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Everything posted by justspace103

  1. id be down to see more of the Kerbol system, but i would also expect a more mellow one after the bombshell (imo) that was the Gurdamma reveal. damn that planet looked so good
  2. i would love to see a red giant system. A star nearing the end of its life with some dying planets around it, and maybe an ocean moon around a gas giant that has thawed from the expanding star. Maybe thats what they have in mind for Glumo and Merbel
  3. My god Gurdamma is absolutely GORGEOUS! @Nate Simpson you mentioned that this planet is analogus to the early earth in the late heavy bombardment. will there be an asteroid hazard of rocks coming down to destroy colonies? that would be a crazy but fun environmental hazard players would have to deal with.
  4. this hit me like a truck just because i grew up w the game, but this solves two problems. First, I no longer have to restart my space program with the fear that a new update could break mods that i use for a bit. Second, this will eliminate scope creep from KSP 1 to KSP2, and make the KSP2 Dev's lives easier by being able to implement everything from KSP1 to KSP2. All in all, i think this was a good decision for the future of KSP.
  5. Home base is looking sweet. awesome job guys and thanks for all the hype stuff
  6. Im predicting on the 11th anneverary of KSP's original release. July 27th 2022
  7. @Nertea is the person i think when it comes to this job. His parts and concepts for them are absolutly amazing, and his work on Restock as well as the other modders on that project have created a common art style which i hope will be a continuing theme for KSP2.
  8. VERY AWESOME! Here's a meme for your hard work @Intercept Games
  9. Hey guys excellent additions with the methane engines, really enjoying them (especially with waterfall!!). Although i think i may have encountered a small bug. Is anyone else having trouble with the new "Harrier" Engine? whenever i use it my craft enters a roll and spins out of control. the thrust centering may be off.
  10. This developer update was so well done. Great Job! Also, cant wait to push my Kerbals to stage 3 panic XD Hopefully the video will be out on a FRIDAYYYYYYY
  11. Here's my predictions/hopes for 1.11: - Art Passes for more of the planets (probably jool's moons; prob Vall and Tylo are next) - Reusablity parts (maybe in the form of a DLC or free update, either could work) - would be cool to get a bunch of ew varieties for engines and size catagories that arent as fleshed out (1.875, , 3.75, 5.0, etc) - A 3.75 meter docking port! - More and bigger asteriod spawn locations (near dres orbit, not just orbiting dres, near eeloo) - it would be awesome to pick a mod to add to the game. maybe kerbal alarm clock? All these changes would be an awesome and substantial update to KSP. tried to keep my predictions that could be doable in a quarterly time frame.
  12. I got the showstopper "Houston we have a problem" error and it told me to come here. Heres the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4yhwc9z9ap8e58b/KSP.log?dl=0
  13. tbh, this would be kinda awesome. however, its prob better as a mod than anything else.
  14. This is sooo reassuring. Thank you @Nate Simpson, we patiently await your team's creation
  15. I agree with @ShadowZone with how we should approach this trasition of management, we dont know all the full details yet. But what i will say is this: I had the lovely chance of meeting Nate Simpson, creative director, at PAX east this past March. For the time we talked, we shared our love of the original game, and it was amazing to see his undisputed dedication to KSP2 and making it right for the community. Based on my interaction with him, he clearly cares about the game alot. Which is why i believe, like others have said, that if Nate made that jump to Intercept "immediately" as the article says, it must have been for a very good reason and it must have been for the good of KSP2, not to hinder it or sell it out for a large salary. its clea that this is an amazing passion project for many of the developers, and i actually concier it comforting that T2 wentht through the effort to hire the people that ACTUALLY care about the game. after all, they could have just hired an entirely new team without all the trouble. I understand why this situation is upseting, but I believe, even if we dont know specifically, that this action may have been necessary for the salvation and continuing development of the KSP2 that the community wants.
  16. its too early to really tell but from the looks of things and the passion of the developers, i think it will
  17. but... i dont want to hurt their feelings They are all so freaking adorable. This is like trying to pick a favorite child
  18. Honesty this new release date doesnt really affect the way i see KSP2. I met the developers at pax and they truly, TRULY know what the essence of ksp is and i have no doubt that the game will be fantastic. in addition, we will probably get more of those awesome spotlight videos over the next year.
  19. Super excited for this. Can never get enough KSP in your life. Now all you need to do is partener with ROSCOSMOS and you'll get the trinity of world space programs! Cant wait to see more!
  20. dw man if you want crazy realiistic manuactirng like you descfribed im sure there will be some mods for it.
  21. Music is always a huge part of the feel of space in both movies and games. Maybe not upon initial release, but how cool would it be if KSP2 had its own original soundtrack and not just the same royalty free tracks? an orchestrated recretion of the KSP main theme, along with several other awesome tracks for building craft, launching, orbit, landing, reentry, etc.?
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