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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. You could try enabling staging and then set them to stage in an action group. I have no idea if any of that would work but it's worth a shot I suppose. I can think of at least 2 things that could go wrong. Staging may only work for actually staging, and won't undock docked ports later. Also, staging may not show up as a thing to add to an action group.
  2. That study was flawed as they only asked one person.
  3. There, I fixed that for you! Thanks Now go out and get more! Onward, to the rest of the forum! Ask, answer, show, and tell!
  4. Did you find an actual stone on the moon, and stand your Kerbal next to or on it, and right click your Kerbal and pick it up?
  5. I too don't recall this. I recall some friction from those very people but I don't remember it being an uproar, just a low grumble. I expect Squad dropped it because it quickly became more complicated than they were expecting/ready for. And who knows Squad 2.0 may not feel so squeamish about it.
  6. So TIL - the hard way - that you guys scaled asteroids up as well. I figured I'd hop out and nab myself a quick little class B and smack it into Mun for some deployed seismometer science. O.M.G. was in for a surprise when I got there!
  7. Sadly I have too many mods to know if this is a mod or stock, but many engines just attach radially so you can add them to tanks without the plates. I did this with 4 Mainsails just yesterday.
  8. My first launch after installing 1.7.3 resulted in over 1000 messages in under a minute telling me that my old ground science station at KSC couldn't transmit 0.00 science. I had to revert and recover the station before launching again.
  9. You have 3 options I can think of: Drop the "stock only" option and install KIS. Rebuild your station without the launcher but with the docking port, put it on the launch pad (use clamps to keep it rigid) and alt-f12 cheat it into orbit, rendezvoused with the bad station. Then transfer any crew to the new station and delete the old one from the tracking station. Consider the cost of the new station your punishment for cheating Actually launch the correct station.
  10. What key grabs the whole craft even though you didn't grab the root part?
  11. Hmm I'm doubting myself now it may have been a mod or a misfired neuron.
  12. No you just need to bring other rotors to spin up and act as fans.
  13. It's because Kerbin is bigger. You'd need to be at about a 250km orbit to get the same coverage you got at 100km on normal Kerbin.
  14. I wouldn't mind a suit with the old 50's style bubble helmet. I also wouldn't mind a helmet a bit closer to Kerbal head size. I know it's iconic but I think it'd be nice
  15. I believe you can edit the configs (preferably via modulemanager) but I don't know what you can change or how to change it. I've never felt the need personally but recall others discussing it long ago. It was likely before the reworked fuel flow so it might not even work anymore If the only problem is your probes are being robbed of battery power you can disable them, even via action group, and then enable them later. But that's kind of clunky
  16. Wow fun walk down memory lane there. Surprised I didn't post in this thread back when it was new, seeing as I think what is still my largest payload was launched just a few months after the last post here. Joolpollo back in 0.23.5 was just over 370 tons when it was in space but not quite in LKO. Sadly I cut the video before circularizing and didn't come back until after ejection, when the ship was down to 178 tons. So all I know for sure is it's between 178 and 374 tons in LKO, and is probably much closer to the high end. Seems it took almost 200 tons of fuel (and tanks) to go from suborbital to a Jool ejection. (Video for reference. The cut mentioned above is almost exactly 12 minutes in)
  17. Yeah I had that problem as well. I say "had" not because I solved it, but because I stopped playing because of it
  18. I install Waypont Manager so I can see them on the screen and not just in map mode. But even in map mode only, you can click a waypoint and activate navigation to it, and then it'll show up on your navball. But Waypoint Manager is much better.
  19. You can find it yourself with enough checks of Kerbnet But it's in the Northwest crater, just inside the southern rim. There are 3 large procedural craters vertically North/South, looking like a snowman with a big head that's leaning over to the east a bit. It's just to the west of the middle one.
  20. Massive changes to flow control and cross-feed, and invisible automatic struts (you have to add them, but they attach automatically). You can build pretty complex rockets without struts and fuel lines! Asteroids are just in the game now, including all the parts for scanning and whatnot. That's all I can think of other than what's been said
  21. And protein. And vitamins. There's a reason baby chickens can live off of one for weeks.
  22. It's what happens when you take multiple things that each cost x.99, multiply them each by a different percent, and add them together. Honestly I'd rather pay $25.01 than $24.99 for something just because it means the person selling to me doesn't think I'm stupid.
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