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Everything posted by Majorjim!

  1. You are entirely unhelpful. You proclaim in your post that the time warp bug is fixed and yet your title says fixed'?'. You all play on the same exact hardware if one has a bug ALL have that bug.
  2. Tis! Keep at it though mate. You should create a kerbin test arena to show off the suspension.
  3. Its coming along nicely! Looks like a tricky project too. That song is by Sir Mix-a-lot not Mc Hammer.
  4. I like it! I imagine it would be really fun to try and shoot it down. Oh and the RCS bearings where first made by @sgt_flyer and later by @klond
  5. Any progress getting albums to work? It's been a while.
  6. Damn man. That's one complex looking set up. And yeah if anyone can figure it out it's you. All I can say at this stage is any aeroshell/rocket that houses that is going to be HUGE. Amazing work so far though man, truly.
  7. Or use the editor extension mod. Seriously, if you havent tried it, do.
  8. Sex panther! Great work on this mate! Making something move around like that in the atmosphere is no easy task. I salute you and your building prowess!
  9. That looks super fun! I love how theres a real element of danger too! You should make a few differetn ones! Maybe one that can be placed between the buildings. That would be amazing. Or... The first ever off world roller coaster! Someone has to do it.
  10. I like it! I hope you bunched some of those mainsail engines together though! They are not powerful enough on thier own..
  11. This is bad mate.. I think you lost that craft file.. Now, although there may not be anything we can do about this file you can stop this from ever happeneing again by saving the craft file twice each time you save. And save it OFTEN. Anytime you make a big change save it. Anytime the wind changes direction, save it. EDIT: Seems @Azimech got there before me. Good to hear you are progressing with the rebuild, and yes, ALWAYS save at least twice. I havent lost a craft file for years now.
  12. You are right, its totally unacceptable.. @SQUAD?
  13. Starman playing with the shot of the suit in the car touched me right in the feels.
  14. Too bloody right mate, you didnt buy the game to do someones work for them.
  15. Funny thing, you buy a game to 'play' it. To relax and enjoy your chosen hobby. Not to have to do bloody work to get the damn thing to do what it's supposed to. If you want to do bug reports set a day aside for just that. Take your time and submit a detailed bug report. then bill SQUAD/BLITZWORKS/TAKETWO for your time. I'm serious. Bill them.
  16. This kind of thing is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. How the hell are you supposed to play the game knowing that at any moment something may happen that wipes out hours and hours of work..? Now the console version has no part count limit which on console is total madness.. It was advertised as a good thing! No part limit, no problem! Except you never know when you will load in too many parts crash the game and lose your craft and save file. It boggles the mind that someone thought this was a good idea..
  17. Are you sure that timewarp is fully off? It might be on at the lowest setting, this will prevent any other actions.
  18. There's a saying here on the forum. 'No pics no clicks'. Can you include some screenshots?
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