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Everything posted by justspace103

  1. ive heard that there are some problems with memoy leaks in 1.2. not sure if this is caused by a mod or just a problem with the stock game Mod List: B9PartSwitch CommunityResourcePack CryoEngines CryoTanks DeployableEngines DMagicScienceAnimate KAS KerbalAtomics Kerbaltek KIS KWRocketry ModuleManager 2.7.1 dll NavyFish NearFutureProps NearFutureSolar PersistantRotation PreciseNode RCSBuildAid RealPlume RealPlume-Stock ReentryParticleEffect SmokeScreen SpaceY-Expanded SpaceY-Lifters Squad StationPartsExpansion TriggerTech Tweakscale I just want to know if this is a mod issue or a 1.2 issue.
  2. Well the reason for such a stable release is also because of the people who tested the prerelease and looked for bugs for weeks. Its a great system that squad should continue with for every major release
  3. i love the new interstage trusses on the fairings. they allowed me to do some pretty cool designs
  4. I just realized i posted this in the wrong thread XD sorry!
  5. I know this is a known issue but how do i fix this: Heres my log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/je3b8zwzyiz8ocl/KSP.log?dl=0 Im on a Mac(Retina 5K, 27-inch, Mid 2015), 3.3 GHz Intel Core i5 Processor, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Memory, Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 M290 2048 MB
  6. i had this issue and heres how you fix it: right click on the application and select "show package contents". then navigate through contents, then MacOS, and click the executable shown. KSP works perfectly fine after that so its an issue with the application connecting to the executable. heres a forum thread i made during the prerelease about this issue:
  7. with previous versions, many many times because i have an addiction to mods. specifically visual enhancement mods but oddly enough, since the 1.1 update, my game hasn't crashed EVEN ONCE. Squad FTW!!!!
  8. great idea!!
  9. yeah i knew it was a longshot thought id try it anyway. i figured that some other people have done the same thing with the 1.0.5 install, people who are alot more experienced in modding then i am. is there a way to try and fix the problem by just removing a texture or changing a couple lines of code? if not ill wait until it is released for 1.1.2
  10. hey guys having some trouble with the volumetric clouds Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/8ikV2 the clouds from space as well as everything else in RC is fine, its just these weird effects that happen on the ground which is why i suspect it has something to do with the volumetric clouds. i tried removing some textures to stop it from happening but no success, still getting the same problem. any thoughts?
  11. do you have any suggestions on what my settings should be for those?
  12. do i need a higher graphics card or are there settings on my mac that i can change to make performance better?
  13. I first want to start out by saying that i love Kerbal Space Program so much, and with each new update i fell the game gets better and better in ways that amaze me every time I play, which is why i feel screwed over by this issue. I tried out KSP 1.1 after it came out, getting all excited because of the amazing results in performance that i saw in the twitch streams. Then i started getting into it, and when i checked the performance, it capped at 60-65 FPS in a stock game, just like 1.0.5 (i did a comparison to make sure). I assumed it was because i wasn't switched to 64-bit because it wasn't showing the (x64) in the version number on startup. I actually made another thread about how to switch to 64 bit on a Mac, and i was told it was a unified binary and to check my activity monitor. So i did, and it said i was on a 64 bit build so i figured my troubles were over. I tried moving along with the performance issue by installing two mods: scatterer and EVE with configs. when I tested, i was getting 20-30 FPS on a 15 part ship in orbit, and same for a plane in atmosphere as the link shows: Performance Pics This was not the great performance fixes we were promised, because i see little to no improvement to 1.0.5. Does anyone know how to fix this issue, or is anyone having the same issue? SPECS: iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Mid 2015) Processor: 3.3 GHz Intel Core i5 Memory: 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Storage: 1.11 TB Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 M290 2048 MB OS: latest version of OSX El Capitan
  14. i just realized that on like the first page it says female kerbals (#31 i think)
  15. ok thanks for the clarification! it also doesn't say (x64) down in the version number, is that to be expected?
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