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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. It's a big job and nobody will want to do it for free. But if they can do it for money? And one of the reasons there aren't 500 clones of SE is because SE is Minecraft in Space. There are already 500 Minecraft clones and a lot of those are already set in space.
  2. It's a video game. It's all silly. Nicely done, Squad. Here's hoping take two works better than take one. And just to everybody else, "Early Next Year" does not mean "January 3rd." It could mean anything to "first quarter" to "first half" to "before fall." As I said in another thread, changing boats mid-stream is not a recipe for quickness in updates. Not that staying in the same sinking boat is better, mind. It just may take more time than you want it to.
  3. That's weird, I get time to and distance of encounter, and time to burn to 0 velocity there. Along with those dots, of course. Are you on 1.2.2? I'm on 1.2.1 as I've not updated yet.
  4. Must you also be an admin or something?
  5. I got 180 tons into Kerbin Orbit with 5 mainsails. And 16 Kickbacks, but come on. It had a TWR of 0.6 for a disturbingly long period of the gravity turn. No pics as it'll be in the next video, but it's actually 3 craft: A surface driller, a transport ship, and an orbital refinery. I know hauling raw ore to orbit isn't all that efficient, but it's easier to decide what I want in orbit than on the surface, and its easier to construct things in orbit as well.
  6. I have a pair of requests that are somewhat related: I'd like a button in the VAB that would bring up the list of available delivery ships, so I could see the options for launching what I'm building, and how much more mass I can put on it (or how much I need to take off) to launch it. In the main window (the one that comes up in the Space Center screen) I'd also like to access that list. I can do it now by selecting a ship first, but ... oh never mind I realize now how lazy that sounds. But I still want the first one!
  7. Alright it's up on github and spacedock now with the correct version. Sorry about that :}
  8. And then 500 clones of KSP would show up on Steam, using their source code legally. Which is worse for Squad. Some of those would be better than KSP, and we'd benefit from that. But Squad wouldn't and they think about that when they consider opening up their source code.
  9. These are not my suggestions, they are a prediction of what WILL be suggested. Because they're always suggested.
  10. Oh, I apologize. I was arguing against buying the source code from Squad and handing it to modders hoping they will magically make things better, which is what the OP is about. I missed this "just make it open source" spur. Sure it'd benefit us if it was open source. Would it benefit Squad? I don't know. That's up to them.
  11. MOD BINGO B I N G O Contract Configurator Take Command Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Waypoint Manager Visual Enhancements (Any) Realism Overhaul Blizzy's Toolbar Real Solar System Extraplanetary Launchpads Precise Node Kerbal Attachment / Inventory System Docking Port Alignment Indicator FREE SPACE (ModuleManager) Strategia RCS Build Aid Kerbal Engineer Transfer Window Planner MechJeb Kerbal Alarm Clock Procedural Anything Distant Object Enhancement Life Support (Any) Editor Extensions Chatterer Better Burn Time Use this card any time anybody asks any question about anybody's opinions on mods in general.
  12. The argument to change something should never be made with "It probably won't make anything worse." Changing the status quo needs a GOOD reason, and I don't see it for this. If you think all the modders will band together in some glorious team of happiness and togetherness and bang out the best game ever in a single update - or at all - then you are far more optimistic than I. I see maybe a half dozen modders teaming up, all of the rest (myself included) doing nothing at all, and those that team up giving it a try and then abandoning the project due to infighting, realizing that they need to work their real jobs instead, or both. No, it's far better to leave this in the hands of professionals with a management structure and financial motivations. EDIT: To directly answer your question: Yes. I do think it would be worse than it is.
  13. Yes, it's called KSP. Get into LKO. create a maneuver node about 1/4 the way into the dark side of the planet, and drag it prograde until the resultant Sun orbit's apoapsis is about at Eeloo's orbit. Note how much it costs. It should be in the ballpark of 2000m/s. Delete that node, and make a new one that just escapes Kerbin's SOI. It should be in the ballpark of 1000m/s. Go out into the Sun Orbit of that 2nd maneuver node, and create another node and drag it prograde until the resultant orbit reaches Eeloo's orbit. It should be in the 3000m/s ballpark. And there you go, a no (or as light as possible) math proof.
  14. It's in the main game settings. Right hand side on the first screen. "Ease in Gravity" ...though you may want more than that, now that I read your post and not just the subject line . That kind of control doesn't exist in the game or in any mod I know of.
  15. Based on this post by me, we had devnotes on Tuesdays regularly in the span before October 31st 2013, when the Daily Kerbal stuff started. They don't seem to have been on the forums proper. I think they were in the "blog" section which is something I'm happy didn't transfer over from the old forums to the new.
  16. I didn't forget it So I'd put it below all the real Star Wars movies but above the prequels. Jokingly of course. Bad a they were I at least made it through the prequels.
  17. Okay I'm done, we just don't see eye to eye. Really, truly, I love all the suggestions in the first post.
  18. I understand that, and can see it really though I think adding seasons without adding tilt would be like adding rain without adding clouds. Sure you could, but why would you?
  19. The order is simple: Star Wars (You may know of it as Indiana Jones and the... Oh wait. No. You may know it as A New Hope) The Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi The Force Awakens If you really want to, there are some other movies as well but they're not worth watching. Maybe one of them, but not the rest. It has Bea Arthur in it.
  20. But if you did that, and it didn't work, would you be able to figure out why? And when you figured out it was because you missed a devnote and they updated the game with axial tilt, would you think it was cool or would you lament losing your W/S-free Duna transfers?
  21. That goes both way though. You assume they can't, I assume they can. Or at least, they can learn. I won't go so far as to say anybody who plays KSP can learn it, but I'd be willing to say most everybody who can get to Duna can.
  22. Those people also burn to escape Kerbin's SOI, then do a second burn in Solar orbit to intercept the other planet. Not knowing about the tilt won't affect them. And when they get to the point where it WILL affect them, they'll be (presumably) knowledgeable enough in orbital mechanics to know what's going on.
  23. A great proposal was made years ago by I know not whom, to take the entire Kerbin-Mun-Minmus system and tilt it so Minmus was in the same plane as Kerbin orbits Sun. Then, going to Mun and Minmus would be exactly the same but ejecting to other planets, you would need to handle tilt. Too hard? No problem, just launch into an orbit tilted with Minmus and you're good to go. It doesn't *appreciably* add to the difficulty but it does add to the things you need to do, and it's more of a "pure" difficulty than things like "contracts pay 80% of maximum." Each planet could have its own tilt, balanced so things get harder as you expand. And Gas Giant 2 should have like a 90 degree tilt or something, to make it super unique.
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