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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. Asking does no harm, even if the licence would permit it. Especially considering I would be doing it for the express purpose of circumventing something the author implemented.
  2. Would it be possible to compile, for personal use (non-distribution), a version of FAR that works under x64 under the condition that I never ever ever bug you about anything that might happen from doing so, including, but not limited to, fire erupting from my computer after doing it?
  3. Given TweakScale's CC BY-NC-SA 4.0/DWTFYWtP license, and Biotronic's current situation, would it be possible to release your recompiled TweakScale build as an interim (with attribution of course) until such a time as Biotronic can make an official release incorporating their desired changes?
  4. Thanks stupid_chris, I'll try it learning to do it myself first, but knowing me it'll be two hours later like OK, need help. Important to try first though right
  5. I remember a shot of the Shuttle cockpit, and you could see on some of the control panels they'd strung elastic luggage ropes through the switch toggle guards to provide vertical protection It was later explained that the switch guards only provided side on protection, which only worked when 'side on' was a constant, well, side on.
  6. Alas, I wonder how badly I'll manage to injure myself and property trying to compile a copy for personal use
  7. Didn't the patch notes indicate that this was no longer the case? Although I'll admit the the double negative there has me confused?
  8. Hopefully Biotronic also has time to work on TweakScale for 0.25 For all the updates provide, it must make a lot of work for plugin developers in some cases, so thanks for all your efforts on our behalf.
  9. The allowance for modders to implement a custom asset loader for KSP in 0.25 could really be awesome and may address some of these issues
  10. The 7.0.5359 dll you can download directly from Snjo's github page seems to work (where it says Download plugin which will just net you the updated .dll) It gives a version warning while loading, but works just fine in game
  11. Put a randomised sotto voce giggle in there without telling anyone Space madnessssssss
  12. The .PNG load time issue was fixed previously, however PNG's do not get mipmaps generated by default (if that's an issue). The B9 pack just switched to .PNG textures from .TGA's because of asset loader issues with .TGA's. Normals should end with _NRM for proper handling by the asset loader too (i.e. medwheel_NRM.png etc), not sure if relevant but obscure texture info.
  13. Ah, righto I just saw RoverDude's comment after the 0.9 announcement but before 0.9.1 and wondered if there was a further update to the converters
  14. I've been wondering what modders will be able to accomplish with that (custom asset loaders), I'm hoping it will be awesome though.
  15. Sorry to bother but does 0.9.1 also include the updated USI Tools converters, I didn't see that in the patch notes on your site and since that came up after 0.9 was released I wasn't sure if they were incorporated somewhere in-between?
  16. Disabled is a bit extreme isn't it? Don't want to support or accept bug reports from Win/x64 fine, but flat out disabling? And other mods are doing this too? Oh well, your mod, your call.
  17. It would be nice if there was a way to acknowledge said warning (that wasn't vulnerable to user auto-click disease) and not have the loading screen perpetually afflicted by the rainbow flatulating quasi-poptart though. Something along the lines of 'I solemnly declare that I will not afflict upon Sarbian any error reports or complaints of any kind because I am using x64 on Windows which has more bugs than the 1974 Kansas skyline' would be fine.
  18. Not sure what you're asking in regards to (1), could you clarify your query a little? There is a thread by Taverius regarding (2); KSP Float Curves
  19. If you installed the mod after researching 'General Construction' you may need to go back to the R&D center and buy the parts from that node If the parts don't show up even in a sandbox game then something probably went wrong with the installation
  20. The fixes to the NODE{} system certainly weren't widely advertised, and the exact nature of what was fixed wasn't laid out in the patch notes It would be nice to have something official from one of the developers laying out the specifics
  21. Sorry about that, I couldn't remember if it had been fixed or not (all NODE sizes used to come out in-game as size=0 (0.625) which was badddd news for lots of things especially after the 0.23.5/ARM joint strength based on size/size, and also for FAR where wrong size/size joints cause trouble), this prodded me to recheck parts I had made using empties/transforms/NODE{} Fixed_joint for your stack nodes and hinge_joint for other (radial etc) joints, some restrictions though (last two defined joints need to be your stack_node/fixed_joint's)
  22. Did the NODE{} config calls get fixed? Herp, I should check my parts which use NODE{} and see if they're the right size now, brb. [Edit] Put empties where you want (and pointed where you want) the connection nodes, then use NODE{} in the config to use those empties as your attach nodes Example pic [Edit3] Make sure your transform names are correct though (sorry opened the wrong model for that config). In game screen of part using NODE{}
  23. Yes that's fine, specific reports are useful and make things easy to check
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