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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. All stars look pretty much the same to the eye. The only way to identify a constellation is by knowing its location so it can be compared to other stars. Try sky maps. Example.
  2. If a post is a problem, please just report it, okay guys? Quoting it REPEATS the problem and commenting on it adds to forum clutter for others to click past to get to the actual content of the thread. That being said, we had to remove your pic link, @DAL59. Sorry, but it was causing page loading problems.
  3. Jet, smallish, as in a single or dual-seater, and I couldn't tell if it was a T-tail because I was looking at it from underneath, but I think not. Thanks for the link, but given the weapons pylons I'm pretty sure it was a ground attack, but was none of those in that guide.
  4. Not directly from your PC, no. They must be hosted somewhere. Unfortunately, I don't know of a good alternative to Imgur, since Photobucket started charging money for it.
  5. I'm not sure if ManeTI plays KSP, actually, and he isn't a moderator. He's our forum IT guy. We are engaged in a clandestine internal war of assassination and sabotage, battling for supremacy.
  6. Hi X Sonic Pro X. Welcome to the forum.
  7. Thanks, but not an Intruder/Prowler. I am familiar with those and would have recognized them.
  8. Thanks, but fuselage definitely thinner toward the tail, and wings more swept. And guys, the thingies on the wings are small. Weapons pylons rather than engines.
  9. Thanks, but much smaller. Fighter-sized. Single seat, I suspect, and I think shoulder-mounted wing, though I can't be sure from underneath. Looked like a dark green paint job, but the light wasn't good, so I could be wrong about that.
  10. Rough sketch. I live in mid-California, nowhere near any borders, and it's the wrong time of year for foreign visitors to air shows. So what in the world is that thing? Sorry I can't get a better view of it, but I'm only seeing it from below and from a distance. Could be single or duel engine.
  11. The hike was at a run, and 4x physics warp. Oddly enough, that slowed it down. The navball read 2m/s when he was running in "real time," but at 4x physics warp, that reduced to 1.5m/s. Weird, huh?
  12. Are you perhaps now operating the ISRU equipment in a hotter place? That is to say, a planet closer to the sun than you used to? If so, more intense sunlight will add to the heating.
  13. What are you basing this opinion upon? If Squad has given up on consoles, this will come as an angry surprise for Blitworks, who Squad has contracted with for the conversion.
  14. @minotard1, your post has been moved to its own thread.
  15. It didn't look like it was going to be a long hike...
  16. Express yourselves with some tact, please, guys. And if you don't like the mod, no one is making you read the thread about it.
  17. Bill: Our designs are fully tested and ready for our big mission! Let's go! Bob: We can't. Bill: What? Why? Bob: Our supposed friends told us we'd have enough science to invent all the parts we need, but they lied! Bill: Gasp! The fiends! Bob: Well, now what? What can we do with the stuff we have? Bill: Let's go get some more science so we can invent the parts we want. Bob: You know, those glory-hound pilots have been dragging us to other planets, and sure, it's exciting and all, but there is closer science they haven't bothered to collect. ... and so Project Overlook was born... A vastly improved Landfall probe was sent to Mun's Twin Craters, collecting grav readings from various locations along the way. It performed a "science from the surface of Mun" contract, and left the lander stage in place to beam back more science for later such contracts. Bob: We collected 789.5 overlooked science! Bill: Nice! To the parts store! (Otherwise known as the R&D building.) Bob: However, the mission was a net loss of $11,000. Bill: We really should make more efficient ships. But in the mean time, let's make up the loss by running another contract. Bob: We're only supposed to run one mission and then let someone else have a turn. Bill: Yeah, but we can't run the mission we wanted because our "friends" lied to us, so let's do another. Bob: Yeah! Forget those jerks! ... and so Project New Recruit was born... The good ship Recuiter flew a tidy little rendezvous and rescued Milbal Kerman from orbit. And landed so close to KSC... (... which was TOTALLY planned and not at all a lucky accident... ) ... that Milbal decided to run back to the astronaut complex and thank the guys in person. Which turned out to be a really boring 1 hour and 22 minute hike, but live and learn. Bill: Another scientist for our space program! Bob: Now we can outvote the glory-hound pilots when choosing new programs! Bill: But the first order of business is the obvious question we must ask Milbal. Bob: Yes. "Since we are the only space program in the world, and we didn't send you there, how the heck did you get into orbit in the first place?" Tune in next time to hear Milbal say...
  18. Thread moved to The Lounge, since it's not about KSP.
  19. @Nic Joker, your question has been merged into (what we think is) the thread for the mod in question. Good luck with your issue.
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