, or less. The thing to remember is that there always exists a perfect Hohmann transfer to your target world, at all times, from some point in solar orbit. The only trick is getting your ship to the correct point at the time it becomes the correct point. Or, as Kerbfleet navigators are fond of saying, "Why wait for a window when you have enough delta vee to kick down the door?"
  15. There are two blue landing lights (THERE! ARE! TWO! LIGHTS!) way, way forward aimed towards the space doors. You can see them in the first panel of this update. Since light goes through all ship parts, you can see the blue tint on the bridge when there isn't a brighter light source to wash it out. Maybe I should shut those off for the interior shots... Now, why didn't you notice the blue light before? Because pre-1.1, for framerate reasons, almost all bridge shots were done on a filming mockup and not Intrepid herself! And that mockup did not have the landing lights, or most of the rest of the ship for that matter. And YOU get a No-Prize! Congrats
  16. Welcome to the forums @Versutia! Well, not all contracts are meant to be possible--that's why you have to "read the fine print", and why you have the ability to reject ones that you don't think you can do. If it were me, I'd pack the stack separator in an overpowered and uncrewed spaceplane, fill up a forward cargo bay with radiators, go to full throttle at 3900m and hope for the best
  17. ...so here's an update about an update! This marks the second time in Kerbfleet history that a major update occurred during a mission. The first time, way back in Duna, Ore Bust! nearly resulted in the Hummlebee's destruction. That one was going from v0.90 to v1.0.4. Later on, at the end of Eve: Order Zero we went to v1.0.5 without issue during Gene's stirring monologue. So here we are in 1.1! And the next (comic) update should close Chapter 9.
  18. Yes, and I really liked it. Here's the Gliido 7P, Kerbfleet's workhorse SSTO+, approaching Minmus.
  19. Wow, excellent dustoff with the Thundercraft 2 klaw! I know how hard that maneuver is Also going back an update or 2, as much as I like TC2 on its own it's even nicer-looking docked with the rest of the station. You really have a great 'model railroad' going here for your continuing adventures!
  20. Egad, that sounds as bad to live through as it would be to try and write it! Well, maybe we can say that Mister Blocko and the other monoliths form a barrier between our world and the next--a "fourth wall", if you will, that cannot be penetrated under any circumstances, unless doing so would be funny. That's good! It's almost as nuts as what I actually have planned, and it could actually work Also plausible, silly, and entertaining! Too bad he already wrecked the transmitter That would certainly be logical... but also wrong. You'll find out all about it in the upcoming Zweischenspiel. Excellent! Going right in the toolbox, thank you
  21. Great stuff! Love the under-engineered, over-thrusting launchers. I laffed.
  22. Going right into the toolbox for Kerbfleet Comics, thank you!
  23. Hey all! Not sure I ever mentioned it, but I used this mod quite a bit to make custom poses in my comic. My favorite sequence so far involves not Kerbals, but their deadly enemies the Kerbulan Empire, shown here posing dramatically and beating the stuffing out of each other: I'm keeping a copy of 1.0.5 alive so I can continue to pose my Kerbals and Kerbulans until MrHappyFace has time to update. In the meantime if @nightingale or anyone else have hit upon a workaround I'd love to know about it. Cheers!
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