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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. That's really interesting. The water would have to be less dense for that to be so, since the gravity on Laythe is lower. Hm. Well, Bill will certainly run a simulation once we get a design we like in live Kerbin testing. Speaking of which...
  2. "Maybe". (Peut='may' etre='to be') Sorry, she tends to forget her Standard Kerblish when exasperated. Those excellent Trek tunics are of course by the great @GregroxMun, the creator of Admiral Shirley's badS uniform in Eve: Order Zero. I haven't used them because I do want to differentiate from Star Trek a little bit, if only to make it easier to slip in more references to other shows and movies. Though I do of course use TOS color schemes for the engineers', pilots' and scientists' speech balloons and other tags.
  3. Oh yes, I think I will--X5 actually went pretty well, more on that later Thanks, glad to have you along! Fortunately we do have a lot of pilots on the roster, there are a LOT of craft to test! You're right! Well, I guess that makes up for only getting one point per like rep now.
  4. I think i might have missed one or two of the above pages. Are you adding them to previously posted pages? That could become hard to keep track of Anyway good work on this latest set--I really like the addition of the Rockomax character and a very original idea to make KSC2 their HQ.I do find Edball's speech hard to read though, you might want to use dark text on such a light background. Regarding speech balloons--in my opinion, if you need to provide the reader a color reference chart, your system might be too complicated Any work should stand on its own without reference materials. As to the choice of launch vehicle, obviously I would go with the higher risk crewed (Not manned. Val: "I am no man!" Jeb: "Uh... me either. I'm a Kerbal!") That gives you more storytelling possibilities.
  5. Yeah, as you can see I'm having a WONDERFUL time with the whole 'land a spacefloatplane from orbit and take off again' concept. The avatar just got squashed down for the square format, a re-crop fixed it.
  6. Funny you should mention that. Well, time to roll out the X5! I`ll see what happens if I shift the pontoons forward. Also wondering if putting a drogue in the back will stabilize it and prevent the flip. Or, I could just land on the ?!!@# beach.
  7. This makes me very glad all my text is in the images--I would go nuts if my previous content got that messed up. Good luck! Well, there are a couple of good things about the new system w.r.t. writers, which I mention in the interest of positivism. One is that you can see how many people liked repped each post--thus giving the writer better feedback about which installments did the best with their readers. Also you can see how many people follow your thread. I'm hoping we find lots of other cool stuff to offset the headaches. You should see a text box input near the top if you edit the OP.
  8. Oooh boy this new forum is confusing--I do hope all the writers make it back OK and continue to put up great content. I don't know how important Tags will be in the new system, but I put them on my fiction threads anyway and might recommend others do the same, to let people find our stuff more easily. All my stories are tagged 'kerbfleet' and 'graphic novel'. In as much as these are also Mission Reports I tagged E:O0 with 'eve return' and D,OB! with 'duna'. Hm, come to think of it I should also tag Jool Odyssey with 'jool 5' and 'WIP'.
  9. Hey all, good to be back after lots of fits and starts in the Great Forum Re-Foruming of 2015. I'm still figuring a lot of things out, like why some of the previous page images got un-embedded, how to do following, signatures, and why my profile pic now looks all fuzzy and squashed. Also just getting back to work after a holiday week in which I did not play nearly as much KSP as I though I was going to... so please bear with me--new content as new content comes
  10. So is our reputation now just the total number of 'likes' for our posts? Wow. Unlike. But just as with anything else, I'm sure we'll get used to it. The important thing is that we share good content with each other. Hopefully that would happen regardless of whatever version of fake internet points the system allows us to award each other
  11. Looks good so far. Old comics maintained, and I've posted a few new pages with the new editor. Well done, Kasper and team!
  12. [quote name='r_rolo1']Now, just a question: how did he got the First Person IVA mod working with O[B]k[/B]ulus rift for the flag planting part ? :P[/QUOTE] Kuzz Jr asked kind of the same question "how come when Jeb got out of the simulator he still thought he was on Tylo?" I told him there was VR in the EVA helmet, so I guess that's canon now :)
  13. 10/10 master builder, Spacecraft Friday guy, and yes, a [I]truly [/I]mad rocket scientist.
  14. Just a quick checkin: am testing some craft for a second Joolian moon and working some of the issues with the Tylo lander. Also, IRL am installing all new appliances in my kitchen so have been a little busy :). I hope to have one more update for you, however brief, before the forums go down on the 27th.
