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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I was going to go through my wishlist every day, but as @Camacha said, there are no dailies. So I'll check once... Only one game on my wishlist is on sale, and it's only on sale 33%. If I was looking for a game I'd probably pick up Tempest but for now I'm good.
  2. Haha but in truth this is a perfect example of a viable necro. There's one about Kessler syndrome that I grin at every time I see it, and another about ignoring Dres. But I don't know the exact quotes.
  3. In much the same way that Lord of the Rings takes place in our universe - and even on our planet - just "before the continents moved." (I'm quoting that from a distant memory but am sure at least the sentiment is correct)
  4. You have 2 options I can think of: don't run Steam until you're ready to update, or copy your entire KSP folder somewhere else and run it from there so when Steam updates it won't touch your copy, but the original. I personally do the second one of those, and have a friend who did the first recently when 1.2.1 came out. This works because KSP is DRM free. KSP is DRM free because Squad is awesome.
  5. Neat! I've wanted something like this for a long time but have been too lazy busy to try to make it myself.
  6. Random thought that I'm not going to bother trying because this challenge asks me to use 2 things I hate: pure stock and the puff engine Could you, in the spirit of the challenge, launch an empty orange tank and then launch 2 half tanks to fill it up? Or 4 quarter tanks? The OP does not state only 1 launch, and "craft" is its own plural.
  7. And if they say 0 (or close) then I'd like to see a screenshot of map view with both orbits in it.
  8. I live in the US too, and I've not owned an automatic car since the 90s. I even leased a manual once. They had to order it and have it trucked in Granted I've only bought 1 car in the years that start with a "2" but I bought that car less than 3 years ago, right off the dealer lot.
  9. No manual is still cheaper, but you do have to ask for it. At least, it was 3 years ago when I bought my last car.
  10. That is the one thing that stood out the most when I tried to rewatch Star Blazers. It was created in the 1970s.
  11. As a workaround, you can complete the contract in the alt-f12 menu. You'll even get paid for it.
  12. I feel that the last auto stage should be visible on the main screen, either at all times or at least when auto stage is enabled. And it should be saved by craft if it's not already.
  13. I've used it, but only in school to show how it worked. But it was in the 90s. The early 90s.
  14. Do yourself a favor and never, ever go back and watch those great Saturday Morning cartoons you're remembering right now. They were just as bad as the stuff today. Sometimes worse. *sniff* Star Blazers *sniff*
  15. The "dock" and "rendezvous" stuff should be at Kerbin only. Other worlds should just have flyby, orbit, land, and "plant a flag and return." Except Jool on those last 2
  16. I'd be more amenable to this if we didn't just spend the past 2 years having so much attention turned to planes instead of rockets, only to have the long-awaited rocket parts revamp get dropped in the middle of development. I'm cool with making underwater possible and even logical/realistic/whatever in stock. I will not get behind a single added asset dedicated to underwater until the apparently abandoned part upgrade system is fully implemented for rocket parts.
  17. I'm not one to tell people how to enjoy their game, but that may not be the correct way to play.
  18. 26 seconds? Man I'm busy all day every day lately and even I don't think that's too long.
  19. When life slows down and I can start playing KSP regularly again, this is an insta-install. I have pretty much exactly the same thoughts as you about both of those mods.
  20. I don't know if it's "Meh" but I am sitting on about 1600 science points, waiting until I can upgrade R&D to get mining equipment. I don't care about the sub-500-point nodes I still haven't unlocked, because I just don't need the stuff. And that's okay. Not every part is useful to every person in every save.
  21. No help needed, unless I'm totally misunderstanding this mod. Those ports are renamed and given new functionality, but are otherwise the exact same port they were before. They will work just fine as docking ports, but now you can also use them to build things. This is actually a feature of this mod. It allows you to utilize Extraplanetary Launchpads with otherwise 100% stock craft. EDIT: Ninja'd!
  22. Completely unrelated to this thread, I'm so happy this doesn't just happen to me.
  23. Well then let me give you your first of hopefully many rep points!
  24. So just when DO you think Happy Days jumped the shark? I saw that episode. I'll admit I was young enough at the time to be excited and scared about it.
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