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Everything posted by razark

  1. Yes, I love that part of the year when I'm driving in to work, and the sun is finally not blindingly ahead of me, and then we change the time and it is again. I propose a compromise. We get rid of "Spring forward", but we keep "Fall back".
  2. We can't. Without the sci-fi magic technology, there's no way to imitate Star Trek chairs. If the ship is accelerating in the direction the person seated in the chair is facing, all force is going to be to the back of the chair, and none towards the seat. Then it's a bed, not a chair. That's just the way the real-world physics work. If the decks (and therefore chair) were to be perpendicular to the direction of acceleration, then you could experience Earth-normal 1g by accelerating at 1g. If you angle the decks so that they are somewhere between perpendicular and parallel to the acceleration, then you will get a force into the seat and back of the chair. The only way to experience Star Trek style chair sitting is to use Star Trek style artificial gravity and inertial dampers. Removing a sci-fi magic technology from its context is not going to work, because it relies on the rest of the fictional universe to work properly.
  3. Then your question is meaningless, as Trek technology is designed to operate in the Trek universe, where Trek physics applies. You might as well ask what kind of lightsaber Captain Kirk would prefer to duel with Harry Potter.
  4. I pretty sure Squad appreciated all their early access supporters.
  5. I was unaware of that. Every version of MP mod time-warp solution I've heard described to me was basically identical. None of them ever described a method that prevented paradox.
  6. Not everyone agrees that the way it has been "solved" is the correct way.
  7. Well, depending on how quickly it stops your vessel... It also causes typos, apparently.
  8. Any idea what the part count on that shuttle is? (And where do I easily add them all to a shopping list? WAAAAAANT! Give us the precious!)
  9. What if the powered landing is in water, or on a ship, as SpaceX does? That would not be lithobreaking.
  10. JSC occasionally has to warn people away from gator sightings, as well. Nowhere near as swampy as KSC, though.
  11. All of it. Any technology that exists is far superior to a script-writer's imaginary device that doesn't.
  12. You got "Shepard" right, but you misspelled "Alan" quite badly. Nice collection.
  13. Very much agree. I also find it kills any desire to replay a game if I'm just going through the same thing over again. (This is also something the early part of KSP career suffers from.)
  14. None. KSP allows a player to make up its own lore.
  15. I always thought something was fundamentally wrong with the universe. Edit: This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
  16. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Version_history Considering they went from 0.9 to 0.10, and 0.9 and 0.90 are different versions, I think we can determine that they're using version numbers correctly, and not as decimals. A KSP 2.x.y is a conceivable version number separate from KSP2, but it's highly unlikely that a change radical enough to involve such a change would occur at this point.
  17. My parents are on a cruise from Boston to Quebec right now. Got word earlier that they may be rerouting the ship and missing some of the stops.
  18. Was referring to the performance, not the author.
  19. You misspelled "William Shatner".
  20. You've posted the album, not a link to the image. Try "https://i.imgur.com/XZSXEi3.jpg" instead.
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