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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Removing the mod is just the first step. Assuming it makes the sound go away, then you report it as a bug to the modder. With logs. Then it gets fixed. But in the meantime yes, you'd have to decide which is more essential, the mod or the quiet.
  2. The big problem here is the Claw doesn't tend to grab things if it's moving too slowly. In my experience 1m/s is a pretty good speed and less than that won't cut it. Also, the smaller the object the harder to grab. I'd quicksave and then try thrusting up a bit and then falling on top of the chair a few times. If it doesn't work after 3-4 times, I'd fly home to prove that the ship can do it, and the compete the contract through the debug menu.
  3. He hung around with C-3P0. At least he didn't force-push the Director and say "what a drag" or slice him in two and say "you're quite beside yourself."
  4. I would back up that entire save folder well outside of KSP, then uninstall and reinstall KSP from scratch, and then put that save back. Then go back through and try your original file, then the quicksave, then go back through the save backups folder until you find one that works.
  5. I did see it in 3D IMAX. I tend to either watch movies that way or not at the theater.
  6. Wow I never thought anybody would think this. I'm far more in this camp: Also... I've never seen the show, but I do think I noticed an R5-D4 droid from it in the back of one of the ships. I'm not sure why it stood out to me except they probably put it front and center so fans would notice it tucked in there.
  7. Tyler's first statement is semi-ambiguous. If true, he couldn't have eaten the soup but if false, he only may have eaten it. The simplest statements are James', he said he didn't do it, and Tyler did. If his first statement is true then Tyler didn't eat it either, but we learn nothing about Tyler's 2nd statement's veracity by this. If James DID do it, though, both of his statements are lies. Therefore, we can guarantee he didn't do it, and Tyler also didn't do it. The next easiest statements are Dave's. We've already established that James lied when he said Tyler did it, so Dave's second statement is true. Therefore, we can conclude that Dave's first statement is false and therefore he did it. Therefore we can conclude that Tyler does in fact only eat meat (the truth) as his second statement is the false one. And finally Steve, his first statement is true so his second statement (if it wasn't james, it was nobody) is false. As we know it was Dave, this fits the logic. Therefore "Dave ate your soup" fits what everybody said, based on the 1 lie, 1 truth idea.
  8. I just stated Year 6 (Day 6) and $800k in the bank after building some big ships. I'm in the process of shifting my focus from science and money to just plain expansion via ISRU and the Simple Construction mod. I've got a miner landed on Minmus and another headed to Duna, and I'm starting to fear that the one headed to Duna will be stalled out because all the surface base does is mine, and I've not got enough fuel there to lift the ore into orbit to the refinery. So, I'm prepping for a fuel run from the Minmus base (which isn't quite up yet either) before the next Duna window. I probably won't make much more money in this save, as I'm going to just stop even paying attention to contracts. The only ships I'll be launching will be passenger ships to send people to Minmus for eventual ejection to other places. That's the plan at least.
  9. Thank you for corroborating my claim with proof that they were not mentioned in the movies outside of that line
  10. No it's a joke, but really if you only consider the movies canon, there is no real indication that "Bothans" are a race instead of a last name.
  11. ...in the game. In reality 2 dishes and some code (and some hardware to link them together) and yes, it would equal a big relay. But yeah in the game it won't work. Things relay or are direct. The only time you can have a direct antenna is at the endpoint, never in between. Sometimes I wish there were no "relay antennas" and instead half of the advanced probe cores were extra massive and had the ability to relay. Plus maybe a part that allowed relaying. Then, you'd need 2 antennas to relay and the ship automatically figured out which to use for sending and receiving based on the situation.
  12. For me, the biggest part is if you have an all-stock craft, it will work with most every mod out there. If you have a modded craft, it won't work unless you have those exact specific mods installed.
  13. I have a feeling the rest of his message detailed how to do it, but Jyn never saw that. Forest Whitaker probably knew it, but didn't have time to tell her. Or maybe he wanted to give the Rebellion the finger one final time.
  14. I ran about 20 yards through -20 F in boxers and a tee shirt (no shoes or socks even) on a dare. THAT is a "Never Again." We drop below 0 F here about every other year. The coldest I remember is -15. When it's that cold, you can throw a pail of boiling water in the air and it turns into snow.
  15. Funny, I'm the exact opposite. I excitedly talk about how KSP is a hardcore game with awesome green guys that look (and act, a bit) like Minions. I don't know your age, but possibly it's because I'm older and don't care if people think I'm childish. Heck I got carded last night at the bar and profusely thanked the bartender who was probably half my age at best.
  16. I really liked it, but it felt a bit more like Star Wars Porn than a movie in its own right. I can't think of much that was in any of the original trilogy that wasn't represented somewhere in this movie. Not that I didn't mind the nod to the guys who were wanted in 12 systems And man the Empire beefed up their walkers in the year or two between this movie and Hoth.
  17. For command pods, you don't need a mod. They weigh the same whether there's a Kerbal in them or not (which always bugged me but it does make calculating dV easier). I'd love one that did the same for command seats. Actually all you'd need is a right click menu button in the VAB "Kerbed" that would increase the mass of the chair by 0.09375 tonnes just in the VAB. Then it'd "just work" both in KER and RCS Build Aid. "All you'd need" says the guy who isn't going to mod it in
  18. Duna. It may not be the worst, but of the worst it's the first you see in a new career.
  19. The only good thing about Winter this year is that it means 2016 is over. And comforters. I love sleeping under a comforter. And sledding. I lost 50 pounds this year and am excited about not having to carry that up the hill each time. Yes I'm in my 40s and I sled. No I don't have kids. Don't judge me
  20. Maybe linking to the Positive Forum Movement thread could help, too
  21. For taking off from Duna, I like to do a gravity turn as if I'm taking off from Kerbin, only cut everything in half. So I want to be at 45 degrees when I'm 5km up instead of 10km, and by the time my Ap is at about 30 I'm sideways, instead of 60. I try to make sure my ascent vehicle has similar TWR as a Kerbin ascent vehicle, though that can be hard because Duna's so light. It helps that Terriers (which are great vacuum engines but not so great in atmosphere) work okay even on the surface, due to Duna's low pressure. If your ship's small enough, you can get by with just one of those but testing is the only way to be 100% sure. Like Snark suggests with just landing, I suggest you use the debug menu to put your ship into orbit, land it, and then take off to orbit again to test the entire process before leaving home, at least the first few times you do it.
  22. I actually try very hard to never leave debris in a stable orbit which I suppose the game lets me do so it should be on this list
  23. I never do science in the science lab. Also, I never terminate debris in a stable orbit.
  24. Sounds like you have some mods installed? Though I didn't know any changed that list.
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