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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Dun dun DUNNNNNNNNNNN!!! Before I read the speech balloons I thought Fabien's capsule had actually impacted the launch pad and blown up Glery's ship. My thoughts were, (1) wow that's a real jerk way to stop a launch, and (2) mad props to Parkaboy for such an accurate capsule drop
  2. Actually FlyingPete has a good point, the Battbots did sing their little song every other time they've been mentioned up until now. The reason I did not do it this time is I thought the page was already pretty crowded with speech balloons, and also that the interjection of 'NANANANA' would take away from the Serious and Dramatic Dialogue going on between Val and Dislby--I didn't want to break that tension until Jeb came in at the end with his 'cultural awareness' So yes it was a conscious decision not to--Justified in that Dilsby was on a private channelwhen he mentioned the Battbots, and unlike the HAL9000 the Battbots cannot read lips
  3. Exactly, it is a rocket car The Thuds are the forward 'gear', and there are also some tiny engines facing the other way if it needs to reverse. I did that rather than use electric wheels because the electrics are not retractable (for fitting in the bay) and also I wanted the high crash tolerance of aircraft wheels for the landing. Yeah! I don't know nearly enough of it to write a credible Brazilian character, so I had to give you and Parkaboy your props somehow--threw in some Polish for Scotius last time, too And as for my other big international constituency--it's entirely possible someone already on the Kerbfleet roster is secretly from Kanada! Who could it be? (other than "not Melbe") Hey, don't laugh, if Capt. Kirk could be a secret Canadian, (yeah, Iowa, riiiiight Shatner you're not fooling anyone...) anyone could be
  4. One thing I do not see in any of the Astroneer art: a single rocket launch. Looks like getting to the planet is assumed, and maybe you construct stuff there starting from a delivered base. Could be a VERY interesting game if Astroneer included all the rocket stuff from KSP or (my preference!) if KSP incorporated some or all of the in-situ part building stuff from Astroneer. Though I shudder to think how big the persistence files would be in that eventuality...
  5. Yes! I really did cut one forward 'chute to level out, and it worked. The careful reader will note that only 3/4 chutes initially deployed; I guess I missed one in the AG settings and so I had to open it manually. Thus initially the Billmobile was descending with the tail raised, and opening all four chutes made it shift to a nose-up attitude...anyway am very glad the cut worked to avoid impacting the drill, loss of that component would have been catastrophic. I played it while I read the pages aloud to Kuzz Jr. That made even my hairs stand up! It was indeed a very happy landing--and yeah, Bill missed by about 25km. Part of the error was due to not being able to hold course for a normal/antinormal burn; you don't realize how important SAS is until you can't use it! Always happy to surprise the readers I think i did show it with the bay doors open at one point, maybe in the "Bill Space Program" window back on the Duna thread...but if so, that was a lot of pages ago. Woo indeed! And if I post this before anyone else jumps in, it will be the 1000th reply! It's kind of amazing for me to contemplate, yeah--you guys are the best! Thanks I was reasonably sure it would work as Bill did run a simulation first on his k-pad, but you don't really know until you do it for real. In a lot of ways I was as surprised it worked as any of you! Thanks! I thought that up back when we were all going 'OMG the atmosphere!', and after seeing the damage done to the Eve Impacter probe and of course to Dipperkraft. I wasn't confident of any attached parts surviving unshielded descent, and didn't trust a simple heatshield to occlude all the parts, hence the cargo bay--and I knew I would not be able to drive a rover out of the bay, hence the deployment You can save the rest of the track for when the M7 enters, coming soon...
  6. How did I not see this before?! I love your 'advanced technology'. Excellent lampshade/hand wave
  7. This makes a lot of sense. Any privileges I have as the OP of "my" threads are granted by the other users voluntarily, not through moderation fiat.
  8. Actually I have been landing on the tail with the klaw closed. Kranefly's gyros are sufficient to stabilize indefinitely! Update soonish. ETA: Soundtrack for the next update:
  9. Late to the party here, but I think giving the AI a gender is perfectly OK, in fact I would encourage you to do so unless you specifically choose to identify the AI's speaking personality as androgynous. After all, many languages give inanimate objects gender whether they have personality at all. Regarding Great Walls o' Text--breaking up a story into scenes, chapters or whatever helps to keep the reader's attention. As a reader, you know that each chapter (of a well built story) will advance the plot towards its conclusion by some quantifiable amount. As a writer, chapters help organize the story: this chapter is going to be these three characters and I'm going to advance to such-and-such plot point... next chapter I move the action to Starbase Upsilon, where we see the effects of the big decision Jeb made way back in Chapter 4... etc.
  10. Update! Yep, getting that container down to the surface really WILL be an entirely different kind of flying! - - - Updated - - - Fantastic song! Now that's in MY head! I removed all the capacitance between my brain and my keyboard a long time ago.
