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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. The discussion in this thread has become personal at several points, and if it keeps up, we will have to lock the thread. Keep things civil, guys.
  2. Varcolac1, your thread has been merged into the master thread for this sort of question.
  3. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions & Development.
  4. Yes, this is pretty much the purpose of this whole subforum, but please do participate.
  5. This thread is wandering from its topic. The subject is the advisability of destroying the ISS.
  6. This thread is nearly 3 years old, and very unlikely to be updated. We can re-open it if the OP contacts us, but in the mean time, we'll let it go gentle into that good night.
  7. Now that's settled, please abide by the rules of the challenge, keep the discussion on-topic, and please do not insult each other over playstyle preferences.
  8. Everyone is anxious in unusual situations. For Kerbals, it's strange for firey death not to be imminent.
  9. KSP isn't multiplayer because it's a planned feature that hasn't been implemented yet.
  10. Not in stock KSP, and therefore your question has been moved to the modding section.
  11. That does sound like a bug, so your thread has been moved to the support section.
  12. It's not just space shows and movies that get stuff wrong. Doctors laugh at doctor shows, lawyers scoff at lawyer shows, etc. Whatever subject you know something about, it bugs you when a show gets it wrong.
  13. This thread seems to have wandered quite far from anything to do with KSP. Time to move on to other discussions.
  14. It's never too late to return to the fold, Sparkhead.
  15. Your question has been moved to the proper subforum for this sort of thing.
  16. Yes, Dropbox is fine. Oh, and you don't need an account for Imgur, but getting an account is free anyway.
  17. Our forum had to block Mediafire links because they sometimes include problematic ads. Please use a different file-sharing service. Meanwhile, how about some pictures?
  18. Don't overlook the obvious. Is your joystick perhaps wearing out? Maybe go to settings and increase the dead zone on the roll axis?
  19. Having left the subject of spaceflight far behind, this thread no longer belongs in the science subforum. Moved to General.
  20. Since the thread has wandered from KSP itself, it has been to The Lounge. Or General Discussion. Whatever we're calling it now.
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