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Everything posted by theonegalen

  1. (still here - got a job teaching and am finally getting to install 1.4.5 - I can already see things that will need updates - Airplane Plus, I want to do a config for @Citizen247's Ministry of Space Aeronautics Department plane parts - Near Future Aeronautics and Mk4 Spaceplanes will need new configs as well)
  2. I use Unmanned Before Manned on 1.4.x. Download my UBM Extended mod and install it alongside the 1.3.1 version of UBM to have it work with 1.4.x. Unfortunately, because the license of the mod prevents me from actually changing and redistributing any of the UBM files that actually throw errors. Just know that any MM errors shouldn't actually be a problem.
  3. I like the idea of modularity @westamastaflash, but how much is functionality going to change? I like the current system, in which upgrade points (Build Points, in your post) are given when you unlock a new tech node in career mode. Outright purchasing build points with funds and science would not at all fit with the way I use KCT currently, at least.
  4. One thing I'll point out. Don't use ":FOR[RealismOverhaul]" because that tells modulemanager that RealismOverhaul is installed, which it may not be. Instead, use ":AFTER[RealismOverhaul]" or ":NEEDS[RealismOverhaul]". Good luck!
  5. These are great! As soon as I have a computer that can run smoothly, I'll give them a shot!
  6. This is fantastic! I'd love to see a video of it in action. I use RPM to make IVAs, but I've been really busy with life. This is inspiring me to get back to (Kerbal) work!
  7. As a fellow IVA maker, I really hope you haven't given up on this! I haven't been able to touch my mod for a few months because of RL getting very busy, so I understand how things can get in the way of KSP. But I'm starting to finally have some time to try again, and I hope this fantastic work also shall not go quietly into the good night, as it were.
  8. As a fellow IVA maker, just tried to download the file but it didn't work. Any other place you could put it up? The pictures look GREAT. Always glad to see someone making IVAs! That's my preferred way to play KSP.
  9. My thanks also to @westamastaflash for taking over KCT! It is entirely essential to KSP in my opinion.
  10. Yes, mods with dependencies should always use :NEEDS[dependency] instead of :FOR[dependency] because :FOR tells modulemanager that the dependency exists and will mess up any mod using :NEEDS[dependency].
  11. I would love to do the rest of the SXT cockpits. Unfortunately, many of them, including the Stuka, have model errors which makes it difficult to place props efficiently. They are therefore on the bottom of my priority list. However, they are on the list. Thank you! Things are on an upward trend, and have been this entire year, it just seems that every new height brings with it more things to do! I don't plan on climbing much higher than I am at the moment, so I do hope everything settles down soonTM.
  12. Oh, this is fantastic, if it can be balanced properly. My KSP computer is not currently functional, but I'd like to ask how the CPU load is.
  13. Coming back to this thread after six months was such a rollercoaster of emotions. I'm glad you'll still be developing mods, though.
  14. OH MY... OH MY... GOODNESS! This alone makes me need to reinstall the game and get back to it! I can't wait until I'm finished with my move!
  15. It all looks amazing - one thing I'm very interested is what looks like a wing piece with windows on it?
  16. Nice! One of these! @AdmiralTigerclaw Do you plan to update the KSR Airports spaceports with the new SLF-sized runway?
  17. Thanks for all your hard work over the years! KCT is one of the most essential mods for every one of my installs, and it's spinoffs are just as good. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
  18. I really hope to have something out for 1.3.1 and 1.4.5 before 1.5 is released, but as always, Real Life takes priority. Hopefully I will get to a new normal and consistent free time soon. Right now I'm trying to move closer to my new job (I'm currently commuting about 1.5-2 hours each way every day) as a teacher. I have to get a new car as my current car's transmission died and it would cost more than the car is worth to fix. Also, I need to get a new computer as my old one is very old. I haven't lost any of the progress I've made on KSP, but I don't have a good way to upload it either. So things are very busy.
  19. Unfortunately, the MFDs are not complete for the Mk2 inline cockpit. I might be able to put out the Mk1 Inline and Mk1 pod, though.
  20. That's because of a change in the seat model between when I put it together and now. I'll update it in the next version.
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