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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. AllY'All 0.10 is here! For KSP 1.2.2 0.10: Bugfix and code optimization, plus some changes to menus Updated to 1.2.2 Fixed: Null Reference errors when deploying/retracting solar panels when static panels were present. Buttons are more logical now, "retract all" is available on all extended panels, while "extend all" is on retracted ones. Changes for Radiators, Solar Panels, and Cargo Bays. Minor changes: Does not appear on extended solar panels that cannot retract. Cargo Bays can be toggled while in motion, away from whatever they will eventually be. See the first post regarding downloading and installing.
  2. Haha that's awesome. I didn't even think of low orbiting, and figured "in physics range" was enough. So apparently did the first-pass programmer for it Though really, if you can set that up and get it to work you SHOULD get the credit for it!
  3. Yeah, it's called "KSP 1.2.x" If you plant a flag, all Kerbals in the area get credit for it. This includes Kerbals in nearby (physics range at most, but it may be a smaller distance. I've not tested it) ships.
  4. @dtoxic Wow that's a lot of null ref's. I was expecting one per ox-stat per activation, but it seems to go in a crazy loop. I've got a fix in place, but I'm fixing something else as well as soon as I figure out how, then I'll do a release with those in it for KSP 1.2.2 (which should work in 1.2.1). Hopefully tonight. In the meantime, here's the dll. I will fully admit I put it up on my own website because I couldn't figure out where to put it on GitHub: [defunct site link removed by moderator] It has some logging in it that is harmless and not too spammy. It won't be in the release dll.
  5. Very nice addition to an already great dV map! I notice both Moho and Eeloo are missing this info though.
  6. Hmm that's a bug. annoyingly it means that those non deployable panels have the module DeployableSolarPanel which not only grinds my gears, but makes it a bit tricky to code around. You can't fix that with a config, sadly. it'll require a code change.
  7. I'm on my phone right now but when I can look at it in need to know, do you want them to not have the menu option? like on ox stats? Do those even have the menu? I'd think not but don't recall ever checking. Or do you want to not "deploy all" on the panels that can't retract?
  8. I really don't know. I never found multiple claws useful except in that one case. and now with auto struts I may never need them again.
  9. Also, unlike docking ports you can't grab an asteroid with multiple Claws on the same ship. When the first one attaches, the asteroid becomes part of the ship and will clip through the next Claw to come close to it. You CAN claw an asteroid with multiple claws and if they're separate craft. It's how I made my astro-glider. You can also utilize the new auto-struts to achieve the same result as multiple claws.
  10. Like many here, I use 1 for most things in Kerbin's SOI (Mun and Minmus) so long as I'm doing a simple go-and-return mission. Projects (ISRU, base building) are multiple ships almost out of necessity and/or by design. Anything outside of Kerbin's SOI gets multiple ships, except maybe a there-and-back to Gilly or something. Ike you could do with 1 ship, but if you're going to Ike you may as well bring enough to do Duna, and IMO Duna warrants a separate ship. Or even better a plane.
  11. Not enough information to determine, but one possibility is that he changed the priority of the fuel tanks in the center stack so they emptied bottom-first. This makes rockets inherently more stable as the center of mass shifts upward during flight instead of downward. There's a reason the arrowhead is the heaviest part of the arrow: in atmosphere the heaviest end always wants to be in front. Note that's just a guess. It's also possible his payload is just heavier than yours so the COM stays far enough forward. it's also possible that he just didn't turn enough to have a problem. If you keep it going straight, even a (moderately) unstable rocket can keep going the way you want it to.
  12. I'm all for the rocket science part but I would describe that dress with words that were not synonyms for "pretty." That poor model. I hope she got a nice check for that.
  13. That mod has the ability to disable contracts by type. Perhaps you inadvertently disabled rescue contracts?
  14. Not always (because as I said above I'm usually up hours before the alarm goes off) but it's odd how often I do this as well.
  15. This is not the same as the OP thread, you may get more traction opening your own thread. Do you have mods? Most likely one of them doesn't like 1.2. I'd install the newest version of all of them and if that doesn't fix it, remove the ones you didn't update. No mods? Back up your save games and reinstall from scratch through Steam.
  16. At best, every thread with : wink : or ; ) in it (depending on which one you removed) would go back to the text or show a broken image link. Let me turn the question around, if I may. Why is having 2 ways to wink a detriment? That'd be like asking to remove the ability to click the RCS on the navball, because we already can turn it on with "R".
  17. This statement alone is proof that religion should not be discussed in this forum. We have one, and actually we don't need it so much as common space related acronyms (dV, Pe, VTOL and the like) all get underlineed and if you hover over them it tells you what they are. Any "lingo" dictionary that defines "necro" would need to define pretty much every internet term invented in the past 20 years. "Necro" is very common all over the place, not just here.
  18. I work third shift, so my schedule isn't similar to most anybody else's. But I frequently go to sleep around 10am and wake up at 2-3pm. My alarm goes off hours later at 7pm. It's more a "hey stop screwing around and get ready for work" than it is "wake up!" I was, back in the 90s. Nothing against them I just moved on to other genres. I don't recognize the song as a U2 song.
  19. The default ringtone of my phone, which is my alarm clock. It's called "VZW Airwaves" and I bet you can guess my provider based on that I wake up REALLY easily, and only wake up to the actual alarm once every couple months.
  20. I don't know about "Status Off" but I do know that with your thrust limited to 0% those engines aren't taking you anywhere.
  21. I generally go full on Kerbal. Probes are generally used just for satellites and for finding a nice spot to land if I'm dong a big mining op or something. Everybody* comes home, unless they're colonizing. And I decide if they're colonizing before sending them out, not when they get stuck *Well, mostly everybody...
  22. I poked a little bit and I'm almost positive I used WiFi Analyzer for Android and I probably did so on my Droid 1 (physical keyboard, how I miss thee). Though anything on this page here should do the trick.
  23. This is the first thing I thought of, mostly because it happened to me. I ran some software on my computer that scanned all wifi bands and suggested which one I use. I set the router to that band and have never had a problem since. Sadly I have no idea what that software was named, as this was like 5+ years ago.
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