  15. [quote name='parameciumkid']P.S.: You deserve infinite rep for using "your" and "you're" a combined total of six times in a row flawlessly. FLAWLESSLY. By internet standards you are a god and deserve undying respect. *salutes*[/QUOTE] Thanks so much for noticing that! It's really not so hard to get a language right once you understand its rules. Trouble is that many on the internet don't pay enough attention to what they're reading there, and their own writing suffers because of it :)
  16. [quote name='cantab']Mission reports, fanfics, and so on are not roleplaying because they do not involved multiple authors. Most spacecraft exchange stuff, and even arguably many rocket builder threads, are not roleplaying because people are posting essentially as themselves.[/QUOTE] Correct, and that's a really important distinction: playing a role is not the same as roleplaying. For the sake of harmony it's important that we deal with each other as the real human beings we are: there's enough natural conflict on that level that we don't need to bring in any contrived drama :) But the fact that we have to split a hair to differentiate the two is why I'm a bit worked up about a potential deletion of Rocket Builders. People got too emotionally involved with roleplaying, so it has to go. Well, I have readers who sometimes get... a little involved with my stories. This is a high compliment for an author! And yeah, I'd expect that if any rules got broken on my thread, I or the other participants would get an infraction or potentially have posts deleted. I would [I]not [/I]expect posts (or entire threads) to be allowed to stand for a time, thus implying that those posts were OK, but then have the rules change [I]ex post facto. [/I] It's great that KasperVid said they'd consider archiving the RB threads--I hope they do. I also hope that I never have to worry about my posts or those of my readers being deleted after the fact. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='KasperVld']No.[/QUOTE] Thank you! I really appreciate that you and the rest of the staff (1) publicize your thoughts before executing an action and (2) take the time to listen to our subsequent rantings. This is as good a Forum as KSP is a game, and I know it will continue to be so regardless of what software runs it :)
  17. [quote name='Noname117']Anyways, I am looking forward to the new series, and I definitely think this is going to be good.[/QUOTE] Thanks! I've been looking forward to Jool for a a while, I've never really explored it even in previous game versions--it was always Mun/Minmus, then Duna, then Eve, then new version and start over :) [quote name='Starhawk']On another topic, now that I've had a couple of minutes to peruse the panels more closely... That's one fine-looking lander! Bill is outdoing himself.[/QUOTE] Thank you! I've actually managed to land it, though the drill didn't engage-- it might be mounted too low. We'll see if Bill or Wernher can puzzle their way out of it for me. [quote name='CAKE99']Will you be doing the Jool5 challenge?[/QUOTE] Yes, but I am going to fit the mission to my preferences and let the chips fall where they may, rather than try to follow any specific set of challenge rules. [quote name='Dman979']I'm loving it Kuzzter. It's really cool to see the story arc change from "For Science!" to "For [s]Science[/s] Funds!" to "For [s]Science[/s] [s]Funds[/s] ???"[/QUOTE] Thanks! That's an important theme for me Dman; I see people ask on the forum all the time "I've 'beaten the game' and unlocked everything. What do I do next?" This comic is my way of answering that question :) [quote name='Geschosskopf']One of the things I was doing with my spare time in my recent absence from KSP was learning to play the English concertina. I can vouch for the accuracy of Kuzzter's score because I was playing it while reading the comic ;). Thaniks, Kuz, for the sheet music. I'd have never thought to play that otherwise. Although I think the kettledrum part sould be a few octaves lower :).[/QUOTE] That is epic! Yeah, you're right--the notes are that high because (1) I cribbed it from a piano arrangement, not the orchestral score and (2) if I'd put them an octave lower I'd have run out of room on the page :) [quote name='Sanic']I have a feeling he'll send the B-Team there.[/QUOTE] Hmmm... actually, that could be quite fitting. We'll see :)
  18. [quote name='Geschosskopf']Well, I got here just in time, I guess. Just caught up on the whole post-mutiny Eve-return and the trial. Well played (and awesome ship design). [I]Ça c'est bon, ça![/I] And the epilogue..... ? [I]Sacre kraken! Moi, je va fait saoulé juste ày penser [/I]:D[/QUOTE] Very glad for your return, [I]mon ami! [/I]Well, if you need a few drinks to think about it, imagine what I had to go through to write it! See you on the road to Jool! :D
