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Everything posted by Tangle

  1. Do they really not work with the third option? If so, definitely try looking for which mod introduces or uses said "liquid oxygen" resource- because this mod doesn't do that.
  2. It's completely possible to merge them- in fact, the current dev branch features what I'm pretty sure are fully system heat-outfitted reactors in those sizes, they're just not graphically updated. In the github, click on the branch button and then click dev, then simply download the code and put it in as a normal mod.
  3. The dev branch of the mod is available and has at least some backwards compatibility. I haven't seen any bugs with it, but note that there are no revamped models for larger reactors so if you value aesthetics over power generation you might want to stick with 200 ec/s reactors.
  4. The extent of Near Future Construction's "incompatibility" with KSP 1.12 is simply that its docking ports don't have 1.12 docking port rotation features, which doesn't matter because only recently were community modders able to mitigate all of the bugginess of that system- you're much better off using the dockrotate mod instead.
  5. It seems distinctly unlikely that Nertea will touch this mod again, but I agree that such features as "hilariously compact centrifuges" and "those claw-like parts except they're robotic parts" would be cool.
  6. Is it at all possible to make new Breaking Ground rocks/I-know-they-aren't-scatters-but/whatever they are? I haven't seen anything suggesting it's possible, but I also haven't seen any explicit denials.
  7. As I understand it, the Making History titan rocket engines have not been revamped for Restock yet (who knows if that'll ever happen) and those two engines- the Bobcat and the Cheetah- only have waterfall configs available here.
  8. I know nothing I do will stop "keplace kvery knitial ketter kith khe ketter "K"", but I need to make my statement that THIS IS A BRIDGE TOO FAR.
  9. Tangle


    So what you're saying is we need to invent a laser lift mod and then attach five tons of ice for the lasers to ablate!
  10. Yeah, it's understandable but sometimes annoying that LinuxGuruGamer doesn't bundle dependencies. :shrug:
  11. This appears to have solved the problem!! Thank you so much for coping with my whole thing.
  12. There are adapters between each size provided, but none with integrated docking ports.
  13. Unfortunately, my KSPCommunityFixes install has that setting set to "true"- So I must assume the problem arises elsewhere.
  14. You don't need to delete anything, but note that VSR and Restock are not compatible- if you want both, you'll want to tell one or the other to not replace stock parts (so the other can replace them instead).
  15. Like, just... don't use maneuver nodes? Because that doesn't work- the game still crashes even if the maneuver is done without a node. Right, apologies. I can't tell what combination of my various mods might cause it (I was hoping someone would just know what TransferSimple is and whether it's from a mod or stock and whether it might actually be the cause of my problem), so I'll post a screenshot of my modlist in the hopes that it's obvious what the hell TransferSimple is from. "DesertSite", "LevanaSuits", and "StationPartsModification" are my own personal mods, which only modify some parts and create a KerbalKonstructs launch site. I apologize for not having a more easily parseable mods folder- frankly, I'm more willing to abandon going to this trojan than to puzzle out all of this excrement. I discovered this issue in a different install, with a different modload; unfortunately I'm not actually sure what mods were installed in that one. In the Whirligig World planet pack, there is a moon named Kerbmun; there's a config setting built-in that allows one to start on this moon. It has a co-orbital trojan called Troymin, which is likely to be one's first target when venturing beyond Kerbmun. If one escapes to an orbit around Mesbin that will efficiently get one to Troymin- that is, one that closely resembles the orbit of both moons- once they leave Kerbmun's sphere of influence (or else if they make a maneuver that changes the orbit into this dangerous orbit), the game will proceed normally for ~3 seconds before freezing- time will not progress and the game will not respond, but music and engine sounds will play. Here are the logs- note that TransferSimple only occurs at the very end of the log, making me suspect it's not a routine thing. https://sostrata.neocities.org/Player.txt
  16. I've been having a recurring problem regarding transfer between trojans, where below a certain orbital period (in this case 1 day 14 hours) the game gets mad and permanently freezes, requiring a force restart of the game. To narrow down this issue I've been looking at the KSP logs, which in both cases include a line regarding something called TransferSimple immediately before the crash (so fast that it isn't logged in the other logs). As follows is the most recent one: "[TransferSimple]: startdV:1644.10367810635 enddV:1744.10367810635 initialClosestApproach 4619879337.44145 (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)" Do you think this is related to my problem, and if so what does it mean?
  17. ...What about it? This mod has no relation to Kerbal Konstructs, but if I understand correctly should function well with it except for when switching homeworlds.
  18. They're a little heavier than their original counterparts, probably explainable as reinforcement against the shock of parachutes opening.
  19. There should be an option or editing grass color in the ctrl-K menu. I suggest changing the preset to something different and then picking grass color, which tends to get a good color for me.
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