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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. My manual launch. I used an entire 9 m/s of dV less than Gravity Turn. out of about 5100 total.
  2. Hello hello! Your video made me miss EVE and all the city lights. Nice job on Minmus, I hate going there without patched conics at least.
  3. Very well done! Welcome to the winner's circle and congrats on making it without admin strategies!
  4. Just so you know I've been reading this and loving it I added a "Rogue's Gallery" to the challenge so I could put you in there SOMEWHERE.
  5. Just tried it out in JNSQ and it works great. Ignoring margins of error it was essentially the same fuel spent (though it spent the tiniest freaction more so SUCK IT COMPUTER ALGORITHM) as my own best launch. Yet Another Must Install Mod
  6. I love it when I can get the story from the link. Saves so much time. Like those movie trailers that tell the whole plot and save me having to watch the movie.
  7. Send 2 ships to every world. Dock them, crew transfer, spacewalk, land and plant a flag, transfer as much fuel as you can spare to one of them and return the other home with all the science. Then send the odd ship to the next world to repeat with a fresh ship from Kerbin, to wipe out all potential "explore" contracts for it. They won't ask you to do what you've already done.
  8. When I made the City Lights map for Environmental Visual Enhancements 7 years ago (!) I used Earth cities as templates. I found a spot I wanted a city on Kerbin, found a city on Earth that had similar landscape, and copied from Earth to Kerbin. Forever since, I've considered those places on Kerbin to be like (in both culture and history, as well as topography) their Earthly counterparts. For the curious, the line north of KSC is the Florida coast for obvious reasons. The Iberian-looking peninsula north of "Kerbal Continent" is basically France, with Paris in the middle. The peninsula to the East of KSC is mostly Korea, but the big city north of it is New Orleans. Further East, in the obvious place, is Cairo and right on the far Eastern edge of the map is Istanbul (Constantinople?). Looping around, I don't know what the very first line of lights is on the Western side but the big city just past them is actually New York (mostly Manhattan) and the city above the big crater is Seattle. And finally, the desert peninsula just West of "Kerbal Continent" is actually Lisbon, Portugal but is supposed to represent the Strait of Gibraltar. In my personal headcanon, there are no real countries but these cities are vibrant, diverse cultural centers of their own. Kerbals don't need countries as they do not fight wars or celebrate any kind of localized pride. (And speaking of localized pride, I do know that I over-represented the United States in this map. Hey what can I say. I'm only Human)
  9. Sorry for the late reply, I sleep all day and just got to my computer after waking up to start working from home The reported problems all happened after installing the contents of the zip GravityTurn-1.8.0- into Gamedata of a fresh 1.8.1 KSP install. I did this after seeing the same problems in a full JNSQ install. GravityTurn.version shows the version of the mod as It seems you got more feedback during the day but I hate leaving a bug report dangling
  10. Not where I am. They all are, but that's due to a combination of lack of staff, lack of customers, self-interest, and social pressure. There was a bar downtown that wasn't closing and our local "guy who sticks microphones in people's faces" guy went in and stuck a microphone in his face. There were no police present.
  11. I disabled them when breaking ground came out and haven't enabled them again. Maybe I should now that I know they have meaning
  12. Oh that kind of pain. Okay I'll talk about that. Elective surgery on my man parts. It's pretty common and I suppose you can figure it out. Anyway, for whatever reason the severe, piercing pain I felt was in my left pectoral muscle. It was exactly the most pain I could bear without crying out.
  13. KSP v1.8.1 You don't list Clickthroughblocker and ToolbarControl as dependencies, though I think they are. At least, one of them is With them installed along with nothing else (except modulemanager but no configs) I get a white box instead of an icon, and when I click it I get a window titled "Gravity Turn V 1.8.0" with buttons I can click but nothing does anything. I can't put focus in the text boxes and clicking the buttons makes them animate but they don't do anything. In particular, "Launch" doesn't launch. Here's my log that ends on the launch pad after clicking launch a few times, I'm pretty sure though the problem is this, which is repeated thousands of times: [LOG 04:56:43.492] GravityTurn : could not load lock_on icon! [defunct site link removed by moderator]
  14. Hear, hear! Thanks to any and everybody involved in making this game or making it better!
  15. I've found small tubular ships with reaction wheels but not enough oomph to right themselves can instead spin like a top, and they will frequently spin themselves vertical. F5 first because half the time you end up on your nose instead of your engine. And more than half the time, something on your rocket explodes.
  16. We're basically in all but a lockdown. Strongly encouraged to stay home but we're allowed to do essential outside activities up to and including "outdoor exercise" which to me seems a pretty broad application of permissions.
  17. It will charge wirelessly. It's so annoyingly insistent that I have not left it plugged in long enough to know if it actually is charging or not. It obviously does not want to be plugged in.
  18. After a foray out into the apocalyptic landscape of my post-corona town to forage for consumables. (i.e., I went to the grocery store) I washed my phone along with all the other things that had contacted the virus-ridden world outside. You may remember advertisements where a certain celebrity was pouring champagne on his phone. I have one of those. For 4 days now the phone has been saying that moisture is detected in the port. I've rewashed it. I've dried it. I've blown air into the port. I've used a hair drier. I've rebooted it with the cable plugged in (hey a website said to try it). I've disabled fast charging. THERE. IS. NO. MOISTURE. IN. THE. PORT. *bzzt*bzzt* Moisture detected *bzzt*bzzt* Thank the Great Maker for wireless charging.
  19. Yes it's a setting. Sadly I don't know it off hand and am not at my computer right now but it's in there somewhere. I don't think it's a toggle though, and it's always or never.
  20. Grocery store was the only busy thing in town this morning at 7am. No TP, skim or 1% milk, butter, or regular bread loaves. Apparently rye and sourdough (my two favorites) aren't worthy of apocalypse panic buying. Only saw one person in a mask.
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