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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. All that said above.... I'm still psyched for a successful flight and I'll have my popcorn ready. I love all forms of spaceflight. It sure is a purty vehicle
  2. Oh no, I don't want them out of the business, I want them to refocus their goals. I believe we've reached a time where private launch vehicles are a better choice compared to government funded ones. Let's keep a manned Internationally funded space station in operation. Let's keep designing and building and launching as many scientific probes as we can. Let NASA be the government oversight that is needed, heavily needed, for the private industry. I just don't see the need for governmentally funded launch vehicles anymore. Other countries may have different approaches, but NASA has played itself out of the launch vehicle business, and I'm ok with that. The US has a strong enough private sector building launch vehicles to not need anymore public ones. SLS might be the last one we see. -More replies incoming, standby for edit- See above ^
  3. Nah, #3. The pure joy at seeing it fail knowing it will get NASA out of the space flight business itself and force it to focus on regulation and research, the only things they’ve actually been good at for the last 40 years.
  4. Seeing as this is just another form of a hype thread, and not even specifically about KSP2, it has been merged with the master hype thread.
  5. I don’t have the link on hand, but there are reasonant orbit calculators out there. These will let you figure the math to: Send a large probe to another planet with three comm satellites on it. Then you find an orbital time that your apogee is exactly 1/3 (2/3?) of a circular orbit time at that apogee altitude. When your mother probe reaches apogee, you release a comm sat and have it circularize. Next apogee of the mother ship, rinse and repeat. And again. This will give you 3 sats equally spaced around the same orbit. When it has launched all three comm sats, I then push the mother ship up to a very high altitude, high inclination orbit and circularize. This gives me the deep space relay I need to communicate between planets.
  6. They will play together, but can still be recorded as individual tracks. Often the mics are designed to only mainly pick up one instrument. If you really want to obsess over isolating each instrument, you can set them up in their own tiny studio and have them play together, but separately. A lot of music schools have the capability of doing this.
  7. Foul! That’s a Red card! You get to choose one! No shotguns! @Phil deCube?
  8. I do believe the corollary of this defeats your own argument.
  9. Using Wikipedia as an argument against people with first and second hand knowledge is slightly worse than the old saying “The plural of anecdote is not data”. There was a massive behind the scenes effort to fix the problems before they reared their heads. A couple of my college roommates made small fortunes fixing the issues. The reason it is downplayed so heavily now is due to the efforts of IT professionals like @tomf, my roommates, and others. They did such an amazing job that the problem was neutralized. Unlike now, where there is an active campaign against switching to renewable sources, the efforts of many are thwarted by the greed of the few, and we’re all going to punished for it.
  10. @Nagysziszmo I fixed the horrible formatting of your post. Bigger text doesn’t mean anything will get done about an issue any quicker. It had also been moved to a more appropriate location.
  11. You’ll probably have to wait till it’s fixed.
  12. A mod list is needed to help fix the problem... but you still haven't said what the problem is? A description, pictures, etc.....
  13. Since we’ve decided to not play nice with each other, this thread has been locked.
  14. That would be nice but instead I fully expect BP and their ilk to carry on making a fat profit And that’s why they redacted the memo from their servers. You can still find copies of it floating around, but since it’s no longer hosted by them, the authenticity of it can be called into question.
  15. You're really not giving us much to go on, we'll need some more info:
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