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Everything posted by 123nick

  1. FAR, and alot of others but none that would affect heat in any way.
  2. hey i think i have a problem, i have a upscaled mk1 inertial fusion reactor, tweakscaled too 5 meters diameter, and a thermal rocket nozzle too the same, but whenever i am in space, jumpstart the fusion reactor, activate the engine, and throttle up, it instantly overheats and explodes. i have 8 wrap 1/2 radiators upscaled too fit around 5 meters diameter, and 4 of the big long unfolding radiators. any help ?
  3. fixed it! by using the best method ever, doing stuff untill the problem goes away. no really, i was moving my different ksp folders around, but then this time when i launched it with steam it works fine now. all the categories come up, and i have no clue what i did too fix it, i mean, i may have done something but i forgot
  4. ok. i guess ill work on finding the problem mod my self. and this is a question for anyone that may know the answer, where is categories defined? like, in the gamedata folder or wherever? because one can make custom categorys, and those get saved somewhere i assume. maybe if i delete the mods that add new categorys, run KSP, then re-add them.
  5. ofcourse not, i mean, you can feel free to do what you want. but if you do have alot of time, i mean , i wouldnt mind if i did get help. and i am working on doing the simple steps now.
  6. but that takes like, forever, especially with the large ammount of mods i have. and i think i sorta know what mods are causing this already. oh, and a question. is there a file where the categorys are stored? the custom categorys?
  7. i guess. would giving log files help finding the mod thats doing this easier?
  8. all aerodynamic bits need too use a updated part module too be compatible with far, IIRC. im not 100% sure how to do it, but u can know it works because in the VAB when u place the part down in the context menu there should be a value called "curWingMass" or something with a slider bar too lower mass of the air part at the cost of it being more fragile.
  9. custom categorys dont work for me, and i dont know why. thanks! much appreciated
  10. you know, i cant help but feel that maybe just a simple module manager script that changes all parts with category = none too category = Utility would be alot easier and simple. sorta like how i fixed my PCs problem of BSOD if i leave it AFK for too long, i wrote a script that presses the M key every 100 seconds
  11. sandbox, but i did have filter extensions mod at one point, and in one of the options there was a thing that allowed you too hide unpurchased parts, i turned it off though, it was on by default, but i completely removed that mod so i dont see how that could cause this problem unless it modified one of the core game files, like something not packaged with or within the mod.
  12. i did this, i literally dragged all the contents of what was inside the gamedata folder in the zip file, into my gamedata folder, and i ran ksp, but the category doesent show up. this happens too all the mods that add new categorys. could it be toolbar or something? module manager? i can give u my log files if u want.
  13. should i get more recent versions of firespitter and/or community resource pack or is the ones already packaged updated enough?
  14. hey this is sort of a bug report in general for your mods, and mods that add there own categorys too the ksp parts menu, for some reason custom categorys arent showing up in the vab or sph, and i cant see the parts that would usually belong in them. i feel like im missing something,like a plugin or file, but im not sure what, or if i am. i installed filter extensions, then removed it, could that have caused this bug ?
  15. before 1.1.1 these parts used too show up in there own categorys ( by category i mean like how pods and fuel tanks and engines are seperated into different tabs on the left side of the screen in vab/sph), how they did this idk but now they dont and if they dont show up in there own category they dont show up at all, so i wonder what could cause this. is it because i tried using filter extensions, then got rid of it, and that broke it? is it with 1.1.1/2 ? is it with module manager? i dont know what could cause this. infact id love too know how they work in the first place.
  16. as the title says, i want a MM patch that takes all the parts with a certain part module, and put them all into the utility category. i want this so i can have the IR rework parts in the utility category, as they dont appear too have a category set ( it is set too none?)
  17. alright, ill try that welp, i tried it, and it didnt work. would running ksp in compatability mode help? with admin rights?
  18. man, this bug is making KSP almost unplayable. i mean, if there was a way of getting it fixed id love too know. i think it has something too do with the scroll bar instead of seperate part pages. also, i seem too get little to none crashes when in the SPH, this seems like sorta a VAB only thing, atleast, for me.
  19. does the v-02 prerelease work? like, can u download it, install it, and place the parts on a vessel in the VAB? because it doesent for me. theres no tab where it is located in. is there something needed? because i dont see the tab with the IR parts like i used too do in 1.0.5 .
  20. the mecanum wheels? thats odd, they should work like the other IR rotors, no?
  21. small problem, the parts dont show up in any category. shouldnt they all be set too Utility instead of none? i remember theres supposed too be some sort off extra category that has the parts but thats not present in 1.1.2 i think.
  22. anyone who downloaded this mod care too PM me with a dropbox or uploaded .zip or .rar file of it?
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