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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Target from Map mode. If it's too close to target in map mode, it should get a little icon/outline around it in regular mode. One trick I've learned to find what direction to go is to go into and out of map mode, and look for the moving icon as your view zooms into regular mode from map mode. Note: At least one mod I'm running - and I'm going to guess it's Distant Object Enhancement - removes this gui icon/outline. If you have it installed and have no icon/outline, try uninstalling it and seeing if the icon/outline comes back.
  2. The real question is, who thought a constant time regardless of tank size was a good idea?
  3. I too went to Mun first. I didn't go to Minmus for quite some time and I still remember how it felt to "finally" get there. I didn't know at the time how it was essentially the same as Mun to get to and easier to land on and return from. These days, I too ignore Mun for the most part. My basic career path is to get enough science to get ISRU (the lion's share from farming Minmus) and then set up an ISRU base (on Minmus) to fuel interplanetary ships (that are - if I'm using Extraplanetary Launchpads - built on Minmus). Mun is - at best - a SOI I fly through on the way to Minmus to help my Kerbals get 3 stars of experience.
  4. Yeah but did they do it without installing ANY mods?
  5. Impossible to do without mods. QED. (I don't know whose point I'm making. You should both assume I support your argument)
  6. Nope that's normal. In settings, you can set the navball to be always up or always down in map mode. Sadly there is no "remember the last setting and do that" mode.
  7. Lots of tips, but the one that saved me from throwing the game out the window is: Hit F5 to quicksave every time you either are about to do something stupid, or just finished doing something great. Then when - 10 seconds later - you ruin everything you can hold F9 to restore from that quicksave. Learning when you're about to do something stupid is an art form. Welcome to the forums!
  8. I would reply that asking others opinions sounds like cheating to me, but we already have a thread for that, too.
  9. I actually don't know that one. While i use Steam to upgrade KSP I don't play through it. I think i have 2 hours logged in Steam KSP.
  10. Steam won't like being copied, but if you install it on the new machine and log in it'll happily install all of your games for you, including KSP. I've done this multiple times and it's never been a problem. You can even go back and play games on your old machine. As far as DRM schemes go, Steam's is pretty lenient.
  11. I did as well though it was odd that in 30ish years he'd not aged a day while Obi Wan aged 50 years
  12. That could be all that's different. Shield down, 10 second transmission. Shield up, who knows how long it'd have taken? How's this for an example? Before I had "real" Internet and had to use a modem to dial up to an ISP, the last thing I ever downloaded was 2 gig. It took 3 days to download. Let's say there was a shield between me and the ISP, and the shield being up or down was the equivalent of going from dialup to DSL (which is what I first went to. It was dark days indeed). Same physical connection, but with the shield up (No DSL) the battle would have been over for 70 hours before the message was uploaded. One quick phone call to the rebels (the ISP) telling them to take down the shield (Activate DSL) and bam, fast enough connection to get the job done.
  13. ..which is exactly what I was talking about. In my example, there are two methods of getting a message out, phone or email. One is good for data transmission, the other works with the shield up.
  14. Almost daily at work I tell someone on the phone to email me something. In theory they could read me the stuff over the phone, but in all cases email is so much better that if email was down, almost any effort to get it back up would be better than reading the stuff over the phone would be.
  15. That's like being mad that there's music playing during the exciting scenes when in reality, there is no orchestra anywhere nearby.
  16. Your payload will auto-strut to the fairing, so you don't need any of those EAS-4 struts. Note those struts will vanish when you eject the shell. You've got it, though. The truss and nodes are for launching several small payloads and have nothing to do with securing a single one.
  17. Sadly it's a binary option. Either it's always up when you go in or always down. There is no "remember what I had it set to the last time" option. That said, the way it is now is far better than it was before 1.2.
  18. I agree with this, but only because I think the work investment is so high. I think the payoff would be - pun slightly intended - revolutionary.
  19. Have you tried PMing him for more information?
  20. Well then that's what you have now, so you're all good I still want Kerbin and Eve to be roughly co-planar, but Eve rotate backwards like Venus does. I'd also like Gas Giant 2 to be tilted like Uranus, and think it's not really worth doing a GG2 without something that drastic to differentiate it from Jool. That - to me - is the interesting part of tilt.
  21. Makes me wonder if the MTV Movie Awards had this problem. "Best on-screen kiss? Pfft! We've made a SERIOUS DRAMA here and all they remember is that kiss!"
  22. You can change it in the persistent file. Back it up first and all that jazz but just open it, search for the exact title, and everywhere you find it, change it. Should work fine.
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