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Everything posted by 123nick

  1. at-LEAST 10!?! man, that thing you were thinking must be something huge!
  2. what IS it? what will happen in chapter 27?! i simply cannot wait!
  3. then, can someone who use both just stick with the nom-o-matics? are the OKS-aeroponics better in some way?
  4. oh, so if i have both, am i like, just not supposed to use them?
  5. hey why do the nom-o-matics still exist? i thought they were being replaced in some form or the other, right? by the OKS aeroponics?
  6. hey does anyone think itll be easy/ hard to have a module manager patch that converts data transmitter part modules into RT antenna modules? it doesent have to be too complicated- just take the 2 or so values that are present in the data transmitter modules and port them over to the RT antenna module? and if theres a part with both modules, get rid of the data transmitter modules? i just want to have parts that are RT compatible, infact a simple data-transmitter part module pruner would be good too, if a more complex module manager patch is too difficult or impossible.
  7. hey is this compatible with the brand new USI life support update? i heard its a total overhaul of the life support systems, and id think id be neat if this was compatible with it, in some way or another
  8. is that supposed to look like some variant of the Apollo program? or the saturn 5 rocket with a command pod ontop? i mean, i guess it does look like it, but the engines dont seem to be very much like a saturn 5 i think? whatever it is, it looks cool
  9. thats odd- i dont use realfuels, yet somehow i still have all sorts of strange fuels available in my tanks, including LF and O, stock fuels, i think its interstellar that does that. but ok, thanks @Shadowmage
  10. has MFT compatability been added? its been a while since i asked, although i dont want to be too pushy though
  11. hey how will this work with other mods that impliment boil-off in some form or another? i have a lot of mods, interstellar, this one, etc, and it seems that in some vessels my liquid hydrogen boils off, were in some it doesent. i think it has something to do with radiators from interstellar and reactors from interstellar, but do not know.
  12. hey, were the broken reactor models fixed in the latest patch?":
  13. sounds extremely amazing. one suggestion- thought of adding in MFT support?
  14. maybe also impliment the symettry-removal mod aswell? it exists, but sorta outdated, and doesent work with linux. the mod lets u remove symettry from symetrical parts.
  15. is it possible to add in a feature where i single kerbed vessel can controla nearby, say 2 or so kilometers, vessel without an entire remote command station, with 6 kerbals? i dont think its too hard too imagine a kerbal piloting a remote vessel with a antenna with its own antenna and visual sight from pod windows, so i dont see why it would be unbalanced.
  16. ahh, so the colliders dont deform? oh well i think it would work with FAR then.
  17. yeah, but having some mechjeb integration too have it plot a manuever node to circularize at the apoapsis and have it executed by mechjeb would be nice. this mod seems to have a more efficient ascent profile compared too when i use mechjeb, also less prone to failure- id assume. i wouldnt mind it.
  18. i think scansat has background scanning, and some system to handle resource scanning. maybe u can make it a dependency.
  19. is this mod dead? i dont want to be pushy, but i still dont have a answer to my previous question.
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