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Everything posted by JonnyOThan

  1. K, you had ConfigurableContainers installed. I can't figure out how to make the passthrough stuff work with that or ModularFuelTanks, so I just disabled it when those mods are installed.
  2. New version available: https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva/releases/tag/ Notable Changes Added support for the ASET mk1-2 IVA (Use Reviva to use this IVA in the mk1-3 pod). Revamped models in all stock multi-adapter parts (Thanks @Icecovery ) Added passthrough support to 1.875m tanks from Making History Bug Fixes Etc. Disabled fuel tank passthrough configs when ModularFuelTanks or ConfigurableContainers is installed Fixed hatch issue in mk1-4 pod from NearFutureSpacecraft Fixed hatch and collisions issues in some SSPX parts Fixed an issue with "temporary" seats like the one in the inline docking port Fixed RPM configuration in inline docking port Fixed hatch tubes not using the proper size when the attachnodes were changed by b9ps (e.g. planetside endcaps) Changed shadow and lighting configuration in the internal space
  3. you need to allow access to the log file.
  4. WildBlueCore has ModuleIVAVariants which allows for toggling gameobjects in the internal space on/off depending on what part variant was selected. It's not quite the same thing though. There's some other system that can toggle internal stuff based on the external animation state - some of the parts from KPBS use it.
  5. Version is now available on CKAN, github, and spacedock.
  6. Yes please provide the log file. This is likely a bad interaction with some other mod, and I have no way to know what it is without the logs. In the meantime you can delete FreeIva/Squad/b9ps_fueltanks.cfg but you won't be able to make the fuel tanks passable.
  7. Version is officially out! I made a small performance improvement since the prerelease. Go check out the excellent IVAs in Mk2Expansion, Mk3Expansion, and Near Future Spacecraft!
  8. New build available for prerelease: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/releases/tag/v0.31.10.0 Fixed missing camera part when using Restock Massive performance improvements
  9. You shouldn't have to downgrade versions. If CKAN doesn't think it's compatible, you can go to settings -> compatible game versions and check 1.12.
  10. A new version of FreeIVA is available as a prerelease. This may become the official release if no serious issues are found. Please test it out and let me know if you find anything broken. https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva/releases/tag/
  11. If you're not using them, they shouldn't. But attaching something there might reduce the drag.
  12. Should be. If you find any issues, report them here, discord, or GitHub.
  13. Near Future Spacecraft will be in the next update. What’s FUR?
  14. Whatever I feel like, or whatever people are asking for.
  15. Yes, I definitely value that interaction while unbuckled. However the suggestion is a good one - I'm pretty sure I can re-enable those props for clicking when you are buckled. They still might block your movement when you're unbuckled, and you won't be able to click them while unbuckled, but it's a decent blanket fix without having to patch everything that is set up wrong. So this is funny....I went and looked at the code and it should already be doing that. So another possible explanation is that the shell colliders from FreeIva are actually a little too tight - if they're in front of the prop, you won't be able to click it. Well this is quite a head scratcher....I CAN use the GPS knob if I unbuckle and get closer to it. OK, so yeah this is just a combination of things that is not so surprising: When you are unbuckled, your mouse clicks will not hit the Kerbals layer (so you don't click on yourself). If the shell collider is too tight, it will block mouse clicks while you are buckled. I could also disable clicking on layer 16 when you are buckled, but then any props that are in the wrong layer won't be clickable. I can always fix the colliders as we find these issues, but that will depend on people reporting them. @orionguyIf you find any other places that are a problem please let me know!
  16. Most mods for 1.8 and later work fine in 1.12. What’s not working properly?
  17. If you changed mods, you need to post new log files. I can nearly guarantee that using ckan would have prevented whatever is going on.
  18. StoneBluebis correct, you’re missing jsi part utilities. You also have a number of other things installed incorrectly, like whatever the heck this is: [1.0.2]+QTAP+v1.2.9+(Open+this+file)/[1.0.2] QTAP v1.2.9 (Open this file)/GameData/BahaSP/Plugins/
  19. A few of the IVAs don't seem to have seat or hatch props - is that intentional?
  20. There is *one* button prop in *one* of the SSPX centrifuges that also has this problem, and before I changed how some physics stuff works it used to punt you out of the centrifuge if you touched it.
  21. Thanks for the report. I'd guess that these props have their colliders on layer 16 instead of 20 (which most props should be). Without FreeIVA, both layers are interactable with the mouse but when FreeIVA is installed, layer 16 is reserved for kerbal colliders and layer 20 is for props. I can probably fix this by changing the collider layers at runtime, but it would need a patch for every broken prop.
  22. Eh? I know I’ve seen some with bunks, but I’m not sure which parts. Maybe the inflatable attic?
  23. When you enter IVA mode (press C) you should see a prompt to unbuckle (Y by default). If you press that, a window should appear with all the context-sensitive controls.
  24. There are a number of very hard technical challenges that had to be overcome. Pizzaoverhead started it seven years ago and certainly hadn’t been working on it all this time. I’ve been working on KerbalVR and wanted to do FreeIVA integration, so I came on to help out. One of the biggest obstacles was creating colliders for all the parts. I came up with a way to use concave meshes which are easier to build in a modeling program. Previously this wasn’t believed to be possible. Another challenge was that most internal models have opaque geometry over the places where hatches should go. Previously this was solved by a depth mask shader but it still had artifacts when you were close to it. We recently came up with a way to edit the meshes at load time to cut out holes so you could see through.
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