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Everything posted by CaptRobau

  1. @_Augustus_ Good idea! http://spacedock.info/mod/233/Outer%20Planets%20Mod @The White Guardian That's very well done.
  2. CKAN integration will help the most. Curseforge is not as open as KS was, so it wasn't able to integrate well with CKAN. I definitely got a boost from configuring my mod OPM for use with CKAN, so I think this will help SpaceDock adoption the most. Personally, as a mod dev, I think both any KS replacement and Curseforge need to work most on mod discovery. It doesn't necessarily need to be about the amount of mods. It needs to be about being able to find any sort of mod. The best way to stay up-to-date on cool mods, large and small, is still the forum. It's a bit crazy that someone who checks the mod forums daily still can find small mods that did something super cool two months ago and have since been abandoned because two people downloaded it. This is in part I think because of two omissions: Not enough categories. At this point any mod repository needs to have categories for planet packs, realistic mods, etc. We shouldn't have to put anything that doesn't fit within the standard framework of KSP in Misc or Gameplay if it's become popular enough. Not enough time period selection. If you want to stay up-to-date with mods, you basically have to watch the forum because there's no popularity category for the last week, month, etc. All-time popularity categories are very much useless for keeping up to date, because no mods can get into that within a short period. So anything that's hot and heavy, people need to discover through Reddit or the forum, which are above the level of KSP interest of many.
  3. CKAN doesn't work because the owner of KerbalStuff took its site down for several personal reasons. The OP now reflects this, with for the moment Curseforge being the only mirror. A final salute to the great KerbalStuff! The home of OPM from the very first moment and at last count having provided 128,756 total downloads of the various versions of the mod. I will miss you.
  4. Congrats! You're both very talented creators that will no doubt be an asset to the team.
  5. I know. Which I why I want to know it. I think it's because he didn't install something correctly, but I want to be sure so I can put it in the FAQ and help people that have this problem in the future.
  6. I had a similar idea once, but I never did anything with it. Glad you did!
  7. Currently working on my big 2.0 update for OPM and this is going to be a(n optional) feature for the OPM planets and moons. So you better look out when driving/landing on Slate, Hale, Plock, etc.
  8. Didn't know that biomes worked on gas giants. Might try that for my own mod's gas giants.
  9. Glad to see it seems to work again. If anything does happen after that Tekto mission, let me know.
  10. Could you recreate this, note the time and then send or poste the log? It's called KSP.log and it's in your main KSP folder.
  11. Time for an update on the progress for 2.0 and beyond: There is so much that I want to do for the next phase of OPM that it can't all be done in a single update, without making you guys wait for ages. I've already done work on the two major features: terrain improvements/custom terrain textures and a biome overhaul and now that I know what I can expect of both of these, I've decided to divide the work into two major releases: 2.0 will focus on improvements to the terrain of the OPM bodies. Custom terrain textures, procedural voronoi craters like on the Mun, more variation in terrain detailing (at the moment the OPM terrains still take most of their settings from their templates), better scatter (no custom models yet, but I can use the stock ones in ways that are more varied and fit the OPM bodies better) and more. 2.1 will do a complete overhaul of the biomes. The Squad-inspired way of doing biomes/biome maps is just not creating the best results gameplay and otherwise. The biome maps are hard to look at it, there are few uniquely named features and they don't incentivize exploration all that well. Our new concept will rectify all of that. More on this later. Don't worry that all of those hundreds of custom science blurbs written by you guys will become obsolete. With limited rewriting or re-categorizing I can easily fit the existing in with the new biomes. Work for 2.0's terrain revamp so far has mostly been about testing texture tools provided by Kopernicus and KSPs inner workings on which it. You don't need 8k textures to make something look good. With variation in textures, textures that tile well and bump maps you can get some results that look more varied and less blurry than what most of the stock KSP texture work has been showing off so far. I've mostly been testing it out on the stock planets and moons, as that was easier. Now that I've gotten the hang of it and I'm slowly narrowing down the types of terrain textures I want, I'm moving onto directly working on OPM bodies. As you might be able to see in the images below, I'm trying to find a good balance between so blurry, it's almost cartoony (stock KSPs worst examples) and hyper-realistic (KSPRC). I've found that KSPRCs way does give nice pictures if you look at it the right way, but that it makes it hard to make it look good both close by, at a distance and from low orbit. As far as I can tell that approach also results in a higher performance impact (probably because the texture is being tiled more often). The performance impact on my testing install is far less. The amount of RAM the amount of textures I'm aiming for takes up about 50 mb and while KSPRC levels of tiling sometimes made the clock color turn yellow, at the current level it's always green. In KSP 1.1, with its performance/memory improvements, I imagine that these extra textures won't even impact performance in any noticeable way. There's still a long way to go (everything you see is a WIP), but I like where this is going. Feels nice being able to something that's so undocumented/unexplored. Kind of like the begin days of OPM/Kopernicus.
  12. Of course it works with other file formats, but why not push them in the right direction from the start?
  13. That's quite hard to say, since I did it right the first time. So I don't really know how to fix your situation. The best advice I can give is that you should just copy something like Sarnus and just replace its texture with yours. For a gas giant, you only need a color map, which should be saved as DDS, format DXT_5.
  14. Thanks No to both. The first two are not part of the outer solar system (that's still the inner solar system) and with the dwarf planets I've decided against a long time ago, since their orbits make it so that the vast majority will never visit them. I'd rather focus on stuff that most will at least be able to do a fly by of.
  15. I didn't get the question the first time. The only cfg changed is indeed Karen. You don't need Worfpad though. I think we already told you this but if you get Notepad++ you can easily read every cfg. It's free, easy to install and runs on every computer.
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