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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. Texan + Driving to the north pole =
  2. But..you didn't grant my wish :C ..G..granted...I honestly can't think of a way to ruin this wish because you're already dumb enough for being an anti-brony. So...You're IQ is then lowered even more? Yeah, that. Let's move on from MLP now. I wish I had good friends outside of the internet.
  3. Granted. However, mudkips now hate babbys and they sacrifice you to the mudkipz god. I wish I didn't have oral fixation.
  4. Probably should have mentioned this in the post above, but this right here will be the last planned update by me before release. I'll be gone for a week on Vacation to Orlando, Florida from the 3rd to the 10th of June. Luckily I have a phone, so I will check the page every now and then for any questions or suggestions, but I won't be able to work on this pack until I get back. The release has been pushed back because of this, and I'm very sorry about that. When I come back, Hopefully EVE will have updated and I can release this thing. Sorry again for the wait, the new release date is - Soonâ„¢
  5. You'll have to take that first one here. Those last two sound like a result of RSS, but you should still see the regular 2D clouds as well. The first thing I can think of is that you have installed it wrong, but I have no clue if you did. Can you list what your GameData folder looks like, or hit printscreen on your keyboard, paste(Ctrl+V) that in some painting program, save it, and upload it to imgur.com?
  6. So how does that end of the month release look? If it's no longer a possibility then that's perfectly fine. I'm just wondering.
  7. Now that the forum is back up, some updates can be posted. First of all, the PF config work as been started, but don't expect them to be available on release day. Second, Work on the Joolvian system is underway. Erona has made a wonderful new jool texture, and I've done some work on Laythe. I've also done some bug fixing on the other moons of Jool. I also would like feedback on Duna, do you guys prefer this or the current one?
  8. The chances depend on how many asteroids you've tracked. Yes you can go through them. Yes, you can switch between .cfg in the GUI and then you are able to remove the clouds you don't want from another GUI.
  9. The mod is intended to work with multiple configs. That's part of one of the updates.
  10. Probably, I suggest opening up some of the pictures and downsize them. V5 will come with a Low res version.
  11. EVE Doesn't limit height as far as I know. The sliders end but you can just still change the numbers to go higher.
  12. Alright guys, wanted to post here that all tough much hasn't happened here, this page will be entirely re worked and possibly I will make a whole new thread in dedication to V5. V5 will be the most important update to date. As such I want to make it special. Expect either this thread to be re-designed, or an entire new dev thread. I've been happy to work on this pack since day one, and I'm so glad you guys have helped me make it along the way. I love all of you, as this pack would not be here if it wasn't for you guys. Really, it wouldn't. The only reason it's here is because someone wanted me to give a config for kerbin. Thanks you for your time.
  13. I think you're going to have to go to ask rbray(EVE creator) about that one. I know EVE isn't mac friendly, but how did it actually change cloud layers? Anyway, was testing everything as release is nearing, so I grabbed some screenshot and they are available to slap on your desktops. I've also posted an update on the Dev thread HERE.
  14. .....what? How the..wh...what? I mean...I...I guess you can just change the texture back to kerbin1...but...what?
  15. Here's some things I've been changing. #1 - Changed some of Kerbin's settings. What do you guys think? #2 - Here's dres with a tiny ring system that will also have it's own asteroids. #3 - Here's what Jool looks like and without any extra feed back, will most likely be the final Jool.
  16. You can just hit ALT+N in game and remove what you don't want. This is the easiest way of doing it, especially on the new EVE version where every layer can be named so you know exactly what you want to delete.
  17. Here's an album of the new clouds made by the wonderful Erona.
  18. You can't make a Craft "sink". As far as I know, the only way to get a craft below water is to just make a rocket that points straight down and fire. Even then I'm sure it will just flip you back over.
  19. Here's another look at the rings. Was testing the transition on kerbol, this is what it will look like the closer you get.
  20. Around a week or so. Only thing we're waiting on is EVE V8 so we can do the sunsets. I don't see why not.
  21. 1. Of course you could. 2.Renamed the files accordingly, I put the skybox in, looked around, saw what rotations were required, and then it all matched up
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