  11. Right now I'm making extensive use if ISRU for an Eve mission. Here's my armada in Gilly orbit: The reason all the ships are different and many do not appear to be entirely suited for the mission at hand... is reasons. The Eve lander will be the pointy thing in the middle. It used almost all of its fuel to SSTO from Kerbin and was towed to this point by the one that looks like a frilled lizard, at lower left. That ship, and the little one on the far right, are both ore miners that shuttle back and forth to Gilly. We turn the mine into ore with a few of the other ships, which will fill up the lander before it enters Eve atmosphere. Anyway, we're not done yet with ISRU. That lander is going to need to burn a lot of fuel to survive its descent, and it will need even more to get back to orbit. There is a rover hidden inside the cargo bay of the ship on the extreme left; that rover has a drill and an converter, and will dock with the lander on the surface to refuel it. And that is what ISRU means to me
  12. Actually I think I'll go with the 21st. Cheers! Actually that particular equation is integral to my entire argument. Well naturally I assumed it would eject a pickle or something to circularize. And before this gets any worse--here is some nice fat docking to pull us back on-thread
  13. We'll see if Kenlie writes any more fanfic. If he does write a sequel, maybe it'll be "Eve: Order Negative Infinity." As to your second question, you may not realize how much something like a fifth seat can change a craft's balance. It's an entirely different kind of flying altogether.
  14. This is totally fridge logic, but I have to wonder why you would send a botanist to the surface if NOT for the express purpose of trying to grow a variety of plants in Martian soil. If they only wanted to examine the soil itself, they would have brought a (yes i had to look it up) siviculturist!
  15. O Freunde! Nicht diese Facepalm! Great. Thanks for the Ohrwurm. Now I'll be singing Wir ein Held zum Siegen all day.
  16. Well as long as we're discussing design flaws I think it odd that the MAV can be knocked over in a dust storm. Especially since they land it in advance and leave it there for months making fuel before its crew arrives. What happens if it gets knocked over while Hermes is still en route? "Whoops, MAV fell over. I guess we'll just do a flyby." You'd think that if they can make the rovers and hab survive a dust storm they could tie down the MAV with a 200% safety factor.
  17. Some time ago I got a Very Nice Note from a mod about a poor word choice I had made in a post, and after discussing Rule 2.2 with the mod in some detail I decided proactively to go back and make that edit. IMO the original version could have been construed as 'circumventing the filter'. Keeping our Forum community a positive and welcoming place is very important to me, so I was happy to make the change and will henceforth use that style of censorship rather than '***' whenever someone in my comics needs to say a naughty word. That's all I will say about it. It should go without saying that if you disagree with that rule, my interpretation of it, or the mod's, this thread is not the place to to say so.
  18. I thought you might like that Hey, it rhymes with 'ore', and it is one possible explanation for the origin of the Kerbal species--though I stress that despite the song mention it is NOT canonically confirmed for the Kerbfleetverse. - - - Updated - - - Neither! I admit it's a bit difficult especially with the whole mob docked together. Here's a list: Mortingale -- Val and Lisa in the Mk3 cockpit. The Billmobile is in the cargo bay, and it is presently empty. Evestation -- Dilsby in the cupola, Melbe in the lab (though I will likely move Lisa in to join her) Alouette -- Gregmore and Clauselle in the Mk2 lander can Kranefly -- Jeb and Bill in the Mk3 cockpit Don't get used to this though, next step is for the Mortingale to fill up and burn for low Eve orbit and there will be some crew transfers needed... they don't call it the Billmobile for nothing! I'll do my best to keep it all straight for you.
  19. Well it's not quite that bad--I can take up 15,000 units of LF (75 tons) in the Kranefly each time, so the ore is pretty much all going to make OX. Starting next trip I'm going to dock Alouette to the Kranefly's nose--that means I can move 30 tons of ore, plus make another 10+ tons of OX on the surface and store it in the various rocket fuel tanks. (since I'll be doing the whole trip on Kranefly's LVN engines I will no longer need oxidant to power Alouette) So should be only 2-3 more trips from this point, including the additional OX and LF required to fill up Mortingale. Figured I'd just explain that here rather than show it, as I really do not want to do another mining page
  20. Excellent opening to this chapter. Murder! Indeed! How could such an adorable Kerb as Fabien be a murderer? Oh what tangled webs we weave when we travel in time... ETA: "You must spread reputation around before giving it to Parkaboy again."
  21. Hope everyone had a good weekend--we all saw the Martian, and thoroughly loved it! Here's four new pages of fine grinding... I think we've seen enough docking and mining for now There's enough fuel in orbit to begin rescue ops, so we'll be moving the action to Eve very soon! - - - Updated - - - You could fling a ham sandwich from Gilly and it'd make orbit, so yeah Am starting to take shortcuts, like thrusting straight at it and re-orbiting wrongway. The extra fuel I spend is nothing compared to the amount coming from the surface. Happy to oblige Oh I dunno... sleeping, playing Fizzbin, giving each other haircuts... making purple sandcastles... trying to figure out how to connect a k-pad so they can read 'Plan Kappa'...
  22. Saw it last night with the whole family. Came home, loaded KSP, and did a docking maneuver orbital rendezvous and connection of one virtual ship in ksp to another virtual ship in said video game/simulation ksp--said to my wife, "I'm 4000 meters to target, relative velocity 40 meters per second"--AND SHE KNEW WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT! That was worth the price of admission alone. ETA: You're all terrible
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