  19. [quote name='Gaarst']This is a very pessimistic view though, and I hope that it won't happen, but we have to think about it.[/QUOTE] Well, here's an optimistic alternative--hopefully anyone with [I]that [/I]much rep has gotten it by adding fine content and being a good citizen. If 'competition' makes people post awesome things and be super-great to each other, I'm all for it. :)
  20. [quote name='astrokerb']This seems like it will be interesting. How many of Jool's moons do you intend to explore? Will the Kerbulans be there?[/QUOTE] (1) All of them, of course. (2) Kerbulans? [URL="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChekhovsGun"]What Kerbulans[/URL]? [quote name='Trios']No, really. Post the entire book. Now.[/QUOTE] Well, it'll probably be about 500 pages. Tell you what--send me all the rep in advance, and I'll consider it :) [quote name='smjjames']Edit: Love the 'BILL Space Program' flag on the simulation ship.[/QUOTE] Thanks! I wanted to make it more visible early on to reward the sharp-eyed, but unfortunately that ship design doesn't give a lot of clear lines of sight to the flag. :)
  21. [quote name='Starhawk']I had to stop and put on the appropriate music to go with those first five panels. :)[/QUOTE] Just wait, the Interludes for this one will be several pages of plain black panels set to a dissonant tone poem :)
  22. [quote name='Endersmens']Kinda...bland. Although it might have to do. Any other suggestions? Should we keep the number at 500 though? The list is getting huge. It could be better to up the lower limit. Although that wouldn't really be all that fair either. Gah. Decisions suck. :P[/QUOTE] I'd wait to find out what reputation ranks, if any, are part of the new system. Then maybe have a group for the highest rank. [I]Maybe[/I]. But let's face it, even maintaining a list of a few hundred proved impossible--and whatever rep score you make the threshold, the number of names on the list can only increase with time. I'd just make a "Top 100" list for highest rep earners. Those standings won't change too often. All the OP would have to do is update positions periodically, keep descriptions current, and write new ones for any upstarts that break in. I honestly don't think any OP would be able to manage much more, given the size of the forum and the ever-increasing number of people with high rep.
  23. Here we go! Read all of the Prelude (Also Sprach Jebediah) and Chapter One here. Read all of Chapter Two (A Capital Idea) here. Read all of Chapter Three (Of Moons and Madness!) here. Read the whole Plan Kappa Crossoverlude here Read Interlude Indigo here Read Bill's Engineering Updates here (a semi-canonical, 4th wall busting log of the ship design/development process) Read all of Chapter Four (Intrepid Away!) here. Read all of Chapter Five (Flight Operations) here. Read all of Chapter Six (Rising Up) here. Read all of Chapter Seven (Tanks, and Farewell) here. Read the Evil Interlude "Military Intelligence" here. Read all of Chapter Eight (Inside, Out) here. Read all of Chapter Nine (Collision Course) here. Read the komplett Zwischenspiel hier. This important interlude about "the year before Year Zero" began with this post. Read all of Chapter Ten (Jool At Last!) here. Chapter 11 began with this post. Read all of Chapter Eleven (Going In, and Going Down) here. Chapter 12 began with this post. Read all of Chapter Twelve (One Moon At A Time) here. The Interlude "A Cowardly Capture" appeared in this post. Chapter 13 began with this post. Read all of Chapter Thirteen (All These Worlds Are Yours) here. Chapter 14 began with this post. Read all of Chapter Fourteen (Veni, Vidi, Vale) here. Chapter 15 began with this post. Read all of Chapter Fifteen ("Til You Drop) here. The Interlude "Endgame Studies" began with this post. Chapter 16 began with this post. Read all of Chapter Sixteen (Now I Lay Thee Down) here. Chapter 17 began with this post. Read all of Chapter Seventeen (Cracks in the Mirror) here. Chapter 18 began with this post. Read all of Chapter Eighteen (Action Stations!) here. Chapter 19 began with this post. Read all of Chapter Nineteen (Their Finest Hour) here. The Interlude "(zero) gee club" appeared in this post. Chapter 20 began with this post. Read what there is of Chapter Twenty (Endgame, Part One) here. So, rather than make everyone wait for me to test all the ships and get everything right, I figured I'd take you along for the R&D ride. Hope you enjoy!
  24. Not that I don't really love this discussion (I do!) but the first pages of the next book are about to post. :D :D :D
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