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Everything posted by Heretic391

  1. It's probably too early to ask, I'm wondering if the update will affect space stations i.e spontaneously expload.
  2. Dres Station with 4 separate stages attached. I guess I've done the primary challenge and maybe secondary?
  3. What kind of vessel do you have? I found that when I do tricky symmetry i.e symmetry on top of different symmetry it seems to happen a lot.
  4. I've been using workspaces like craft files. I get confused with the auto saves when I want to load a craft too. Ksp1 crafts where way simpler, though I like having multiple assemblies in one workspace, the issue that comes up is performance when you have a couple large rockets
  5. Wow thank you for the update! That engine looks great. The Methalox engines will be great for our space plane designs.
  6. Can confirm AI is not taking over. Yes they're terrible.
  7. Thanks for the update. Fins and the flare look great.
  8. Lol did it disappear for you too? the rings went dark mode for me. From about 8 minutes in we head to Dres from the Rings. So we completed the primary challenge.
  9. Unless it's cold, in which case you save money on a heater when you play ksp 2 It legit works.
  10. This build will be split into multiple videos. Will post them all in this topic once done. First Vid: Top part has now been built:
  11. I didn't check as it seems smooth thus far. We're going to keep building the space station until the game dies.
  12. Building a space station around Dres. It's going to be awesome.
  13. Used Midjourney for this. They're terrifying
  14. Heretic391

    Camera Bug

    Ive got the same issue. I find that reverting to launch sometimes fixes it for aircrafts.
  15. Built the A-10 Thunderbolt with Missiles. it has pretty good lift, roll isn't the best due to having inverted wings. High speed at low altitude. Download the thunderbolt here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/lllowfgei3enpn7/A-10+Thunderbolt+v4.json/file
  16. As a workaround, normally I just press m for map view then I can right click the craft and set target. Let me know if this helps.
  17. Thank you, here is the download if you're interested https://www.mediafire.com/file/8nk0b8c6phclg37/Fighter+Jet+No+Missiles+v2.json/file
  18. We created a fighter jet and flew to the south pole. Was hoping that there was an easter egg to find but can confirm there is nothing.
  19. Interestingly, the facts page basically states the price would increase once 1.0 is released. Quote: Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access? Yes, KSP 2 will sell for $49.99 (SRP) during Early Access, and we expect that the price will be raised at 1.0 release. https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/games-kerbal-space-program-2 Also the page states that initial release of EA will include: Hundreds of new and improved parts including engines, procedural wings, and more.
  20. Was on a mission to test Kerbal balancing when the top Kerbal had other ideas... flag in head
  21. She's talented Now to figure out how to make a miniature compact version for Laythe.
  22. So this one is crazy. Input would be greatly appreciated! The Idea: 1. Have a bunch of rockets (some broken) spread out on Kerbin and other planets/moons. The KSC will have a 'pile' of various parts stacked on top of each other, we have to ensure they won't despawn so maybe we need probes connected to them. 2. Then use an engineer to rebuilt and or build rockets/jets with parts available to travel and 'gather' new parts around the Kerbol system for example mining equipment would be on minmus then maybe some solar panels elsewhere. 3. This challenge would require SSTO's and things that are renewable as you wouldn't want things to explode or go to waste. Goal: I guess to visit maybe all moons/planets? Rules: No VAB or Spacehanger allowed. Note: If this works maybe we can set it up and give it at test run if time allows. Something to consider "As of version 1.11.1, additional kerbals outside during an EVA allow engineers to manipulate heavier items. For example, a lone engineer on Kerbin can manipulate parts up to 60 kg, but every other kerbal nearby, regardless of class, adds another 60 kg to that limit." Picture from https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/EVA_Construction_Mode
  23. Discovery One from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Download here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/h607vcyeqf5525l/Discovery+One+v2.json/file
  24. Some Debris I have that are on Kerbin are showing as being in orbit.
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