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Everything posted by 123nick

  1. about the trimodal nuclear engine-- how does it work? because, it can be similiar too how hte LLL mod does it, where it has a passive generator, like a RTG generator with amped up power gen, but add too it a alternator part module, with the same power gen, but negative! that way, when you throttle it up, the alternator will cancel out with the passive power gen, so it works like a trimodal with a smooth transition.
  2. plan on adding interstellar extended support? mainly just adding a interstellar reactor part module and interstellar thermal nozzle part module into the radial nervas, i think.
  3. im using linux, but that only has the normal alt- keybindings replaced with right shift- keybindings, so that probably isnt it. ill do it later, although it may take only 5 minutes too do, it takes like, 30 or 20 or 10 minutes for KSP too load up. its probably not my computer, but the fact that i have a ton of mods.
  4. well, i havent played ksp in a while, but im pretty sure i didnt see that happening. maybe its another mod doing that, idk.
  5. odd. a mod is making my shift-wasd keys not work, but i dont know what. i think this is the only mod i got recently? but whats wierd, is that i hold shift, and press it, and for a second it looks like it moved 5 degrees, then moves the rest of the way too 90 degrees.
  6. does this mod change the shift-a,s,d,w keys ? for rotating parts? i tried too rotate a part by 5 degree increment, but it got rotated 90 degrees, like i wasnt holding shift down.
  7. ok, thanks for having the bug fixed. about the texture system-- i guess it would work, yeah. some screenshots of the geometry and finished textures would be cool. edit: now it still seems bugged :/ i have too turn the utilization down too like, 17% for the default, untweaked MFT-B tank too have the same volume as the stock orange tank, according too MFT. do i have too update my modular fuel tanks as well? im pretty sure i updated the SSTU mod.
  8. i dont think so? but i may be wrong.
  9. hey i have a bug report, well not really a bug, but, when used with B9s procedural wings, because J is the button used too open up the wing editing menu for the B9 parts, and u have too have the mouse cursor on the part when pressing j too open it, with this mod, it automatically orients the wing facing forward, which is a bit of a pain when you need too have control surfaces on the end off a slanted wing, and pressing J makes them automatically align forward.
  10. hey, will this work with new horizons, OPM, and trans-keptunian?
  11. you know what would be really cool? more variants of the interstage adaptors. i mean,you could have 1.85, 1.5, and 0.9375 meter adaptor variants (1.875meter is used by bluedog parts, and others, and 1.5 and 0.9375 meter is also used by bluedog parts) and you could also have mk2 adaptor, mk 3 adapter, etc.
  12. ram usage? maybe u have settings too high? try doing -force open_gl or opengl in the steam launch settings? it was something like that, -force something.
  13. aww, well ok. do u know anyone who might be able too make such a thing?
  14. hey, is this compatible with the caliber mod? the one that unifies all the 40mm rounds and etc? i think the naval guns addon has it as a dependency?
  15. how about have them seperate, but also include on them nodes, stack nodes, too stack attach too the mounting plate, which will also have nodes for the rcs too attach?
  16. hey why is there a copy of CRP within the folder, which is in the gamedata folder, where CRP is usually located?
  17. u know, interstellar extended for 1.0.5 also has a methane engine, i think? maybe there could be some cross-mod compatability?
  18. ive been away from the forums awhile-- has the bug with the modular fuel tanks been fixed?
  19. will this be made compatible with new horizons? like, maybe have it orbit sonnah and near too kerbin?
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