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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. That was before I found the game. I have no memory of this.
  2. This seeker of support has been moved to the support seeking subforum.
  3. Thread moved to Fan Works. In the process, several posts were removed. Guys, if you're not interested in something, just skip to the next thread. Lingering here long enough to post about why you think the person should feel bad for suggesting the idea in the first place is a waste of your time and energy and makes the forum a less pleasant place for everyone.
  4. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions. Also, some unhelpful posts have been removed. Joke answers can be pretty frustrating to people who are stuck.
  5. Every single update is going to change something about the game, and Squad can't possibly anticipate which player-made mods (code they have never looked at) could be affected.
  6. Squad may still choose to comment on this matter, but in the mean time, arguing with each other won't improve the situation. The thread has been closed.
  7. Rendezvous is one of the trickiest parts of this game, and I will leave a detailed explanation for someone who can do it better. But in the mean time, one handy thing to know is that you can put the second ship in a slightly higher or lower orbit and eventually time will bring them closer together. Maybe try playing with that until someone comes along with more specific tips.
  8. You could, you know, take a turn in our existing game.
  9. Vanamonde

    I own a wiki

    Overlapping threads have been merged, for clarity and tidiness.
  10. This doesn't look like a "mod" so far, so thead tentatively moved to Fan Works.
  11. Some posts removed. Posting in and old thread to complain about people who post in an old thread really doesn't add much to discussions.
  12. Trading previous versions between yourselves is illegal. Getting them from Squad is legal, which is what the OP is about, though there has been an interruption in access due to some ramifications of Squad being purchased by Take Two. The intention is to make them available again at some point, legally, from Squad.
  13. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  14. Some posts have been removed from this thread. We know you meant well, guys, but trading previous versions of KSP is actually illegal.
  15. Test. It's still there. Hover over upper right of quote box.
  16. A whole mess of personal remarks have been trimmed from this thread. If this keeps up, we'll have to just start closing threads about human evolution wherever they come up.
  17. None of us here can change the flight regulations in your country, Also, when you proposed dishonest methods of possibly getting around those flight regulations on this forum, before we've advised you not to try it. And it's really a bad idea to try to skirt the law after announcing your intention to try to skirt the law on a publicly visible internet forum. So please stop doing that here, okay? Also, we ask our members to avoid using insulting terms for groups of people, even when you are a member of that group.
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