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Everything posted by 123nick

  1. oh ok, i guess that makes sense. also, a mod that requires such? like, a mod with its own log , different binaries for different platforms, appropriate C++ runtimes? wow, thats alot ! this mod must be extremely technically complicated and extremely ambitious too require such. i also would assume it doesent play well with some other mods that add in .dlls? simply because how big this mod is. well, i guess that now he replied, it does sorta makes sense. i mean, the only mod that requires different binaries for different platforms, has its own logs, and requires the appropriate C++ runtime, it would be appropriate for it too also have a different download method, for such a expansive and big and technologically complex mod.
  2. how long did it take me too get the mod? like, 30 seconds? i think? and no, its not a significant amount of time, well, unless you compare it too other mods on ksp, which take.... 10? 5 seconds? and yes, i respect the author did take a long time on the mod.... like many other mod authors did with there mods. but i dont see a single other instance , anywhere, of any modder having some irc channel, even if it took them 2, 3, maybe even 4 years too make there mod. and really, im not bothered by it. its just the most oddest thing. like, why? oh, and i think my time is a bit valuable, but 30 seconds is not enough for me too care about. and are people really showing the " gimme gimme now now now attitude" that you say they are?
  3. the "riff raff" ? as in, people who just want easily available download links? or do you mean something else by that? and the encouraging of reading-- how exactly? it doesent promote reading so much as it just seems more time consuming. i mean, i guess i read the #principia, and had too open the esper.net website. and i had too read the text telling me to do !linux too get the download link, but.... why should one be encouraged too read such minor things? they dont seem too make any difference at all, in any way.and it only encourages communication with the author by getting the person too go too the chat channel, but.... is communication with the author not already supported by this very forum we are on?
  4. log file is in the main ksp folder, where the gamedata folder is located. i think its ksp.log or something?
  5. but as someone who has downloaded it, it still makes little too no sense why you have to login too some IRC chat, and then do !linux too have a link (that can easily be posted on the original post) too the download too then be able to download. it just seems so unnecessary, and this is the only mod in existence too have such a method for downloading. i mean, if @eggrobin has a reason why, then i guess its ok, but still.
  6. really? yet another mod that moves eeloo? i mean, i dont mean to be mean- this mod has potential, but please, can you move something besides eeloo ? or just clone eeloo? there is soo many mods that move eeloo, its not even funny any more.
  7. if its hard to read: the MFT-A tank has, by default , 14.72 thousand liquid fuel, and 17.38 thousand oxidizer. the stock tank has 2880 and around 3000 or so oxidizer, whatever the standard value is. if u turn the utilization bar down too 17%, it has a comparable amount of fuel too the jumbo-64 tank.
  8. thats... odd? i just have MFT so parts have fixed volume, but you can store more arbitrary units of LH2 in a fuel tank then other , non-compressible fuels
  9. i....think so? its from something, ive noticed it on wing parts, too, and those also seem too store unusually high ammounts of fuel, so i dont store fuel in wings. its from something.
  10. ok, so i.......guess it works then? i mean, aslong as you dont have infinite supplies, then im ok with it.
  11. fertilizer created via mulch? but in the most recent USI greenhouse you have mulch+fertilizer=supplies, which then turn into mulch. , so you get fertilizer from mulch, wouldnt one be able too have infinite, or atleast alot, of supplies?
  12. theres also a "utilization" bar option when i press it, turning it apprently increases the max volume. does that effect the thing in any significant way?
  13. oh, well ok, its just that MKS has a complex production chain, and this mod afaik doesent have the complex production chain, so you might be able to bypass parts of the production chain, in a cheaty- sort of way. also, shouldnt the prairie greenhouse also need mulch, too?
  14. the SSTU tank is a 2.75 meter tank with 1.875 meter tricoupler mount. the bottom tank is the stock tank. the SSTU tank had lik,e 9500 or so LF , and 11K oxidizer (estimates). hope that helps.
  15. so its like, storing the ammount of LF as if it were storing LH2? it just seems buggy, because with other mods, like spaceY rocketry, you can have 7.5 meter parts that can easily send that into orbit, and if you do, then some LV-909s can get you insane ammounts of deltaV.
  16. i know, but shouldnt it be impossible for a tank that small to contain more fuel, even with full utilization, than the 3.75 meter tank? thats bigger? seems sorta cheaty.
  17. hey i think there might be something wrong with the MFT values for tanks, they seem too have absurd ammounts of liquid fuel and oxidizer. see: the bottom tank is a 3.75 meter fuel tank, and the top is a 2.5 meter sstu tank with a 1.875 meter tricoupler on the bottom, but the fuel storage is absurd. the sstu takes like, about 3 times the fuel storage of the 3.75 meter tank. im not sure if its a problem with sstu or on my end, but any help?
  18. hey if u have a reactor with both a heat too megawatts generator and a thermal nozzle, will it sorta work like a bi-modal nerva? capable of making EC and/or megawatts AND powering a thermal nozzle, even if its not at the same time?
  19. hey would it be possible for this mod to have support for UKS modules and etc? although this mod is great, it doesent have the complexity and such that UKS has, like the modules required for life support and etc. do you think it would be easy to figure out some way to have support between the 2 mods, im not sure how, maybe it can just be having versions of the UKS parts like the aeroponics and etc. that use the hacienda or science lab or whichever model of pathfinder inflatable module, but with the part modules and resource converters of UKS. your thoughts?
  20. i just use MFT which has configurable ammounts of both resources, and although i dont want to go too off topic, i think it will fix it if you use it with procedural fuel tanks for fuel tanks any size you want, i guess. its what I use atleast. it should work if its not fixed /broken.
  21. oh...then whatever it is, it must be very.... important? interesting?
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